Share webms, stories, tips, screenshots, anything.
Do NOT discuss about the gun ban.
Pic related is my PRAWN
Share webms, stories, tips, screenshots, anything.
Do NOT discuss about the gun ban.
Pic related is my PRAWN
My little base.
for some reason my Seamoth just despawned, I have no idea why, had to spawn a new one with console
Mine is smaller.
>corridor base because too retarded to find multipurpose room
Forgot pic, sent and went to eat but captcha failed
I can tell you where to find the multi room if you want, it's a very specific place and not even inside wrecks
SJW game
>Plebs not posting comfy interiors of their bases
>firing repulsion cannon for the first time against a sandshark
>hits boulder really hard, smoke cloud covers everything, corals that were nearby are destroyed and drop as collectible items
holy shit
How can these cucks even ban guns?
Its American game ffs.
Haven't played the game in a long while.
When will this game be done?