30 fps confirmed

Sup Forums BTFO again

Other urls found in this thread:


>that massive field full of nothing

>Switch is only capable of running a Wii U game that already runs as high as 30fps at just a stable 30fps. Not 60fps
>No improved graphics

And people thought they'd get PS4 level performance out of a $250 tablet

>30 fps
Wow! 30 more to go and you'll have a playable game.

>nintoddlers think this looks amazing
>game wins most anticipated game award
>vast low polygon empty fields

>Press button
>Character does something at 30fps
>Status: Unplayable

>Press "button"
>game.exe has encountered an issue: flipflop.bop could not be found errorcode z1pz0p
>google solution
>Same here, same here, same here, thread closed
>But that all happened at 60fps
>Status: Playable.

>this is what nintentoddlers tell themselves

>pc games
>running at 60fps
what kind of monster superbeast alienware laptop are you running
60fps aint even possible on bethesda games and half of the other console ports

>30 fps
That's terrible, what was Sup Forums saying,10 fps?
Either way my phone could render those shit graphics at 10 fps, those trees are 2d.

>that fog
>that big empty field
>people actually think this generic open world shit looks amazing

Any toaster can run games on medium 60 fps.
If you have an alienware superbeast you better be putting out 144fps at 2560x1440 maxed out or you fucked up.

why do weeb games like this sell so much when solid 10/10 western games like titanfall can't do anything?

Because nintoddler manbabies will suck up just about any wet turd nintendo squeezes out.

IKR ps4 level is kino 15fps :^)

>30 fps is "unplayable"

could you be any more underage

>silky buttery smooth
So this is the power of consoles...woah

This game looks like skyrim running in toaster mode, except skyrim running in toaster mode still has real trees, this does not.


There is the problem. Laptops sucks so much, build a damn PC that costs way less, have a lot more power, have no overheat, and ain't underclocked for the sake of battery.

Even my toaster runs stuff at 60fps, nigger. Especially Bethesda crap, with their shitty graphics.

""FPS"" is just a PC elitist marketing myth, it's just a piece of text on the screen LOL!
Literally anyone can edit that in photoshop.

BTFO OP! See it's now 60fps. Fucking idiots, wake up and stop being such sheeple.

>could you be any more underage?
Industry standards change.

if you look at how many games are on pc, the badly done ones are pretty tiny in volume (amount released)

remeber how bad jc3 was at release? few fixes later and some drivers everything works. few drops on a 970

I really want to like this game but if that framerate is true and the graphics are that bad, then no amount of gameplay is going to make up for it.
Good thing nobody's forcing me to buy a Switch U.

This game is why I could never own a nintendo console past the ngc, it looks like utter shit and fanboys are just eating it up.
This is the definition of packaging a box of shit and selling it for $60 because it has "zelda" and "nintendo" on it.
I drastically lose faith in the future of gaming when I see shit like this.

How exactly are you defining "real trees"?
The zelda trees actually seem more realistically interactive than the static pillars in skrim since you can cut them down and climb on them.

>30 fps
>consoled-babbies are proud of it

>tfw I think the same thing
>tfw they make a monster hunter game for the switch
>tfw i'm forced to buy it just like I was forced to buy a psp and 3ds



Pick one

Ocarina of Time ran at 20fps and that's considered one of the greatest games ever

this is the power of 2017 next gen zelda

They have removed all NPCs, Villages, and the majority of monsters/enemies while showcasing the game. How do you people not know this yet?

Yeah you can do that shit in minecraft too, and a hundred bad minecraft clones, I'd call it a hallmark of a bad indie game.
Besides, those trees are still 3d objects, the ones in the botw screenshot are just 2d sprites.

>people believe this shit
I thought the idea of pre-release footage was to show bullshit that gets cut later, not the other way around.

Yet it still looks and runs like shit.

>generic first person shooter

It also ran at 240p.

I wonder how you would've reacted to that kind of resolution for a 2017 console game.

>Good thing nobody's forcing me to buy a Switch U.

That's where you're wrong nerd! Pre-Order a Nintendo Switch or me and Tyrone are going to swing by your lockers before homeroom tomorrow.
And you know whats going to happen then don't you lil' fuccboi, just like last time.
*smacks lips suggestively*

>Generic contrarian subjective opinion
Sup Forums at its finest.

>Remove all of that
>game still runs like ass

>ITT: Sonyggers tell themselves Switch will crash and burn just to reassure themselves


Not on my emulator.

>looks like absolute garbage
>still 30 fps with drops

My laptop from 2004 can run games from 2016 at those settings with 30 fps

Even the Wii U could run its shit at 60 FPS. There is no reason for you to defend this.

I know right? its the Wii U all over again!

Resolution has been steadily increasing, but there were games even then that ran at 60+fps.

The point is nobody cared then and, if the rest of the game is good, nobody will now

it is if you're used to +60
consoles can't even run games at stable 30 fps anymore.. you will always encounter dips to low 20s and high 10s
how do you people find that acceptable is beyond me.

It baffles me how hard people are defending a game that would barely pass as a bad indie minecraft clone on pc.


