Fuck mixing like this. Why are the drums simply there as background noise?
Other urls found in this thread:
Are you retarded?
Might as well not have drums instead, if they're going to make it practically inaudible.
Except you can hear them just fine, retard. Just because it's not your standard heavy metal close-mic drum set drowning out everything else doesn't mean you have to make an idiot of yourself on online anonymous image boards.
The orchestra is literally drowning out the drums, faggot.
>an entire orchestra
Wow, who would've thought that'd drown out something else, and it's the main focus on the music no less
Have you ever attended a concert in your life you unbelievable dipshit
this is the best song
reddit frog
Either you have drums with proper volume, or you don't fucking have them at all.
That is the proper volume in an orchestral context.
So it shouldn't have drums then.
>drum fags being forever booty blasted
shit instrument senpai, go watch drumline for the 50th time
Yes it should. Orchestral drum sets won't sound the same as a drum kit. A drum kit would sound like that next to a real orchestra.
Like I said, don't even have drums if you're going to mix it like shit.
mix it like someone that isn't a retard*
So not like OP's post.
So exactly like OP's post, where the person in charge of mixing realized that the drums weren't meant to be overpowering and simply mix in with the rest of the orchestra. It's like complaining you can't hear the flutes as clearly - you're fucking retarded.
is this song not in the collectors edition soundtrack? what is it's actual name?
Boss Battle theme shits all over that.
would be better without the choir
What do people think of FFXV's Latin Choir Simulator soundtrack?
generic and derivative, honestly
Since Shimomura dropped the ball on this one, here's some actually good battle music - youtube.com
>not this faggot again.mp3
>Shimomura-kun's will defend the XV OST