>Your dad decides to go balls deep instead of just the tip
>You're never born, but your brother is
>This is the alternate dimension you enter when being summoned as a Phantom in Dark Souls because everything else in the world is the same
>Your dad decides to go balls deep instead of just the tip
>You're never born, but your brother is
>This is the alternate dimension you enter when being summoned as a Phantom in Dark Souls because everything else in the world is the same
wait whut
Fail... my dad would never go just the tip
OP assumes i'm not still waiting to be summoned by said alternate dimensional cum brother because of my shitty internet connection
not this shit again
So if I'm a Red Phantom, does that mean my mom was on the rag?
No, that's Bloodborne.
my dad has only one move, OP, and its the one where he never comes back home
user, are you stupid or something?
semen is semen, a drop, a cup, a bucket...makes no difference. The degree is arbitrary. The definition's blurred. If I'm to choose between one semen or another, I'd rather not choose at all.
Nice pasta Geralt
What am I reading? Why do you think going balls deep makes your conception LESS likely?
Is this supposed to be one of them newfangled attempts at making pasta that the kids are into these days?
Butterfly effect. Different moves, different sperm reaches the egg, user.
I wanna meet that dad
semen demon
How about this, you shut your mouth or I'll kick your teeth down your throat and I'll shut it for you.