The wii U is still doing worse than the xbox one making it the worst selling mainline console, despite the fact that it was initially cheaper, this generation and if nintendo's home console trend continues the switch will be even worse sales wise.

Even the xbone and ps4 run most games nearing 60 fps, 30 fps is just embaressing by modern standards.
I'm not going to say 30 fps is unplayable, but even most wiiu games run at 60 fps so people who buy this are going to realize immediately how terrible 30 fps is.

Seriously though why does it seem like hardly any games have a stable 60 FPS rate? is our technology still really that bad?

A lot of games ran poorly that gen, and people tolerated it because "OMG 3D". 20fps is unacceptable by today standards.

This will launch with Switch right?

They aren't gonna pull a TP and hold back the original version to help push consoles right?

I need this game already.

literally why can't nintendo just put some real hardware in their machines. when will they learn that the baby's first cheap console lightning will never strike again?

Ocarina of time was 20 years ago, and made for tvs that had a hard 24fps limit retard, it's 2016, that shit isn't even remotely acceptable when we're up to displays with 10x the hz limit.

You're a huge fucking retard if you think this. This is not to say the game won't have towns and such, but to think all those empty fields common in open-world games had stuff removed is just idiotic.

Lol. No they don't. Consoles are a bunch of shit this generation and I regret buying one.

>Tfw Sup Forums will still circlejerk BoTW because "M-muh Zelda"

>t-t-they removed this and that

fucking NES games ran at 60fps you mong.

Good for you faggot, it doesn't change facts, most multiplayer fps games run at 60fps, most sports games run at 60 fps, and that's 90% of the console market.

Just buy two copies, problem solved

I have an old PC that I use as a media center, it has a 560 ti, a midrange card from 2011. It can still run modern games at 1080p 60fps.

You guys keep repeating this quote wrong. They did not REMOVE anything, its just that the plateau, which is the starting area, does not have any npcs or towns because its a deserted wasteland that hasn't been accessed for a long time.

console developers want to jew you as much as possible and put hardware two generations outdated to make max profit


>made for tvs that had a hard 24fps limit

this is in no way true and I question how you got to such a conclusion

Every Zelda 3D still continued to have below than 20 or 30 fps, though, despite the technology advancing.

Expecting Zelda 3D in some day running at 60 is wasting your time, and something only achievable on emulators.

>Not playing on a laptop with a GTX 1060 in it
ok guy


TV's never had a 24 fps limit. That's not how they worked.

>writing like a retard

>hurr what does 24hz mean

No surprise that 3d zeldas have gotten progressively shittier since OOT/MM

I'm sorry, but is that a sword and a bow and arrow that Link is carrying? I just... I can't take this right now. Please tell me they're going to change the murder weapons? Put suction cups on the arrows and make a the sword something less dangerous? I know me and my wifes adopted gender neutral child would be devastated if Link was running around killing things.

A refresh rate that was never the standard native refresh rate for tv's ever? It's was usually 60hz or 50hz depending on where you live.

Using a mouse and keyboard nintendrone.

i hope that's not a real screenshot. it looks worse then Oblivion

Nintendo of today could make a game that looked like Morrowind and had less features than it and be praised because they finally caught up to 15 years ago. It's amazing really considering their shit doesn't sell nearly as well as it used to but they're always paraded around for some reason.

Oblivion looks beautiful. Haters will hate.

>press button
>read disk error
>patch required for single player
>need new tv
>all for 30 fps when nothing on screne

>it's ok when Nintendo does it!

This. The plateau is supposed to be a sandbox where you learn the games mechanics by trying out different shit and then - once you feel ready - you decide what zone to drop into and start the actual game.

Oh man, I love Runescape!

Call me when it's running at 60fps

What are the chances that the Wii U version will also run at a steady 30 fps with no visual downgrades?

Interlaced 50hz is 25hz you dumb mother fucker.

I'll play it at 60fps on Cemu

As soon as the Wii U version is dumped.

You forgot
>for free

Is there any Japanese open world game as good as Oblivion?

Japan and NA are NTSC 60hz you idiot, interlaced is irrelevant what are you even talking about.

>Interlaced 50hz is 25hz you dumb mother fucker.
Even my grandma has a better understanding of how TVs work.

Interlaced doesn't refer to the refresh rate, it refers to resolution. I think you mean 480i.

zelda games always run at 30 fps don't they?

wasn't zelda64 locked at 24 to give a "cinematic" effect?

Zelda 64 ran at 29.97fps or some shit like that

I think the only zelda game that ran at 60 fps on console would probably have been four sword adventures

Wind Waker HD ran at 60

Wind Waker HD was the easiest to play/look at


How about you stupid mother fuckers keep your WRONG opinions to yourself until you do some reading
>Interlaced video is a technique for doubling the perceived frame rate of a video display

>doesn't even know the difference between a fact and an opinion
You might actually be the most retarded person posting on the internet right now.

i'm positive i saw a video that disproved that. it idled at 60 if zoomed in on link and maybe on the ocean, but it dips below 60 almost the entirety of your gameplay

we know what interlacing is, it doesn't apply to the topic at hand you dense motherfucker