How's that gaming channel coming?
How's that gaming channel coming?
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it isn't
Too busy making SFM smut desu
They told me to collaborate with other you tubers to get more views. So I tried, and the cunt never followed through.
Never again
I'm doing better, trying for a lore on my channel via small animations.
it doesn't end at 2 minutes
Our most recent video..
I make shitty let's plays with my mom
I haven't had time to promote the videos lately, but I'm sticking to my schedule, not losing subscribers, and I have an idea for some non-let's play videos which I'm hoping will reel in some real views.
Get a real job, ya fucking losers.
i make shit
It's non-existent at the moment. I was trying to get some artwork done by a graphic designer and do some motion graphics but they're taking forever, further cementing my feelings of abandoning the idea of doing it in the first place
Oh look, more game grumps wannabe circle jerking.
im not clq you fucking moron. i was gonna reveal that later but fuck it.
I need to get some editing software just to fuck around with. In the meantime I just stream from time to time. I enjoy shooting the shit when somebody drops in chat, reminds me of my college days playing shit with my roommates.
If I try to get a real job in Trump's America, I'll probably get deported, even though I was born here and lived here my whole life.
I got to 50 followers last night and a really cool dude gave me $21 on my twitch channel yesterday
Smoking a cig and drinking some coffee and gonna stream again in a few minutes
There's nothing wrong with making videos as a hobby, user. Not everybody is sacrificing their future to chase the memedream.
How are things on Twitch? How does it work? I've never really looked at it...
he's tricking you. and it's easily provable hes not. search for his real voice on youtube then look at his MMR. i have never been 5k in my life.
I stopped a year ago. It's fun, I really enjoyed doing it, but it's quite a bit of work editing videos and posting regularly. Plus unless I posted here they weren't getting a lot of views. I never wanted to be the next youtube star but I think if I had a small consistent following I'd have been a lot more motivated to keep doing it.
Plus, uni and other shit got in the way.
>The Lion King for the SNES
I subbed out of nostalgia
I work full time now so it's hard. I started doing a lot of recordings and realized there likely is not any sort of market for how I play games.
I am really bad at faking overreactions and am generally not the excitable type. What I have found during editing is I talk about things in game and try and analyze, and often pause to look something up/write notes then come back to talk about it. I don't think there is any sort of audience for that kind of play.
I'm not super clever when it comes to comedy either. My only saving grace is having a fairly decently sounding voice.
Heck, I recorded game stuff, reviews, and table top RPG material. I don't know what to go with or even if I should.
Sup Forums tell me to kill myself, that should cheer me up
Pretty good. Crunching to get my videos done before the holidays. Working on The Last Guardian at the moment, it's basically Ico 2.
[Spoiler] might hit 7 mil subscribers before 2017 [/spoiler]
What are you guys even talking about?
I'm too much of a soft-spoken introvert to be a YouTuber.
terrible, achievement hunters stole my shit
Not that user, but it's incredibly simple to download OBS and get it going. A little more work need to be put into it to for the little stuff on your channel, but it's ez and bretty fun.
It's actually a pretty good way to get out of your shell.
i'm telling my stalkers to not be gullible retards
Too busy pranking people for subscriptions to delete my channel.
hi Sup Forums, full time youtuber here
ask me anything
sounds pretty bad desu senpai
Give my channel a shout out so I can stop living in poverty?
It's weird because I have no problem talking to teammates in online games, and I make friebds easily when I do talk to people.
good deal mate, glad to see you doing well enough.
How'd you build the following?
I work for a much bigger channel, but I got hired in and they started back at the beginnings of youtube, so they didnt have to do the same work people nowadays do
What do you do?
why did you block the most interesting part
>with my mom
The best.
What's your channel?
Yeah, while I like the idea of doing some side youtube stuff, streaming is a lot more entertaining for me. Way more interactive.
What's your estimated revenue
Do promote clickbait titles? As of late, everything in the (((trending))) tab is nothing but shitpost filled with clickbait. How do we fix this?
I'm not enough of a narcissistic faggot to think random people want to watch me play video games. So it isn't coming along.
Don't sell yourself short, you might be entertaining.
Right. I would love to do both but barely have the time to stream, let alone do that and also record and edit videos. Streaming is chill because you're pretty much just playing the same shit you would anyways, you just have the option of interaction with viewers.
>mfw almost 50 followers
it won't be.
You have to go back.
What games do you like to play user?
What the best FREE video editing software?
My Adobe Premiere just expired
Who are you? Are you StephenPlays? I know for a fact Stephen browses Sup Forums.
You don't have to be a narcissist. There's literally a popular version of every play-style, whether they're just shitty overall, moderately good, amazingly talented, if they just like to fuck around, trolling online, having funny commentary, analysis, over-reaction, under-reaction.
Literally all you need is a good production value, and some way to make people see your videos.
