Ghazskull Mag Urhuk Thraka ?
Margaret Thatcher?
Perhaps the Iron Ork ?
jpg man?
*Puts on fake mustache*
Oi, das right, Humie Warchief.
Daily reminder that
But if Nagash was weak how did he survived the End times ?
Such a funny line after reading the End Times book about it.
Gogandantes, the greatest swordsman of all demons.
Willie Wonka
Close enough. I honestly don't care as long as you pay your taxes.
I mean it isn't like you are a Toddbringer or anything.
Friendly reminder that Mannfag is a little bitch who got stepped on by a REAL Necromancer.
>Green Jesus
>Not The Dancing Death Wurzag
Fucking savage.
But those that live in forests shouldn't bring the heat.
Budget Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka.
that one's going in the book
Zug Zug.
Would be a good Valentine's Day DLC release.
Orc Nr. 285383475873485792768572875628734658764576284756382758723465876348725687324657868
Hey guys
I unironically like AoS tho
I will never forgive, nor forget.
>Relase Tomb Kings
Neferata NEVER EVER.
I honestly don't understand the point.
They had two decently different but still same-ish universes going on but no, suddenly both need spess muhreens
Varok Saurfang?
did he poke his eye out with that huge fang?
WHFB wasn't making the sales that GW demanded. And took up shelf space. So logically they looked at what sells most and decided to just make everything that instead.
People would have far less issue with AoS if WHFB didn't have to die for it to be made. It didn't help that GW effectively sneered at the WHFB players who asked for points balance for tournies and what not initially.
GW isn't exactly known for wise business decisions. They have only gotten better recently.
Except W40K used to be fantasy, but in space, but eventually developed into a separate entity all together.
Its why squats, aka space dwarves existed and while there was a half elfdar in the imperium
What I hate is how they pretty much made fantasy into 40k now.
It doesn't help that GW can't write for shit.
Gotta love how Craftworld Eldar are now a dead faction all because of one fucking Space Marine.
We will never get the psychic clams back.
GW just doesn't care. Whenever you bring up the rules or lore stuff they default to 'We are a model company'.
Their crimes against the hobby are many and varied, and they will likely never fully pay for them either. This is unfortunately just the way things are.
At this point the only 40K stuff I honestly care about is the FFG RPGs. And those are over now.
>Filename literally says Warhammer
>Filename even has his fucking name
>Cant tell if WC or WH
Does it look like a pixar orc?
So over the past 2 days there have been a number of 40k threads, and I decided to read up on some 40k lore to see if I can get into it (because it seems based). I've come to the conclusion that 40k is probably the most comprehensive/best sci-fi universie around. Basically, it's pretty fucking based.
Originally, I thought that the Tau were the most logical race to "side" with (so to speak) but after doing more research I can't see how anyone does't pledge oneself to the Emprah. All the xenos are cuck losers, and the IoM is the best hope for the galaxy.
I'm unsure of one aspect of the Horus heresy, though... Why didn't anyone warn the Emperor and how did Horus & Co. breach Terra's defenses?
>those beardless sissies saying anything to dwarves
brb burning down your whole useless forest then using it for literally nothing, you fucking hippie
can't see how anyone does't pledge oneself to the Emprah. All the xenos are cuck losers, and the IoM is the best hope for the galaxy.
>best hope
Yeah nah, Necron it's the way to go
They tried to warn him and then he got called in for treason. Manus I think?
Also, you are right and we can't side with Xenos. However, the IoM is representative of the Emperor. A dead, slowly decaying corpse, not moving forward at all. There is no advancement and it is slowly being worn down. We must wait until the Emperor comes back.
>play durthu
>turn 20 im busy fucking up the nearby bretonnians shit
>next thing there is an 20 stack of elite beastmen units sieging my shit
what the fuck
how do i prevent this
Except it just copies Dune and Battletech and just adds orks and elves.
>500 years later
>Entire forest collapses into the Under-Empire
Garrosh Hellscream.
One of the Primarchs, after being explicitly told to stop using his psychic powers, did so anyway to warn the Emperor of Horus turning to Chaos. As a result he fucked up everything, forcing the Emperor to hastily assemble the Golden Throne to plug the resultant psychic breach.
Horus was the leader of the combined forces of mankind and very good at manipulation. He used his pact with Chaos to cause Warp storms delaying Loyalists, trick other Primarchs to his side and once Magnus fucked up everything did a kamikaze run at Earth with all of his available forces. The Emperor stuck on the Golden Throne and unable to directly lead the defense didn't help.
>Why didn't anyone warn the Emperor and how did Horus & Co. breach Terra's defenses?
Magnus tried to warn Big E. Unfortunately the method he used to do so was via the warp, and required getting power from denizens of the warp. This gave him the power to break through the psychic defenses of the palace, but also made him look like a daemon, and also fucked up the Astronomicon that Big E was building. This is also after Big E forbade Magnus from using or researching psychic powers and the warp.
