Subnautica thread

Share webms, stories, tips, screenshots, anything.

Do NOT discuss about the gun ban.

Pic related is my PRAWN

My little base.

for some reason my Seamoth just despawned, I have no idea why, had to spawn a new one with console

Mine is smaller.
>corridor base because too retarded to find multipurpose room

Forgot pic, sent and went to eat but captcha failed

I can tell you where to find the multi room if you want, it's a very specific place and not even inside wrecks

SJW game

>Plebs not posting comfy interiors of their bases

>firing repulsion cannon for the first time against a sandshark
>hits boulder really hard, smoke cloud covers everything, corals that were nearby are destroyed and drop as collectible items
holy shit

How can these cucks even ban guns?

Its American game ffs.

Haven't played the game in a long while.

When will this game be done?

It removes a key element from the style of game they are looking to create. What sense of fear is there if you can just point at something and click a button to make it die?

How do you guys build underwater base? I want my base to be deep, because it's a pain in the ass to get down there every time, but by the time I reach my spot I'm already out of air. Do I just build 300 feet of air pipes?

How about you add some fucking guns.
Fuck your sandyhook bleeding heart reason. Sandyhook was a hoax anyway.

but you can already do that with the torpedos, cannon, drill, etc.

what harm would a harpoon gun for collecting fish at a range do?

Except its not about the gameplay. They didnt add them in protest to mass shootings and think guns should be banned. Its nothing to do with gameplay its all about politics.


But there's an harpoon tho.

We build vehicles that will supply us with o2, and pressure mods so they can go deeper. If your problem is going 300m deep, I think the Seamoth can cover that distance with the mk1 pressure component which you can find inside the Aurora at the Seamoth Bay. The Cyclops can go 500m deep. Building 300 feet of air pipes is a valid solution too, and a fun one, it'd just cost way too much titanium and time, but it's up to you, this is a sandbox game after all. It'd also have the disadvantage of being unable to recover air along the way, only at the very bottom or at the surface

To be honest one harpoon gun would be a great gameplay element, it'd be neat to be able to hook to things

If there really are no guns, what am I doing in pic related, fags?

Seriously is there any more cucked developer on Earth? We're in charge now. We won. You lost. All you Subnautica cuck faggots need to go back to your tumblrreddit safe spaces

where at? Is it on the prawn or something? I haven't played in a while

I've been hoping for more of an early game harpoon gun, like a utility tool to get small fish for food and deal minor damage to bigger things

I wonder which board this poster came from


He's probably referring to a shitty gun that you use to get around small spaces, you fire it on the ground and it lays rope wherever you go, like bread crumbs so you can easily find your way back. Pretty early game.

As for tools to catch fish and deal minor damage to bigger things, that's exactly what the propulsion cannon does, it's not so early game though

looks like a falseflagger form here, you can never be too sure on the internet you know :^)

Do we have a release schedule yet or a timeframe? When's the big friendly dragon being added?

Is there any fools guide on how to make webm? This is the first game that makes me very interested in making some since a lot of interesting stuff happens when I play this.

You make a vehicle that can go that deep for infinite air wherever you want.

Unless you're that autist from the other thread that insisted making an appropriate vehicle was just fetch quests.

the tits on that woman are fucking ENORMOUS

After I have a cyclops and a prawn what else is there to get in the game? Where else do I need to go? Never been in dunes or mountains because reapers but I guess with the prawn these areas are feasible now?

at this rate it won't, though they'll just take it off early access and call it good at some point. but all the concept stuff will probably not make it in

What are you talking about?

Recently went back to this game, I've started 2 playthroughs and as soon as I get the Seamoth a few minutes pass and my game crashes, when I log back in I have a corrupted save.

The 1st save just auto crashes a few minutes after loading, the 2nd save totally reset my progress back to when the Aurora first crashed (and generated an entirely new map).

Have anyone else had this problem?


