>that display
>that display
I have seen a picture of this screen and thus I know the quality of the screen because that's how it works
Under intense studio lights too!
Nintendrons are so fast at defending.
Not even soniqqer can reach that level
It's smart that it's an LCD screen. Less input lag and doesn't degrade overtime. Literally the best decision for a screen which can't be upgraded tbqh
>tfw you can't take the Switch seriously because of memes
Yeah :D nintendo can do no wrong!
The thought of the black guy sleeping though the plane crash is stupidly funny.
What's it like being underage?
Does Sony pay people to shitpost about Nintendo all day? I refuse to believe people would willingly do this for free.
It's always okay when Nintendo does it
>taking the switch seriously
You tell me, kid.
Never underestimate the power of autism. Sony does pay for shills though.
it really is it seems.
So if i play in a buys or train, the one next to me won't be able to see what am i doing?
If Sup Forums hate it and can came up with 200 reasons why it will fail, maybe it will actually do great? Because FFXV, Undertale, Skyrim and Witcher were actually sold like hot cakes.
Going from my beautiful 1st gen OLED Vita screen to a cheap TN panel in Switch is going to hurt. Even more so, since it's 720p in fucking 2017.
Why are game controllers and buttons getting so fucking puny. I thought the xbone was tiny,this is crazy though.
>Sony does pay for shills though.
It's called neogaf.
FF failed
Those are the autists I mentioned.
le bright studio lights meme post
>Not even soniqqer can reach that level
yet sonyggers make this thread every fucking day to defend their nogames console
We're getting another tn/ips lottery shitshow aren't we?
Has your autism gotten worse?
Is this board ever capable of discussing consoles without it devolving into flame war shit?
What the fuck is wrong with this place? Is it like 90% 12 year olds?
The why they literally ignore everything
Fucking hell why are sonyfags so damn stupid
Hey fellow redditor, looks like you have gotten lost, may I suggest /r/games for up to date news about all your faVORIte games!!!
FFXV sold over 5 million copies.
That's not being a failure
>"b-but i and a hand full of other people didn't like it because Sup Forums told me it was shit"
That's not the game failing that's you being desperately retarded.
Epic post ^_^
>flame war
someone posted this video of cinemassacre shitting on the ps4 pro and calling it a waste of money. i believe mike called it a straight "flop." i can only imagine the amount of butthurt and shit flinging going on in that thread.
The new janitors aren't doing their jobs.
>over 5 million copies.
>bright studio light overhead
>matte screene that doesn't show reflection
>Shown with an actual camera live in a studio
Wow, it's almost as if the game is running on the actual screen itself and wasn't digitally super imposed
It's happening alright.
It shipped 5 million copies, not sold
SE has to buy back any unsold stock.
>smartphones have beautiful AMOLED screens
>the latest and greatest tech from nintendo, in partnership with nvidia, has a shit-tier mid 2000's TN panel screen
Handhelds are cheap shit for kids. If developers actually cared there would be one with a non reflective matte screen by this point.
Was shitposting part of your plan?
>expecting Nintendo to give you the console's worth in hardware after the DS, 3DS, Wii, and Wii U
Just be glad it doesn't have any hinges that are guaranteed to shatter after repeated use
If it cost between 250-300 euro (between $264-316), i won't be able to resist to this.
Only high end phones have that. In Switch's estimated price range, the best you're getting is IPS
Wait you're saying that the screen looks bad if I look at it from the side? Oh fuck this is unplayable! How am I supposed to play it? Looking at it from the front?
Wow Nintendo. Just wow.
Smartphones also cost upwards of $400
Do none of you have TV's?
We all know nobody on Sup Forums goes outside unless they have to. This is a non-issue
>I think the point is that these people are supposed to be representative of the majority of gamers, not as in tune or tech savvy as NeoGAF.
I put my screen right next to a light bulb and now have this giant glare happening....woooooooooooow fix this.
AMOLED have shit input delay and have eventual screen burn in. Nintendo literally did the best for us gamers using a TN panel.
You've got to ask yourself what the difference between the two is
The Switch will have games
Take your $0.03 in sony store credit and fuck off.
Anyone else not care about what screen is used
>nobody will ever put effort into handheld hardware again after the Vita disaster
B-But muh blacks!
I've just shone a 20,000 lumen torch on an IPS monitor, AMVA monitor, OLED monitor and a TN panel monitor
guess what the TN panel was the only one that couldn't see in light even OLED was visible
We should be praising them for using matte screens. I'm sick of the glossy trash companies always use on laptops and shit because people think it looks more premium or some shit. Matte won't have retarded reflections and glare on it.
