Is it cool to hate everything that normal people enjoy on this board?
The amount of negativity is insane, I can taste the bitterness through the screen. Do you guys actually enjoy ANYTHING??
Is it cool to hate everything that normal people enjoy on this board?
The amount of negativity is insane, I can taste the bitterness through the screen. Do you guys actually enjoy ANYTHING??
>Do you guys actually enjoy ANYTHING??
Yes, I enjoy smashing your mom's pussy every night.
but you're a virgin.
Being anonymous talking about your favorite hobby is polarizing.
People here aren't THAT negative about shit, but they talk more shit and praise the stuff they like, more. If we were talking about, say, pizza, the opinions would be diverse and there would be an interesting conversation.
Let me illustrate this by saying: Spicy pizza is a must. I don't care how you get there; hot sauce, hot peppers, sriracha - it needs to have a little kick. I really enjoy that cheap vinegary hot sauce on pizza.
I loved Undertale. Not really a game that I'd replay more than twice a year because it's plot heavy, but I loved it. Also Sup Forums is not one entity.
goddamn that is an icy pepe
I enjoy drinking chocolate milk.
Your mom would disagree.
Being contrarian is cool and makes other anons think you're cool
Wrong place.
Yes, one look at you and she would correct me to "virgin for life" instead.
Liking things is just something edgy teens can't let themselves do.
2016 has just been a really shit year for me. Not about games, but life in general. I'm bitter and sad yeah, I'll admit it.
>dude how can you not like what i like what the fuck why don't you all agree with me
fucking baby ass retard
I admire how you're trying to miss the substance of the post.
I knew some retards would do this, and before you try I am going to make it harder for you reply to this and tell you that I know you're going to say something along the lines of "what substance". Faggots.
>most of the popular music is bad
>criticizing it is acceptable
>most of the popular movies are bad
>criticizing them is acceptable
>most of the popular video games are bad
>any attempt at criticizing it will be met with LMAO AUTIST CAN'T YOU ENJOY ANYTHING STOP BEING SO NEGATIVE
made me think
>dude stop hating what I like
go to reddit or tumblr if you want a circlejerk
>falling for all the may-mays
Makes sense.
Same here, but I have found ways to cope with it.
You got it all wrong, this board seems to dislike anything with any sort of mainstream attention. If not, its a 60/40 split in favour for hated...something like that. Nothing about me being upset that someone here does not like it here.
""""""""""""""critique"""""""""""" constructive criticism does not exist here.
Don't act like you don't enjoy reddit
Popular games will always get shit on Sup Forums
If you want an actual discussion without shitposting of those games, go to leddit
If you want disucussion of hidden gem/niche genre that doesnt appeal to wider audience and underage, go here
its just the newfags of neo Sup Forums. ignore them. they dont realize being abnormal makes them subhuman degenerates in need of prompt purging.
Thats a good looking 'za
>""""""""""""""critique"""""""""""" constructive criticism does not exist here.
but it does
just check this overwatch thread even without the "constructive" criticism, saying that a game is shit doesn't mean being negative
of course she would deny it in front of you
Your mom is not slutty enough yet to have sex in front of you and make fun of your virginity while I give you a little sister by impregnating her but after a few more rounds of my cock she will be willing to do that
>Don't act like you don't enjoy reddit
So OP is a plebbitor who got upset that someone insulted his favorite video game?
Makes sense.
Go back to your containment shithole of a website, retard.
That does make allot of sense.
I will, and simply saying its trash is negativity.
Like I said, don't act like you don't enjoy reddit you complete edgelord.
>Do you guys actually enjoy ANYTHING??
Those games that you don't like but pretend to accept for karma points ;^)
>Those games that you don't like but pretend to accept for karma points ;^)
Why would I care about pointless points.
hnnn... nnnnnggggh...
FFFFF- GURGLGRUURbuburubruburblebubrbur-PLOP-PLOP-PLOP-PLOP... PLOP...
nngghhhhh... ngAAahh!!!...
nnhhHNNGGGGHH- THTHHRRRPRPTPHHHFFTTTgurgurburubrburburblebublburbububr- plip-plip drip...drip...
uhh.. Yaagh! jesus... ngggh...
hhh.... hhh....
hhhuuuuhhh... fuck....
a crown fitting for OP...
>"w-why are you saying so many bad things waaaah"
>gets blown the fuck out and exposed as redditor
very nice
sage desu
>hey a thread about a game i really like
>oh shit everybody is saying bad things about it
>well i wouldn't want to be accused of being a shill for defending it, but i also have an overwhelming urge to post in this thread so...
Anybody else here hate "anti-shill" posters who literally try to derail any conversation for a game the thread they are posting in is about?
I get you don't like the game, but chill.
I hope this is pasta you utter embarrassment.What do you think your high school crush would think of you if they saw you do this?
Yes, it's like the fucker that keeps posting "Hitman AI still not fixed.webm" which shows 47 strangling a model on the catwalk then walking away seemingly unnoticed, but another user recreated the webm and actually looked behind him and showed all the alerted guards that were running to 47's location that the anti-shill didn't want people to see. He also turned all the HUD off so people wouldn't see "BODY FOUND", "CRIME NOTICED" etc etc flashing up on the screen. I don't understand why people go so far out of their way in their free time to try to show a game in a bad light.
Truly the nature of whats going on here, sad.
nu-Sup Forums pls go
Laugh at the joke and call you the shitty king
>website for mostly outcasts of society
>"why do you hate what normal people like"
Fuck off
>io shills in this thread
lmao, will you fucks get over the fact you aren't getting your bonus because of shit sales
>4 year old game that's been on sale a million and one times compared with a new game that doesn't even have a physical release yet and the first season JUST ended
Who's paying you?
I enjoy shitting on everything and everyone on an anonymous origami forum
>everyone who talks about vidya instead of shitposting is a shill
>h-haha yeah hitman is a smash hit guys!
>d-denuvo is doing great, i-ignore the fact devs are removing it because it's causing low sales haha
>s-smash shit people love our always online features haha
>d-dont look at the numbers
How much are YOU paid?
i've lost count of how many $1 bundles absolution has been thrown in to, this comparison is truly retarded
About time you sh*t
Your favourite pizza is shit and I hope you die
Please show me where I said any of those things.
The part where you try to defend a game that was an obvious flop.
How do you feel about spicy pineapple?
I hope you "slip and fall on a pineapple" and have to have a very embarrassing time in the ER while they xray your pelvis
This is why I come here.
It's hard to enjoy video games when everything is or has
>some sort of political agenda
>lacking content from previous games / on disc dlcs
>fun takes a back seat for profits
Dishonored 2 only sold 100k more copies than Hitman
>political agenda
lol stop playing RPGs