There's the seamoth, but the PRAWN is superior to it in every way once you get the grappling hook.

I have the Seamoth too of course. Wondering what else there is to acquire.

There's only 3 vehicles, but you want to make the pressure compensator so you can explore the deeper wrecks.

I already have that too... Where are the deeper wrecks?

>Promise release in october
>Promise release in november
>promise to remove terraforming in november
>no word or update mid december
>all agressive fish are binural making the day/night system irrelevant
>aggressive fish aren't fucking off like they are supposed to when stabbed
>Sandsharks never hide anymore, always patrolling waiting for the player
>Sea dragon looks goofy as fuck
>warpers constantly harassing
>fragments hard to find now
>silver more and more of a bitch to find each update
>give battery charger and immediately make the game more tedious by making shit drain faster
>no base cosmetics
Yeah they are slowly and surely fucking the game up and I'm personally sick of "survive a shit" games

There's one in each zone, sometimes two.

Phew boy. Shitty unfinished game that will never be done :)

Are you sure? I've gotten like 6 wrecks already, and none of them were under 200 meters. I'm also sure the game only has like 11 wrecks or something close to that.

He looks like avon barksdale

Some wrecks are 500m deep.

That Orangutan looks bored as fuck.

I just checked the wreck list, there's only a single wreck below 400m, none below 500.

Is the nuclear reactor decent for energy?

I just mods guns back in; not very hard.
I don't know why on earth one would even removed them in the first place. Seems like a stupid SJW reaction

They should at least add a thermal taser.
I mean, tasers are still guns, but they're not lethal.

It never had guns in the first place

>buying garbage from bluepilled libtards who think Sandy hook was real

s a g e d

>removed them in the first place
The fuck? The game never had guns at all. In fact, thanks to the one SJW fag on their team, Subnautica's weapon plan is basically the rest of the dev team trying to dance around his "gun ban" as much as possible, which might lead to some pretty creative defensive tools. There's a reason almost every time someone posts that certain image, everyone basically says whatever.

WHat type of nutrient deficiency does the MC have if he starves to death in 20 minutes

monkey bro on suicide watch

It's one guy, plus the rest of the devs seem to be trying to fuck with him by making weapons that kill anyway.

Comfy interior you say?

Why the fuck can't I use guns

what is this and what's the context of this scene?


>Missed 2 updates

please tell me that I dont need to start a new game to enjoy the new content

Thanks doc.

>those things emp you back now

Roadmap is showing around May-June 2017. Its one of the reasons I had to stop uninstall. I know that if I keep playing it I won't have the urge to play it when (if) it is actually completed.

The other reasons are the longer a save file goes the more unstable the game becomes: wrecks will disappear, framerate drops, freezes while moving around for a few seconds, CTD's. It truly runs the full gambit.

They also need to add a way to break down old equipment into component parts and make blueprints more complex. As it stands there is usually only one use for a lot of the ingredients in the game.

An in-game mapping system or more range on the scanner room would be great too. Maybe they had more ideas but as of right now there are only two non-stackable upgrades for the scanner room yet four slots. I have beacons everywhere because the scanner room is so bad and I refuse to explore without having several beacons in inventory.

If you've built anywhere in any altered terrain, that shit is gone. New biomes also won't show up.

>stop liking things I don't like, fun is a buzzword!

As long as he's a member of the team the whole game will suck.

fuck the game then
No way im going to spend hours searching for the same fragments i had to build stuff

Do you even know what cheat engine is? Fucking retards.

>who would want guns that shoot explosive fish or poison gas clouds when you could just have the generic shotgun/sniper/rpg/smg loadout but underwater!

