>you can play 1993 DOOM in 2016 DOOM with 2016 weapons and gameplay
>it sucks compared to 2016 DOOM
>Sup Forums still sat 1993 DOOM is better than 2016 DOOM
why is this allowed?
>you can play 1993 DOOM in 2016 DOOM with 2016 weapons and gameplay
>it sucks compared to 2016 DOOM
>Sup Forums still sat 1993 DOOM is better than 2016 DOOM
why is this allowed?
Other urls found in this thread:
1993 DOOM is better than 2016 DOOM you fucking retard. God, get the fuck off Sup Forums and go back to neogaf
>it sucks compared to 2016 DOOM
The original is superior to the the new one on a fundamental level, So no.
ZDaemon forever
Maybe if you play on a fucking console, and don't have access to KB+M
> You can play 2016 DOOM in 1993 DOOM with 2016 weapons and gameplay
> It's faster and more original than 2016 DOOM with far better level design to boot
> And it's free
>fags arguing about which is better
>when they're both great games with plenty of strengths and few weaknesses
Just kill the demons, you fags.
Sup Forums is that fat kid you were sort of friends with in middle-school who had really stupid opinions and zero self-awareness about how fucking stupid and obnoxious he is
and who also stole some magic cards from you, but you don't know it was him for sure, but you know he fucking did it because he's a fatass lying piece of shit
No it's just a shit game
go back to where you came from
>No it's just a shit game
No, its not.
Fuck I also love Doom 3 vanilla.
So charming engine and textures.
Them lights and shadows.
That fucking sound.
That deliberate gameplay frustration and weird guns to add to the spookiness.
That tight spaced level design, you really feel like being in a lab on Mars.
So good.
Lmao the devs bytfo
>tfw a zombie silently sneaks up on you
>still sat
did you mean to spell "thought"?
I'm pretty sure Sup Forums dropped the "DOOM 2016 sucks" mantra after denuvo was cracked
The game is legitimately good
I jump everytime. I make sure to play it in the dark with headphones. Those footsteps are nuts.
>hmmm user thought to himself, how do I convince doom fans the new game is good?
>I know!
>your favourite game is shit and the new one is better!
Played classic for the first time this week and it's a lot more fun
Also somehow the art direction is better
I'm thinking "said"
unless you think OP is 7 years old?
DOOM 2016 has a shitty shotgun that can't kill demons across a room so it's inferior by default
>I have to go all the way back to 199-fucking3 to find a game that makes the new Doom look bad
>I am so utterly lacking in self-awareness I don't see the irony in this AT ALL
Doom II > Doom > DOOM 2016 > Doom 3 BFG > Doom 64 > Doom 3 > Brutal Doom > Final Doom
I just finished playing through it the other day, first time as well.
I feel like classic Doom has better level design and some of its weapons are better executed. But overall I felt that nuDOOM was the better game.
But that's just my opinion. I had a ton of fun with both games, and I look forward to playing Doom II very soon.
You fuckd up with that BFG bullshit. Also play some Brutal Doom 64 already pleb!
When you think about it, D4D is a mod based on DOOM 2016 which is (practically) based on Brutal Doom which is based on the Doom comic which is based on Doom. So really it's all the same damn thing.
best game ever desu
nostalgia fags are the worst
>post millennial doom internet defence force
I feel like old games were about level exploration, good level design, and finding secrets that helped you. When they try to remake old games they tend to focus on the action.
I've never played DOOM, but that's how this remake seems. The Tomb Raider reboot does the same shit. Tomb Raider was about the tombs, not the combat.
that's a cool picture
That vanilla shotgun is irredeemable though
Maybe we'll get our ass to earth, that would be nice
I've downloaded the mod and started playing and while I'm having a great time, I'm hoping you could just tell me how to perform glory kills. I can see that enemies enter some sort of animation state after taking so much damage but I don't know how to take advantage (or even if I can do anything).
no one should be allowed to any computer game before 2000
>sequel comes out
>terrible prequel is suddenly good
Revenants were never ment to be this cute
where does hdoom fit in?
>You can play 2016 DOOM in 1993 Doom with 2016 weapons and gameplay
>its amazing
Well, I guess we know what the superior engine is, D44M shitters BTFO forever.
>Final Doom is bad meme
If you have not beaten Plutonia on UV you are not truly a man.
>Man, I'm in the mood for some action. Guess I'll run through DOOM again, that was fun as fuck
>Oh, it needs an update. Alright
>13 fucking gigs
both are good in their own way, but old doom is overall better.
that mod is utter shit.
>better level design and weapons
>not as good as nuDOOM
But user, those are the only things that matter.
>that mod is utter shit.
It's better than D44M.
All that multiplayer dlc that you will never buy.
No it isn't. Have you played the new doom? Doom 4 Doom is a mess of poorly executed concepts and shitty particle effects.
Even the creators disagree with your dumb ass.
Yep. The only good thing about Doom 4's multiplayer is that it wasn't made by ID so they didn't waste any of their precious time on that shit.
Go into the options and look for the D4D keybinds menu, then bind your glory kill attack to a key.
>If you have not beaten Plutonia on UV you are not truly a man.
Not him, but I agree. However, Plutonia is only 50% of Final Doom. Evilution drags it down a lot.