Funny, since the Vita's library is arguably better than 3DS' and it's still getting new games. Enjoy your Wii U ports, kid.
I hope you're not serious.
>nintendo shits out another "innovative" console that bombs, has no third party support, and caters only to the same generic games they had in the past 4 consoles that nobody but the diehard fans of nintendo have bought
there's retarded glare right there in front of you
>the Vita's library is arguably better than 3DS'
im kind of worried,
but being grabbed by the balls by the fact of switch being the successor of 3ds, just set me in the "cant give a fuck about the screen" train.
How's being a kid manchild faggot working for you?
Don't act like everything but the Wii U wasn't innovative. Even the Wii was technically innovative, just not in a good way.
Good. I don't want the person sitting next to me on the bus to see what weeb game I'm playing.
>weebshit shovelware paradise
>better than Ngage.
Pick one.
That's a whole lotta buzzwords you used butthurt boy.
Sup Forums is scared that the Switch will be successful. I've actually never seen Sup Forums try this hard to discredit anything, ever.
Are you also German? ^^
Which are still less luminecent than the fucking sun, outdoors. You know, where this thing is being advertise to be played in?
>im every woman´s little brother, in an incestual relationship, if you catch my drift.
I think you mean the Neogaf refugees are worried.
3DS is literally the exact same thing plus Zelda
The days of DS innovation and creative IPs died with that console
>Sup Forums is scared that the Switch will be successful.
No, the sony cheap chink labour that spends all day shitposting ads for sony consoles and claiming the ps4 pro can do 4k and is better than pc gaming through some mental gymnastics
I'll be happy just to not have the Wii U's horrendous input delay
3 words.
3DS wasn't innovative, and dual screens sucked and still aren't used well to this day
Most games never use both at once and anything that does could've fit on a single higher resolution screen
How dense and factless are these hired shitposters? eurogamer.net
neo/v/ an army of chink shills.
Fuck I hope Switch makes PS4 look like even more of a pile of shit. I actually feel kinda bad for the retards who actually spent money on the "Pro".
>Play literally any VC game
>Precision jumps are impossible
>"You're just making it up, works fine on my PC, it's your TV bro"
Samsung budget phones already come with IPS and a small increase will get their second tier cheap phones that already have OLED screens
Middle of the road phones have 1080p ips or OLED on 5in screens
The fucking Vita had a OLED screen and didnt cost an arm and a leg
>no argument
Like I thought
>have had Galaxy S4 for 4 years now
>absolutely no trace of burnins
You don't know what you are talking about
>I don't have this problem so no one does
Consider suicide, you fat virgin unemployed fuck. How many people would mourne if you died? 2? And for how long? People would forget about you within 1 week. You waste of resources. I feel sorry for your parents. Think about your life decisions for 5 minutes before you post again.
I'll give you the input delay, but burnins aren't that common. My brother and a few people in my class have had their galaxy phones for a while and no burnins
Consider suicide, you fat virgin unemployed fuck. How many people would mourne if you died? 2? And for how long? People would forget about you within 1 week. You waste of resources. I feel sorry for your parents. Think about your life decisions for 5 minutes before you post again.
weak pasta
>no support other than Weebshit shovelware games.
i rest my case.
Has a poster ever been so dick-lickingly willing to spurt up rudimentary shitposting from his ragged damaged mouthhole for nothing but the emotional reactions & ensuing default-mode appreciation of the welfare-slave mods & mal-educated Sup Forumstard hordes?
Try like 3, faggot.
its really easy to give importance to your point, when you omit all the valid arguments.
>implying im taking off its dock.
Full of sensitive nintendrones
Sup Forums is the worst place for scrounging and grasping onto anything they can to either support a system or try to tear it down. Its honestly pathetic. Switch will be fine, far from fantastic, and will be more successful than the Wii U simply for the marketing and not using such a stupid fuckin name. It wont be stronger than the ps4, or the Xbone, because Nintendo's graphics are always .5 generations behind, so it will probably be on par or slightly below a ps4. Unless they finally got their shit together, but come on. its Nintendo. Probably my favorite developers but even I know they are fuckin retarded with nearly everything they do. All nintendo has left going for them is their core classic games and mascots, which are just being remade over and over.
But yeah i'll buy a switch because i'm not a broke faggot, and spend my money on stupid shit on a daily basis, so whats 300 or however many dollaroo's for system that could provide a couple hundred or maybe even a thousand hours of fun, compared to my ps4, with maybe 100 hours max, on non exclusives that run better on my PC.
I'm optimistic, not that it will be an amazing system, but it will be less disappointing than I think. And thats okay with me.