

I hear it.

Is this the comfiest bonfire in the series?

Nervous as fug the first time getting there.

why did dark souls 1 have to be the only good ds game?

Demon's Souls was good, as was Bloodborne.

wasn't good

haven't played demon souls yet

First one after you escape the asylum is

Bloodborne was a great game but I had a hard time getting over some of the design choices.

I know DaS2 was an objectively worse game but I still ended up playing it more than BB.

So this is where everyone quits when they get the itch to replay Dark Souls right?
Game really doesn't hold up after all these years.

>replay dark souls a few times a year running through it
>introduced some friends to it this week
>everyone is playing through coop and solo saves, doing PvP regularly
I think it's just ADD or something, the game is fun all the way through sans the bed of chaos, and that's just one fight

how can DS1 be good when it has Sen's fortress??


Mmmm. Interconnected level design!

fuck off, Sen's fortress is awful level design

Dark Souls is the only game that I enjoy replaying at all.

>So this is where everyone quits when they get the itch to replay Dark Souls right?

Sadly, yes. I actually have three different save files, each of which are either here or at Anor Londo, and can be buggered to play past there. The initial part of the game is beautiful and allows tons of creativity, but then the game funnels you into a specific way of going through it and makes you go through longs sections of nothing, which sucks out most of the joy.

describe how, using real words from the english language








just because you suck at platforming doesnt mean it's bad platforming

>tfw Fromsoft actually was retarded enough to remove the option of leveling up at bonfires
This shit killed the series for me.

Fuck off back to >>>/reddit/

nigga the game itself sucks at platforming

While using "has" would probably improve that sentence "is" is perfectly acceptable there.

>b-buh but muh level up waifus!!!

>That one retard who doesn't use DSfix
Why are you that guy OP?

Im that retard that plays on PS3

I always make the jumps in Souls games. The platforming feels awful mainly because there's almost a half second delay between pressing the jump and it actually occurring.

fucking soulsdrones

>level up waifus

neck yourself fromsoft apologist

Can someone remind me what the button mapping for jump was in 1 because I recall it somehow being even worse than the already bad mapping in 2


My playtimes go 1 > 3 > BB > 2

Never played Demon's.

Holding down the roll button to sprint, then tapping it again

thats why i killed him the moment i met him
annoying shit

What platforming in Sen's? I don't remember ever having to jump. Unless you were going for the sniper crossbow.

The best part is that it never even tells you about this, you have to accidentally discover it for yourself.


shut up fag

O on ps3
B on xbox 360
spacebar on pc if using a keyboard

Each of those is a run button. You have to start running and then tap the button to execute a jump.

Really? Wasn't there one of those tutorial texts in Firelink Shrine about it?

Did anyone else decide to put the blind giant out of his misery?

I don't recall ever having an issue with jumping in DaS1. I much preferred it's method to pressing in the analog stick, that's for sure.

Same. Playing through Dark Souls for the first time was magical.

then switch it back in the options dummy

Why was DaS2 so long? Shit felt like it overstayed it's welcome twice over with how much content there is if you want to do everything.

I have no idea.

Bloodborne had it right. Make a good 40% of your content fuckin' optional.

he isn't in any pain. He is at peace and is humble

Close, but the one behind the secret wall in Darkroot is the comfiest IMO.

Don't get yourself killed.
Neither of us want to see you go Hollow.

Oh god, I love DS1 so much, when they announced that they would have bonfire warping from the start in DS3 it broke my heart.

I love the world design so much pre lord-vessel, and it kills me that there's nothing like it in any of the other games

I also love the level of enemy/boss hp too, which sounds weird, I know, but no boss battle ever feels tedious like in the other games, it's not always just dodge fifty attacks in a row, stick him once, repeat for the next hour and I like that.

Dark Souls 2 being like
Kind of disgusts me
Fume Knight in DS2 is the fucking epitome of this too

I have mixed feelings about Manus though, possibly because he was the only case of this in DS1 and was done tastefully, and possibly I'm biased in this case.

Also, Red tearstone ring and power within is cool as fuck, you can one shot just about anything if you know what you're doing, but it'll take many, many runs to learn exactly what you're doing, it'll take several hours of preparation for a boss that would usually need none, you'll die in one hit and you only have around 10 seconds to live, out of all your options to kill a boss it's surprisingly balanced for something that wasn't supposed to be balanced.

I really like hypermode because it makes it feel like the sky is really the limit in the game, your max damage you're capable of doing is literally all of almost every bosses hp, but it takes a lot of work to learn how to do.