>it doesn't matter if they have weapons, the existence of that one developer triggers me so much that it poisons the whole game!

whats the point of the game if you cheat

Why? Even if I think it's retarded as fuck, it's more or less forcing the devs to at least be creative. Guns, specifically just straight up shoot-to-kill kinds of guns, would ruin Subnautica; a good portion of the game's atmosphere relies on tension and fear of the unknown. I wouldn't be half as scared of the Reaper breaking my shit and setting my progress back two hours if I knew I could just pop a cap in its ass and carry on with my business.

If your reasons for that are purely political, though, then you're just as much of a fag as he is.

>suprised when progress in lost after updates on an in-development game
You new, boy?

>we can trust a faggot who has been proven to fuck everything up to not fuck everything up
>everyone else will just try to cover it up for us
Kill yourself fag enabler

yes,i dont usually get scammed by early access games user.

>this one dev said guns are bad so that ruins EVERYTHING even if the other devs add in weapons, we just can't trust them so you're NOT allowed to enjoy anything in the game!

You're being pre-emptive and assuming shit will go south down the road. So far all he's done is prevent you from carrying an aquatic .45 or some shit, which no one here is really against as long as it means more unique weapon options.

I'll get mad when his bullshit genuinely starts damaging the game.

>Kill yourself fag enabler
Woah you seem really upset. It's just a game bro, no need to get all triggered and booty-bothered.

And by then it'll be too late to fix his shit

Well a little advice for a newfag; it's pretty common for saves to get lost or corrupted in the course of development for early-access games. That's one of the big tradeoffs for not waiting till it comes out in full.

It's pretty easy to not get "scammed" by not buying in-development games, doesn't mean you can't play them.

NO you're NOT ALLOWED to have "fun" or enjoy ANYTHING in the game because of the evil SJWs!!!!1!!!

Does all the shit I toss in the water ever go away? it is an eyesore


They should really add a garbage burning power generator or some shit. Would both be mighty handy and a nice source of extra power.

Sjw dev made it so nothing despawns. It's a social commentary on polluting our oceans.

So saves will always blow up over time. Great.

They also never added storms or waves.

Don't listen to him, he's trying to start shit.

Idk if they're still planning on it but I think that was mentioned as something for the cyclops potentially.

Oh, so stuff actually does despawn? Oh, it doesn't and I'm right? Alright.

wtf!?!? i hate subnautica now!

I'm not saying stuff despawns, I'm saying it's not for any politically charged reason. Also you're a shitty little nigger for your childish attitude.

In the "Lore" it says weapon blueprints were removed from the company's blueprints because someone went on a massacre. If this is a research vessel I can understand not many weapons although I can't imagine there being no weapons at all for people traveling in space to hostile alien worlds. We don't know who our character was on the aurora but I assume he was a scientist not a mercenary.

I also doubt small arms would hurt many of the giant creatures in subnautica. I think a compromise would be like a spear gun or maybe more defensive measures like the seamoth has.

I am a progun person (NRA member, own an AR15, etc) but I still enjoy the game because the other devs don't seem to share his opinions on weapons. They just don't want people to be able to gun down giant sea monsters so it is a little harder.

If they removed the goofy googly eyes, that thing would be several levels more terrifying.

>defending sjw
>calling someone a nigger
Whatever you're getting paid to post these, it's more than you deserve.

He is actually actively watching and showing his hatred for a game while we happily discuss the game and enjoy it

He is the loser here, not us, I wouldn't even grant him (you)s

Ebin :^)

>if we kill the giant monster then we're just as bad as them!
Give it up shill, we all know games like shadow of the colossus would be a zillion times better if you had a rocket launcher and tanks.

Not that guy, but you sound like a fag. He's also talking about the game. I may not agree with him but he can talk about it all he likes.

Do you have autism or something? You treat one offhand remark by one dev as the entire game being SJW? Subnautica has weapons they just aren't an underwater space AK.

What one of the devs said on steam was fucking stupid but I can understand additionally from a gameplay perspective how trying to fit guns in subnautica wouldn't work that well.

He is not talking about the game, he is posting low quality political bait, see

>the truth is bait