I dunno, I think it's a pretty good mod except that you can snowball out of control with the upgrades, especially in the new patch. Dual super shotguns render the normal shotgun obsolete.
>bethesda buys doom
>no ladders
Coincidence? I thinks not. If their shitty gamebryo bullshit games can't have ladders, no one else will.
I was ready to hate nudoom but I had fun with it. Admittedly, I enjoy Doom 3 quite an awful lot as well, so I might be retarded. Also Quake 4.
It doesn't even use denuvo anymore. I think the problem are those retards that come in here with their shit-eating grin, claiming 2016 is the best game in the series, when they haven't even touched the originals.
>Doom II > Doom
get a load of this horses ass
I think the early versions were best. It had the weapons of 16" and some other nice stuff too.
Why is Brutal doom so low?
It's poser shit. It's just taking doom and adding in lots of things that make it not doom, the only thing that makes brutal doom seen as a doom game is that it looks like it.
It's the difference between Duke Nukem and Doom, except not even that good.
horses have pretty nice asses desu so thats a bad comparison.
For me, It goes like this:
Doom episodes 2 and 3 > Doom 64 > Doom episode 1 > Doom 2016 > Doom 2 (No mods) > Final Doom > Doom 3 BFG
Dumbs everything down for the sake of appealing to children, also see
>Doom 4 Doom is a mess of poorly executed concepts and shitty particle effects
Sounds just like D44M.
I don't know, but Doom is 23 years old today.
Happy birthday, John Stalvern.
Expected this reply. You're not wrong exactly, Nu-Doom feels "tainted" by all of the concepts they had for it and the executions, but its otherwise fine.
Doom 2016 is also the best looking game out at the moment.
>best looking
Good thing Sup Forums isn't normie shitters that play games for the graphics, right?
You suggested the game was ugly.
I've never played it, how is it dumbed down?
>Doom 2016 is also the best looking game out at the moment
Alien: Isolation is the best looking desu famalam.
If you've played vanilla doom you should be able to figure out how having jump and freelook dumbs it down and breaks the game.
The level design is silly arena stuff, but you don't need to play through the campaign it comes with so I guess thats a moot point.
It also focuses on executions and death animations more than gameplay. For example, zombies can randomly come back from the dead and shoot at you, and the chainsaw has so much added screen shake it makes it unusable.
It's easy to have nice looking graphics when all you're rendering are hallways.
Snapmap bros, have you been making good maps with the addition of the campaign stuff?
I'm currently recreating pol.wad and refining my RTS
I like snapmap a lot, actually. Its fun scripting demons to do stuff and figuring out how to do secrets.
Since denuvo is removed, i'm hoping for proper modding soon.
Is the Multiplayer in Nu Doom any good?
It's a weird abortion between Halo, the futuristic CoDs and Quake, if I could make a comparison.
Playing as the demons is fun though.
If you liked Unreal, its pretty similar. The executions bog the game down but there's an editor mode called Snapmap that lets you edit most everything.
Don't get the DLC.
Doom looks better than this plus the locations actually look walkable.
>i-it doesn't count! My favorite game is the best!
Can't really compare it since it's using the newer moves, guns and enemies instead of the classic stuff. Might as well say classic Doom sucks because you played it on God mode.
>the locations actually look walkable
It's still easier to have fancier looks when you're rendering a hallway, d44m has rather expansive maps with very intricate designs. Also I like the art direction better.
You can do demons vs humans like L4D?
>Also I like the art direction better
If you can't appreciate the technical aspect of the art design in Isolation I just dunno man. It looks like Ridley Scott himself directed it. Literally God-tier quality stuff.
No, there are demon runes you pick up to play as a demon (Baron, Mancubus, Revenant, Cacodemon, Pinky and a new one called the Prowler who sticks to walls). You die and the person that killed you gets the power. It can make or break matches sometimes.
I guess it's the highlight of an otherwise underwhelming game.
>otherwise underwhelming game
Still looks better. Stay salty.
Thanks man
The only flaws I can talk about Isolation is the teather mechanic of the Alien AI, worker joes by the end of the game, lip synching, some models being fucky and how long it drags out.
Other than that, it's a damn fine game and captures the feel of the first movie to a T
>Still looks better.
For you.
>For you
Objectively better. Technique isn't subjective in art and in that respect it outclasses D44M completely.
Doom 4 has bigger environments with much more going on, Alien Isolation's engine would choke and die trying to render something similar.
stopped reading. stop using your shitty meme word, it's worse than "cuck" at this point.
Fuck you, stop getting triggered by words you obese failure. They decided not to add a 4 after the name, that's what they get.
Fuck off numale. Go back to California
>Doom 4 has bigger environments with much more going on
Engine is irrelevant. Excuses don't make the game look better.
People use it because it's good way of describing things that have turned to shit
They do, because it does. Stop trying to push your opinion as fact.
>Objectively better
Prove it, explain why the art is superior using provable facts
Protip: Saying it's obvious to anyone with a brain doesn't prove anything
It is a fact. Your game is a brown mess with zero consideration to how lighting is placed and far less attention to detail.
and Isolation looks like a scene from blacked, what's your point?
>make nudoom
>eliminate everything which made doom the game it is, like clever level design and enemy types which require different tactics and weapons
>replace it with memes and lol kill animations
why is this allowed?
>looks like a scene from blacked
I'm sure you're very familiar with blacked.