So instead of giving a warning to his father about Horus's betrayal, which Big E wouldn't believe anyway, Magnus got the Space Wolves sicked on him and his homeworld of Prospero burned. Before that Magnus scattered his fleets and told them to hide, and they later became the Blood Ravens.
As for Horus breaching Terra's defenses, he had a massive army consisting of entire Legions of corrupted Astartes, like half the Imperial Army, and a number of Titan Legions. It was a long siege.
Would you like to know more citizen?
And a metric ton of other of other fantasy and sci-fi tropes with a flavor of steampunk
I like it more than most other settings, though that's also because Black Library churns out more hit than miss novels and short stories
just keep an ~8 unit army near the oak at all times and when that 20 stack comes, keep the army in ambush near the oak. they will move to attack the oak and either get ambushed (durthu can get around 130% ambush chance in forests...) or spot your ambush and move away, suffering attrition. its easy to ping pong them between settlements since they have almost no movement and suffer attrition in the forest. i don't think they can stealth, either
Dune was definitely one of the original inspirations for 40K. Along with a million other sci-fi and future fantasy tropes and shit.
But where do you get the Battletech from?
How do the WE play in this game? I thought they didn't leave Athel Loren
>epic space dad loves favorite son 2 the point of foolishness
>still epic space dad so until he literally kills his brother his dad love him
and end of dad love after the fact, has to teach son not to be a total chaos loving faggot for literally 0 reason
I'm going to answer all of your questions about 40k lore and explain literally everything.
Every single living thing in the 40k universe is completely and utterly retarded. Some less then others, but everything is retarded. Except Ciaphas Cain.
Everyone else is too arrogant, too loyal, or just flat out too stupid to think straight.
The Emperor himself was a huge mix of retard and arrogance to the point where it was impossible for the Primarchs not to get fucked up.
Tau are idiots controlled by pheremones that would get crushed the moment another faction decides to focus on them.
Tyranids are mindless beasts.
Chaos would literally enslave themselves to fickle and thoughtless creatures for just a small portion of power.
Necrons are the smartest group in the setting, and they're still too disorganized to properly think things out.
Eldar were truly the best hope for beating Chaos, and were on the verge of summoning their own god who could turn Slaanesh inside out, and then some of the most atrocious writing ever conceived turned THEM inside out.
This is all because of the Orks. No fucking joke. Orks were manufactured with reality-warping properties that would cause whatever they believed in en masse would come true.
Orks want nothing but eternal war, and as such, every other faction is too stupid to stop fighting.
The Orks fucking won 40k.
Intersteller communications, slow as fuck FTL, combined arms FUCK HUEG tanks, walkers, powered armor infantry.
>Before that Magnus scattered his fleets and told them to hide, and they later became the Blood Ravens
O-ork r-rape?
Ehm, Thrall ? I am sorry, all orcs looks the same.
>Orks were manufactured with reality-warping properties that would cause whatever they believed in en masse would come true.
It doesn't work like that, and the dissemination of the idea that it does needs to stop. They can make things work that should otherwise fail or break, but they can't just magically make things happen. An Ork gun works because they believe it is a gun, even if it if should jam and explode after the first shot as per regular science and logic. They can't just run around with pistol fingers yelling DAKKA and things will get bullet wounds.
>browsing Ex-Hentai
>see a cool artist dump
>browsing through
>ehhh furfaggotry, but art is nice
>World of Warcraft, that's not unusual
>BAM WHFB Lizardmen fucking a WHFB Amazon
Wew. That was so unexpected, but hot.
I'm glad Grimgor isnt the strongest lord anymore.
The interstellar communications are from Dune. Slow as fuck FTL is not solely in BT, nor does it work like in BT. And are you honestly trying to say that BT invented Mechs, big tanks, and Powered Armor?
I'm pretty sure I heard rumours the reason Bretonnian has been delayed for Total War: Warhammer is because GW is working with them to make sure the new models for them are used.
This is supported by the fact the Warhammer World display for Bretonnia in AoS is a bit empty.
Tomb Kings, at least their 'units' were mentioned in the lore of AoS several times. My guess is they got removed because they couldn't fit it in without it being 'another undead' army. So, my guess is, Tomb Kings will get a renewal (also White Dwarf called Tomb Guard as Temple Guardians or something) with Settra returning and using his SETTRA RULES ability to yank undead away from Nagash.
Besides all the heavily hinted at stuff before we got the HH novel series, in The Burning of Prospero he scatters his fleets before the wolves come. And orders them never to return to Prospero.
In a short HH story (can't remember the name of the novel it is in) there are some Thousand Sons from the fleets that comes back. The one that makes if off planet after some stuff with forces still on planet is Corvidae (whose emblem is the raven), and he swears to rebuild.
