What is the most autistic thing you've done in a game?
mine would be cross dressing my character in Animal Crossing.
What is the most autistic thing you've done in a game?
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I killed my "wife" on The Sims because she cheated on me and I was actually pretty upset about it.
>being sjw
I did that as well.
I recall her speaking to some guy but I tried to give her the benefit of the doubt but alas the bitch burned.
I get physical pain (or at least my brain tells me it is) whenever I look at the minimap and there is stuff I haven't done yet. I literally cannot play FFXV because the things on the map refresh.
when I was a kid I kept repeatedly starting a new game in FFVII to see how high I could get Cloud's starting max HP
I think my conclusion was that he could have anywhere from 301-321
>stand behind female characters to pretend like my character is having sex with them from behind
>stand next to female character and pretend they're holding hands
>save the game and quit in that position so it's like they're really in a relationship that takes place even when the game is turned off
>in games like Pokemon, always go back to the same girl to save, like going home to my wife
>knife/grenade-only runs in Resident Evil 4
>play through the game ten times consecutively, to fill the attache case with free Broken Butterfly guns from the castle (one per run)
>play every single track in Project Diva f 2nd as Luka
>roleplay a crazy drug addict in Fallout 3, popping all kinds of Jet and Buffout before going on a killing spree
>knock off the heads and pick them up, putting them neatly in a pile
>spend literally hours at a time decorating my character's room, getting miscellaneous items like bottles standing upright on shelves, pencils arranged in tidy fashion and collecting stuff like Nuka Cola trucks
>play single-player Minecraft and set up all kinds of underground signs and shit that nobody will ever read
>"tee hee, if anyone ever looks here they'll get a nice surprise!"
>nobody will ever look there and I know that as I'm doing it
When I go fast in some games I start screaming
Apparently I am now autistic, done that too a fair bit
I collected books on Skyrim and organised them alphabetically on my bookshelf. It got to the point where I used to dread finding a new book, but I couldn't bring myself to leave it behind.
Please tell me this is all stuff you did as as kid
Playing Disgaea
I posted my frog meme on Sup Forums again.
I roleplayed as Ghost in New Vegas once
>behead bandits
>carry heads to nuka cola vending machine
>open the tiny glass hatch
>put in their heads one by one
You put me in freezer, I put you in freezer.
play video games for literally tens of thousands of hours, probably into 6 figures of hours now
Was probably around late teens to early twenties for most of that. That counts as a kid, right?
On runescape when I was in combat I would instigate the fight by clicking on my opponent from far away so I would run at them and hit them. I was convinced that the little run up and hit did more damage.
In any RPG when I am giving a quest like say "go kill 10 boars and bring me back their hides" if I already had the required items for the quest I would talk to the npc, and then run away until I was out of his view so he thought I had gone to do his quest. Then I would wait like 5 mins and return to him to complete the quest.
I did this every single time I had the items for a quest, I still do it from time to time.
fapping to the neversoft girls on the cruise ship level of THPS3
How about sum pokemon autism?
>only use male pokemon as a kid
>named a shiny Gyarados in leafgreen "RedGyrados"
>use the name "Red" or "Blue" in most every rpg I've ever played
But they give you the option so why not
I wrote several guides for Explorers of Sky
I always only used male Pokemon unless they looked particularly feminine.
And now I only catch female Pokemon, in balls that match their color so they pass it on when breeding. They even call it "balltism" on /vp/.
>realistic reaction
you did nothing wrong.
>playing any modern fallout
>load up on all the drugs I can, remove all my clothes and attack civilians
I spent hours doing this with my son in 4. Really satisfying.
Same user, I'll add balltism to the list. I use luxury balls ONLY now, it's an addiction
>And now I only catch female Pokemon, in balls that match their color so they pass it on when breeding
In sun/moon, you can pass the ball of male pokemon by making it breed with a ditto. It works with genderless pokemon too.
Shiny hunting in pokemon.
My friend gifted me Saints Row 3, I don't commit crimes in video games so I just drove around obeying traffic laws and buying fashionable outfits for a couple hours and uninstalled.
In Mount&Blade Warband: ACOK I had conquered a huge amount of land and wanted a Valyrian Steel sword, eventually I defeated Randyl Tarly and took Heartsbane from him, I instantly regretted doing something so dishonorable and I had autosave on so I deleted that save file.
In DarkRP I always keep +walk on and I keep my wallet below $2000 and live in the same apartment on every server, when I was younger I would make a new character whenever I died
Going with the 1st weapon you recieve in the game until the end if possiblee.
Unrelated but do you have the IP for a decent DarkRP server? Preferably one that isn't ran by children who let their donator friends get away with anything but instantly ban you for breathing the wrong way. I haven't played in years but I have an itch that needs scratching.
how do you make other factions into war? mine don't. it's fucking boring. I hate eternal peace
Decent DarkRP is dead.
In GM13 you had only PurifiedRP, ImpactedRP, and BridgeRP, which are all inactive.
BridgeRP will be back eventually though.
Custom map, very few rules, balanced mechanics, only 2 bans in history
i buy every Men of War game only to fuck about in the editor(I don't even make any actual missions)
When I was young I put 1000+ hours into pokemon channel
I have over 4500 hours on vanilla minecraft
I only stop on recent Pokemon games when I have caught everything and gotten the shiny charm.
>give all my Pokemon really autistic nicknames I thought were funny at the time
>few months later, load up my old save and cringe at myself
I still think Bill Oddish is funny though.
>Bill Oddish
I slightly smirked
i used to sit around on the 4th floor of the hub world in phantasy star universe in the hopes that someone would take the time to talk to me.