There is no "good" free software
Just pirate adobe premiere again
120k subs wouldn't even get you out of poverty
I kinda wanna do a youtube show like AVGN or Jontron, but I'm afraid of not being funny, and since the only thing I've played recently have been FFXIV don't k ow what to talk about.
I posted a video of me playing Hunniepop a while ago and you guys seemed to enjoy it but I feel like I'm better at streaming.
alright, trying to make shitty informative Diablo II videos.
Eh, i made a video of wr in a completely irrelevant category of a long forgotten game.
Otherwise it's just silence
Just about anything I'm currently playing as I work through my backlog. I have been streaming Dishonored 2 a bit, and Chivalry or Banished on the side. Probably going to start a new game soon though.
You'd be surprised how many people browse Sup Forums. If I told you who I work for you probably wouldnt even believe me.
he has no entertainment value and is jealous of people who do so he calls them "narcissist faggots"
What's your channel name? Also, how much do you make /mo.?
I'm the first user, the one who just got to 50 followers, but the thing is (especially if you're actually trying to build a channel) is it starts with YOU.
As long as you're doing shit that YOU enjoy, and you're having fun with, there will be someone else in the world who thinks it's kinda neat.
I started streaming Jet Grind Radio and I was the only person streaming it and I got quite a few people to come in chat and say "yoo hey! playing this game? fuckin sweet man!"
And also, there will be people who chat in your channel. There will be people in your chat who don't say a god damn thing. And neither of them are going to actually click "follow", but they're still watching, and that's all that matters.
now im curious
It's going pretty well! Got a Snowball Park cover coming before the end of the year.
My going price for an in-video promotion is no less than $1,000, so if you have that I'm down
Thanks mate
I used to make a bunch of shitty Let's Plays and shill them on Sup Forums. When I was around 3,000 - 4,000 I started making Smash Bros Wii U content, and my channel blew up from there.
I'm not even sure how to answer that desu. I would compare myself most closely to Dunkey, I suppose.
Sharing that is a violation of my networks contract
I'd rather not say, but I'm sure there are people in this thread who know exactly who I am
Typically from videos alone, anywhere from $2,000 - $3,000. That's not factoring in Patreon, paid promotions, etc.
I think there are varying levels of clickbait, but the general rule of thumb is that if it has nothing to do with the video itself, THAT is not okay
I need someone to explain this fucking meme to me
Oh, I'm not the guy who was inquiring about tips earlier.
I just stream whenever I have spare time, have bit over 300 followers
I just want to kill myself. But don't worry, I would first make a college shooting or something so that you guys can enjoy it.
Other shit:
Puting a lot of effort into the YTPs, hope once they are out that you enjoy them as much as I am enjoying them.
Another poop, but it isn't vidya.
70M views vs 9M, obviously not him
Who cares? If you're not funny the worst thing that'll happen is that people dont watch it.
Nice editing.
I'd agree with this sentiment. Just do you and have fun, you'll never make it if you're clearly just whoring for views. I love going into small streams but nothing makes me leave faster than the constant "hey if you like this you should give me a follow" or some shit.
Smosh Games
>gaming videos
hi weegee
Not actually saying what your channel is leads me to believe you're lying.
>How's that gaming channel coming?
just fine I'm doing long plays whenever I feel like it
Then who are you?! Stop being a JoshJepson-tier faggot and just say who you are.
Shit you sound really annoying.
Suggest some games for a depressed lorefag theater drop out working in IT piece of human garbage to lets play.
Yep same. I rarely thank people for following individually because I feel like it's whoring AND you're kinda blowing up the person's spot. If I notice a couple new follows though after a few hours, I'll let out a "oh hey thanks for following dudes. super cool of you." and then at the end of the stream, "if you feel like following, that's cool. if you don't, that's cool too. have a good night."
Looks like this user nailed it
Do the Suikoden series.
Same, I'll say hey and thank somebody if they drop a follow but I never ask them too. I don't do this shit with delusions of grandeur, I'm lucky to get a viewer a stream that isn't an IRL friend anyways, so it's just for fun.
Started making videos again for a little while, but I've been busy lately so I stopped again for a little while.
Do you work for Miyamoto's anti leak Yakuza ninjas?
Nah. If only. Just Smosh Games.
what kind of faggot do you have to be to charge for promotions
fuck you
cool idea
im stealing it too
Not him, but the kind of faggot that wants to be a youtuber for a living.
Unless you're already Pewdiepie, you have to take the dosh where you can get it
Looks neat. I'll see if I can emulate it.
theres this one guy that keeps commenting on my videos that he wants to smell my feet, then deletes his comment 5 minutes later
>Highest watched video on my channel was some kpop garbage I reuploaded in '08
you can't be the real smegmaking
He posts screencaps of his own tweets here all the time, of course it's him.
I met a girl who wants me to co-host a gaming channel. Any tips?
damn dude
and they're a bunch of fucking fags, too. that sucks.