It is one of those worst kept secrets things for anyone outside of the setting.
They can't do that, primarily because things need to make proper sense in their own minds about it, and Orks are quite plain and simple 'things have to work' kind of people.
This was most evident when The Beast came about, because the Orks then believed that by unifying they had become the strongest faction in 40k, and they pretty much were up until The Beast was killed and infighting tore them apart.
However, as they see it, everyone fighting everyone makes perfect sense. As such, certain circumstances arise that make conflict much more commonplace.
>Spess muhreens
I didn't know Space Marines could be female. Neat. I guess Stormcast, which are essentially Warriors of Order (you know, the mirror image of Warrriors of Chaos, powered by a god, you know, like Paladins) are the same as Space Marines.
Which female Space Marine is your favourite?
Athel Loren is 5 provinces. Four factions with 1 city each plus the Oak of Ages. Each city has 10 slots.
Starting units are very week but once they start capturing territory - they quickly snowball. The can conquer anywhere, each conquered regions gets 1 slot where you can build one of the 4 buildings that provide map-wide bonuses or a resource node.
All in all their playstyle is very unique to other factions.
Unless things have changed the Brets aren't delayed, they were always scheduled as free DLC for later. I think we still have at least one free Hero or Magic Lore DLC first before them.
Fully Upgrade Mannfag beat everyone else, with Full Franz being the best non-Wizard. Without Mounts though, Grimgor would likely win
Fucking Vlad started the battle with a SLIVER OF HEALTH AND ENDED FULL HEALTH
Less Warriors of Order more y it's time to stop being bitches and fight against The Dark Gods
Which basically happens everytime someone sees them in the books. They either feel courage and or regret for being a bitch and start fighting back
>implying any of the Legendary Lords can beat me
Wew. I had to cast 2 spells and use his ability to make Grimgor get over 1k melee damage. I just use Arrow of Kurnous and snipe with this bad boy. I don't think even my Glade Lord has this much.
I love waystalkers so much
>Thrall iz a grot! He ain't orky enuff.
Also next week there will be info about the orks in Dawn of War III.
>Which female Space Marine is your favorite?
Roboute Guilliman.
That isn't even the max I can get. If I went and broke my vassalisation of the Orcs (they offered it to me, I never even fought them, this is in WE campaign, not Grand) and replaced every building with Sacrificial Altars, i could probably get it up another 20%. That's if capture all but one prov and do so.
I won't be able to hit 2k, it isn't possible cause there is no +Range Damage spells. Real shame.
here is my Grimgor. This is mid campaign and I only entered the siege (I usually auto resolve) to see if I could get it above 1k.
Of course. Ring of Von Carstien activates on
Thanks lads
>yfw Alpharius is such a meme and forgotten Primarch that despite being one of the first to get rules, he STILL hasn't got a model.
Dorn hasn't either. Russ got a model BEFORE he got rules. Magnus is apparently the next Primarch, then Dorn, then Alpharius.
Unless, of course... Russ IS Alpharius...
Then again, probably because Russ is coming back to 40k, since he was seen in Wrath of Magnus.
I think it look good but i'm not a total graphic whore, the Eldar are good for me can't wait to see the multiplayer
Fuck. He'll need a few millenniums to recover from that one.
Magnus has a model coming. I think it might even be up for pre-order already.
The Emperor saw the Primarchs as tools and weapons, not his sons. He only allowed them to call him 'father' because he thought it would help them fight better.
Then again, this is ADB interpretation of Emps and he's a self-confessed Chaosfag. So he shits on the Emperor and Imperium all the time. Unless you're a Blood Angel, he seems to like them. Though he can't let them be cool, he has to make his BA character be one of the only Space Marines that can't use his bionics.
ADB is a cunt and so is Laurie Goulding.
>assmad eldar weab detected
The Eldar we're absolutely not the best hope for defeating Chaos. They literally are part of the reason the universe is as fucked as it is. Their hubris will always be their downfall and they should all be exterminated before they fuck up the galaxy's shit again.
The Deathwing's actions were sound
Don't you know, user? Any Alpha Legion Terminator can be run as Alpharius. Dude had body doubles out the ass.
Nah that's Daemon Primarch Magnus, not regular Primarch Magnus. i'm talking about regular, for 30k.
Waystalker's downside is that he cant fire over obstacles like regular archers.
This is Durthu with 1 point in his characters skills. So factor in he's missing 15%hp, 42 armor 15 def/atk and 30% ws.
Next playthrough I'm going max beast mode and hoping I get the +10% weapon strength rare sword to see how high I can push it.
>Wants Alpharius model
>Every Alpha Legion member is meant to look and act like Alpharius
I know, but I still want the specific model. Apart from Sanguinius, he is the most /fa/ Primarch (in armour terms).
Fair enough then.