Just started pic related, what am I in for?

Just started pic related, what am I in for?

A whole lot of nothing until the game actually begins.

Tons of exposition. Like, 10s of hours.

But the game play and light hearted adventure story makes it very worthwhile

the greatest adventure of all nigger-raping faggot-fucking time

its just a long and a pretty slow game with lots of reading
remember to change party tactics to an auto feature because you're not gonna want to manual tell them what to do every battle
but it is a rewarding and comfy game

God tier localisation. One of the only jrpgs with level design. Whimsical fun.

>God tier localisation
I can't even read have of the shit people are saying. The only good thing the localization did was change the music. The orchestra music was ripped from a live concert and wasn't made with the game in mind, so there are some serious looping problems.

Should I play 7 or 8 for my first dragon quest game when I get around to it? Im on 3ds

The one that is already localized

7 and then 8. 8 was a little better so it'll feel more fluid going from 7 to 8 rather than the reverse.