I did this for 600 hours.
probably this
Named my male XCOM characters after friends but the female ones after RWBY characters. For obvious reasons.
I'm glad, that was probably the only genuinely clever one I thought of.
The rest were a bunch of old memes like "ayy lmao le dank wed xd"
>tfw you have more shinies than most players have total pokemon
pretty autistic thanks for the honesty
Wrote detailed backstories for every squad member in XCOM 2.
The team leader was a sharpshooting mexican granny.
>strip female char
>grab her waist
>thrust it back into character
I used to hide random jewelry and gems into obscure, hidden parts of skyrim. Pretending that somebody might find them.
I shed one solitary tear when my favourite sniper died in XCOM, I uninstalled it afterwards and haven't played since.
when playing dead or alive 4 on the 360, me and a girl would align our avatars so it looked like we were holding hands.
I tried to look up Saria's shorts in OoT and fapped like mad.
I was like 10-11.
Kek I wanna play with you
Are you me?
If you call the police in GTA V, they will come, have a quick look, then drive away if nothing is going on.
I started following the cars and realized that sooner or later they actually turn their siren on and go to a real crime scene that's happening somewhere. It can be dodgy sometimes and the car will just drive around the same block over and over crashing in to shit until it stops working, then the officers will just run in circles on foot, but there have been plenty of times where I've been led to some really interesting gunfights and murders.
I've spent 400+ hours following cop cars.
>I don't commit crimes in video games
Just how sheltered are you user? Were you home-schooled or have some hardcore biblethrumpers for parents or something?
I only play games I can make cute traps in through character creation. Examples include Dragon's Dogma, Dark Souls, Dwarf Fortress, Oblivion, Kenshi, God Eater, and a couple others that I can't think of at the moment.
>I've spent 400+ hours following cop cars.
Jeez, your story wasn't even that autistic until that part. How can that be fun for any longer than like 10 hours?
Smashing breakables even though it doesn't drop loot.
The way I play every stealth game
>if I get detected I restart
>if I alert a guard I restart
>if I move or disturb anything in the environment I restart (unless I'm forced to by the game)
>taking out or killing anyone is failure (unless I'm forced to)
>Playing Prison Architect
>Decently large prison (~50 prisoners) that has mainly been centered on rehabilitation (lot's of programs, good food, etc.)
>Set schedule to 24 hours of showering
>Actually say out loud "I have some dirty prisoners. They need a bath."
>Watch them riot for a few minutes, then lock all the doors open
>Watch them tear apart my prison for a good 30 or 40 minutes
>Keep mumbling about dirty prisoners. Like a joke to myself for some reason
>Start putting down as many phycologists as possible for the prisoners to murder
>Delete save, reload earlier one
Some games have amazing potential for autism. There's also an invisible ceiling if you stack them as a tower, I've tried.
that's not autistic, I'm sure everybody still does that.
How does that have anything to do with autism?
I always crossdress with my animal crossing characters.
I never planned on spending that much time doing it, I'd just end up bored while playing and decide to see where the cops would take me, then it ended up being a "just one more" scenario and knowing that the next one might be the funniest/craziest one yet kept me going, because some of them have been extremely funny/crazy.
That part on MGS2 where you have an enemy uniform, I would equip the same gun as them and walk/patrol the area like I was really a guard.
The save had over 200 hours on that alone
I have to close every door behind me that I open, or else it will literally irritate me.
this reminds me of when I would kill pedestrians and then take crime scene photographs of their bodies in gta v
>tfw never found a single shiny in almost 20 years of playing pokémon
>mfw my 10 yr old brother finds a shiny the moment he gets his first set of pokeballs in his first pokemon game
What is life
Dwarf Fortress is not for sexual!
I do that a hell of a lot too, it's even better with the NPC spawner mod, you can create some cool scenarios.
Who here /spent more time peacefully driving around in GTA IV than actually playing missions or getting into trouble/?
Farming "perfect" off-shape blood gems in Bloodborne.
And by perfect I mean having 3 x ATK vs the kin down and 3 x stamina % up for PvP and PvE.
Try and stop me
>trying to drive around peacefully
>cars are constantly fucking honking their horn because you're not supposed to be in a lane waiting at a red light
>reverse your box truck into them and drive off just like a real hit and run
Did you play Corruption of Champions?
>tranquilize all npc's that have a disguise you can wear
>undress them all
>let them be woken up when you're satisfied with the amount
>watch them all walk around in their boxer shorts looking confused
>Bill Oddish
I Don't get it
is this autistic?
>their dicks get frostbite and amputated
>Twilight Princess
>spend way too much time staring at Illia
Well yeah, but this is Dwarf Fortress. Well, with the succubus mod installed.
Pokemon breeding. It's probably one of the most autistic thing you can do.
You're probably going to spend more time doing it than playing against others.
>only 34
I am aware.
I just was curious.
What's the locked achievement? Please tell me it's a limited time only one and you missed the window
It's an achievement that got unobtainable a few years ago
It was for rating a mod on the workshop. Never got it.
There is an English comedian named Bill Oddie
Oh well yeah I do.
And TiTs
And a few others.
Probably, that's quite a lot.
No, I went to a public school and played lots of violent video games and my parents didn't mind, I just developed empathy for AIs over time
I'm going to try this. GTA still impresses me.
I almost never play as the hero if I can help it. In open-world games I always roleplay as some random side character or something.
I'm afraid of hurting an NPC's feelings through dialogue.
Oh he's a comedian too? I'm English and I just knew him as a bird watcher?
spent 80% of my hours on jc2 just riding on top of civilian cars and recreating this scene on the jeeps that are chasing me