No. I've gone through this any number of times with people, no, there is no tutorial message telling you this whatsoever. Only people who played DS2 or looked up stuff on the net would know about long jumping beforehand, anything else is your memory playing tricks on you.

DS2 DLC health pools seem giant when you don't know how to really pump damage with infusion/enchantment stacking.

I hated how Dark Souls II encouraged the vitality stacking. The game felt like a shitty, generic JRPG.

Every Souls game encourages pumping health.

>it's not always just dodge fifty attacks in a row, stick him once, repeat for the next hour and I like that.
that's literally the first phase of fatty&beanpole

Once you do that, some of the HP pools are still too large, some of them become WAY too small and most boss fights become trashy DPS rushes.
Not everything needed to be 4kings because it wasn't a great boss.

Endurance and offensive stats are far more useful in Dark Souls 1.

The blood vial system and the abysmal PVP pretty much killed bloodborne for me. Fun as all hell first time through but not much point playing again.

>blood vial system
This, it was like grass you couldn't stack or like estus you had to grind for. It combined the worst qualities of healing items in Souls games.

Not really, just pump health, use a quick weapon and fuck everything up.

I suppose it's more that pumping END over health was viable too, but whenever you invaded someone who opted for that you just fucked them up.

Outside of Ancient Dragon and the DLC co-op gauntlets it all seemed alright, man. At least as far as aRPGs get.

But then you play Two Worlds or The Witcher or Dragon's Dogma and suddenly the pacing of Dark Souls and its ilk seem so much better.

Arpgs just have a lot of room for growth I guess.

Blood vials healing 40%, combined with the insane pumped health, combined with the insane i-frames and ARs and such, s'okay.

But that PvP, yeah. DS3s' too. DaS2's soul system inherently kicking you out of the system over time wasn't all that great. Then you have DaS1 adding terrible covenants that don't fucking work.

They've been taking steps backwards since Demon's Souls in that department.

If I had a dollar for every afk person I've killed in Nightmare of Mensis I'd still feel bad.

>next to a forest full of backstabbing cunts and mushroom Chads
>next to a ledge and a valley of DEATH
>not protected at all from those leafy rape trees


True, but the difficulty of Mario and Luigi comes from the fact that there's two of them and can position themselves in such a way that you're just about guaranteed to get fucked if you're not careful

You see the problem with having to dodge a flurry off attacks, hit him once and repeat is that it's repetitive and done ad-nauseum, Fume Knight just about didn't feel like combat at all, it felt like playing a rhythm game at that point.

>Not really, just pump health, use a quick weapon and fuck everything up.
Right, a DPS rush.

I agree that bonfire warping from the start was a mistake

but I do think it's bullshit that like half of the bonfires are not able to warped to in DS1, it's unnecessary and annoying

is naming my chosen undead Subaru a Kirito-tier nickname?

It's a fucking car model, I'd just think you had terrible taste in vehicles for naming your character after your Ford Sudan tier starter wheels.

Hmm. Okay seems I remembered wrong

It is, but it fits with how death works in the game.

>Replay DS1
>Get to O&S
>Beat them
>Uninstall the game

Why did the second half have to suck, anons?

*bang* *bang* *bang* *bang* *bang* *bang* *bang* *bang* *ping*

That's fair.

Either they shouldn't have introduced it and spent the time finishing the game
They should have added all the bonfires to the warp list
Or they should have added less bonfires, focusing on only the purely necessary ones to keep walking almost as important as before.

I don't disagree at all though.
Overall it was a kind of rushed decision and it shows.


Duke's archives was pretty cool

There is so much shit from DS1 that future games in the series have taken out to make it be more like DeS I legitimately believe DS1 was a fluke.

Tomb is a hard and frustrating but I think the design of it is neat, good area. Just a tad short sadly.

Duke's Archives is great in my opinion (though Crystal Caves suck obviously)

New Londo and DemonRuins/Izalith are irredeemable garbage though

I liked New Londo's and Demon Ruins/Izalith's looks. Shame the enemies and overall feeling of those areas were such trash

>Izalith's looks
Just fuck up my eyes famalam.

>first ds was ds3
>finish it
>start with ds1
>it's a fucking joke
>enemies literally move and attack in slow motion

Wasn't ds1 supposed to be better?

>le sharp bamboozle hook

I always mute the sound when I go near Andre. They could at least have had some more varied sounds.