Divinity: Original Sin $15

>Divinity: Original Sin $15
>Disgaea 5 $30 and the Season Pass is $14
>Crypt of the NecroDancer $5
>EDF 4.1 $15

Why haven't you bought any of these games yet?

Life's too short to play Disgaea. Is 5 any good? I enjoyed 1 and 2, never played 3 and 4 was shit.

>Why haven't you bought any of these games yet?

why the fuck should i get them?

5's the best one so far

There won't even be a Vita version down the line because the Vita wouldn't be able to handle it

I pirated EDF on PC, got the plat in disgaea and I'm not really interested in the other 2.

5 is probably the next best installment after 2, imo. The characters are all likable, but the story is pretty weak. Attacks are all over the top, item world feels rewarding, etc.

>Pirating EDF

You stupid piece of shit, you're the reason we haven't had a PC EDF getting attention and the reason the next one is back to PS4 exclusive, fuck you.

>Pirated EDF

No. I wouldn't have bought it even if it was a PS4 exclusive.

Then you're just a leeching piece of shit. If you weren't going to buy it then you shouldn't pirate it either, cunt.