Friendly reminder that Super Mario 3D World is a good 3D Mario game

Friendly reminder that Super Mario 3D World is a good 3D Mario game.

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I know, you don't have to remind me of that.

wtf is that thing

A goomba furry

>3D mario game
>cameras pointed over top, isometric, or straight up from the side ala 2D 90% of the game

Let me guess, sonic colors is a 3D sonic game to you to

Super Mario 3D Maker when?

Sounds like Mario 64.

I know, it's my favorite 3D Mario game

>Sonic fan has bad taste
Explains a lot.

Thanks but I never forgot that.

I wanna touch a cat goomba's paw pad.

The camera is behind you the wholke time in 64

"3D" is in the title of the game, user, it's clearly 3D.

Which is not to the the game's benefit in all scenarios

I'd still prefer a game more like Mario 64 for a 3d mario game.

You're dumb.


but I already knew that

Just because the camera's on the side doesn't make it 2D idiot.

>goal at the end of level is flagpole instead of star

>Finally make a game with level design instead of stupid gimmicks every level
>And they waste it on 3D Land garbage

Bowser levels explicitly say otherwise.

Also, the camera stays angled pretty much every time you're not swimming or flying.

Like 40% of Galaxy 2 levels are 2D.

Let me get this straight, because of a fucking camera, you believe that it's actually 2D. You think it's the equivalent of this.

I can't tell if you've lost your grip on reality or you're just memeing.

It is crazy.

Just wait until Mario Switch comes out
they'll call it shit and praise 3D World as a hidden gem

The 3D is in the name because they were made for the 3DS

Ill go back to Super Mario World
Ill go back to Sunshine

Ill probably never go back to 3D world though, exploration is a big deal for me.

that's how Sup Forums's mentality works
they have to try as hard as they can to make up excuses to why everything new sucks

Last couple worlds aside, it's pretty easy, but very enjoyable overall. Great soundtrack too.

>le cycle meme

It's because people shit on idiots with shit taste.
Idiots try to validate their taste.
People lose interest because it's been established stuff is shit.
Idiots keep talking how stuff is not shit.
People don't care at all since there is new shit and new idiots to call out

>Last couple worlds

I think you meant "last level"

>being this desperate to put down other's personal opinion and claim yours the objective truth
seek help, that's severe autism you got there