Just got a PS4 and Bloodborne and I've been wondering why does the PS4 says something along the line of "Data required to start"? What does that means? Does the game just suddenly stops If I get to a part that isn't downloaded? Does it affects performance?
>inb4 console war shit
I just picked the closest BB related image I have.
Just got a PS4 and Bloodborne and I've been wondering why does the PS4 says something along the line of "Data required...
why do you have a console war image in the first place saved? hmm?
no games
i have a ps4 also was just asking asshole.
Then maybe you should had asnwered the question instead of shitpost. Hmm?
>Because its fucking hilarious
Can you explain it, I don't understand it.
I don't know desu
no games
>the question
If you wanted it answered maybe you shouldn't have made a shitpost.
>thinks his shitpost image is hilarious
>gets triggered by other shitpost
Shitpost? Nah son you got fucking buried.
It is cuck. Say it with me; NEVER
Well at least you have a lot of other games to play until you resolve this issue. Oh wait...
Why even beat around the bush? You wanted a shitpost thread so I'll kick things off
well you clearly asking for consolewar
read rules, sonygger
>Does the game just suddenly stops If I get to a part that isn't downloaded?
When you get to a part that is not downloaded the game notifies you that you have to wait for the download to filly finish. That's it.
The best thing about that meme picture is that it actually shows how pathetic PCucks are.
Not really, that just shows how infected Sup Forums is with r/masterrace trash.
That's some grade-A delusion you got there.
Been here longer than you kiddo, go ahead and tell me what were Sony fans called before.
Alright, thanks, be proud, you're the only other person in this thread that isn't trash.
That's some grade-A+ projecting you got there.
why dont you just download the whole thing first
>Been here longer than you kiddo,
Obviously not since you don't know rule 7
>post flame war shitpost image instead of searching for something quick
>Im the victim and totally not biased stay out of my hugbox reddit pcfags
Late night Sup Forums is filled with neogaf.
I literally was just asking.
God damn you reddit trash are so insecure. And nice one kiddo, being so fucking butt blasted you actually reported anyone, you lost at life without even being older than 18, I am so sorry.
>hugbox reddit
That is literally you, fucking embarrassing.
>inb4 console war shit
>posts that pic
are you literally retarded op?
>pre-existing delusion of "infection" of pcfags from le reddit
Im assuming that image isnt your only image but rather the nicest one you could find in your SDF folder.
Butt blasted at what I'm not the original person you replied to. I'm just telling you your a fucking dipshit for calling out your report.
Reading the fucking rules retard.
Whats embarassing is you cant into reading comprehension because a couple anons triggered you.
it's a funny picture
how can you get offended at that
>nygger asks for assistance
>posts flame bait image instead of searching for a BB one but no bully me pls
>his nygger instincts come out and starts shitposting when pcfags call out the image
Nice thread.
Wow aren't you guys triggered? Weren't you guys mature and superior and I the quote underage un-quote?
Poor people tend to get defensive.
>Weren't you guys mature and superior and I the quote underage un-quote?
I never said you were underage so I'm not sure who you are quoting. I just called you a fucking retard.
>says others are triggered
>multiquotes that he cant be the one in the wrong going on about maturity when he throws around pcuck, reddit, and master race nonsense as a defense mechanism
>poor people tend to be defensive
>proceeds to be defensive the entire thread
Time to go to sleep lad, too much irony for these hours.
if pictures like this make you angry, you have some issues
>weeb shit
>He actually thinks anything he says is more than trash
>poster count is still the same
>says others are triggered
Knew it wasnt the only image in his folder.
>Poor people tend to get defensive.
>meme arrows because he got fucking buried
>cherrypicking a reaction image by screaming out "weeb reeeeee"
>all caps
But you're not the triggered one. Got it.
well it sounds like it made you upset
>poster count still the same
>samefagging this hard
Bed time OP
That wasn't even me you embarrassing insecure butthurt faggot. i'm actually laughing my ass off as of right now.
Is that why I'm able to buy what I want when I want?
DeS > SotFS > PTDE > BB > III
All caps? Ah, right, you're actually retarded.
Could you be projecting? It couldn't be, you? Projecting? You would never do that, right?
>it wasnt even me even though no unique IPs came through
>sperging this hard
>Im totally laughing right now
Im sure you are.
you should calm down, i'm not trying to upset you
ITT OP gets his anus ripped open by cucks again
Literally stay mad, you lost and there's shit you can do about it, shouldn't had been watching anime back in High School.
But you didn't the full thing
How insecure are you, be honest.
So youre implying youre a grown adult sperging on an anonymous website because a couple anons pointed out the wrong use of an image for discussion so you throw umad and shitposts around because you're definitely not mad at them?
You got me champ.
except that's wrong
Based on this thread not as insecure as you considering you care so much about a bunch of random faggots opinions.
Apply yourself OP.
Then it's made you angry :^)
>metacritic is a lie
not really
Ah outing yourself as underage trash, see, I knew you were projecting.
Considering all I did was ask a question and you poorfags came out of the wood work it seems I've, like always on everything.
>Ah outing yourself as underage trash, see, I knew you were projecting.
There's so many levels of irony to this post.
Pretty sure pcfags are the opposite of poor last I checked the price of gaming rigs and how much new gpus cost every now and then.
>haha i was only pretending to be retarded
Define irony kiddo.
the images in the ps4 image don't have low metacritic scores
>im not gonna read at all but rather throw a meme reply at you
Again, ironic.
And you actually think they have good rigs? And those that do literally get the money from autism bux.
>wow youre underage and all of you are poorfags
>but youre the one who's projecting
Thats projecting kiddo. Thats what makes it ironic.
>autism bux clearly pcucks cant have jobs and hve shit rigs
you are just filled to the brim with memes and shitposts arent you
It isn't projecting when I'm right, and yet again you failed to describe "irony", please finish middle school.
The truth hurts does it?
>It isn't projecting when I'm right
The irony is so thick you could cut it with a knife
not really considering I own all platforms besides the Wii U. Im just not some autist who has to defend his brand to a bunch of random faggots.
You do realize you aren't baiting anyone, right? Saying something over and over again won't make it true. And you failed again.
Not baiting just making observations.
Sure you do, oh BTW point me to the post where I defended Sony, you insecure, underage autist.
>Saying something over and over again won't make it true.
Now THAT is irony.
>calling people poorfags because they point out an image pertaining exclusivity to sony while shitting on the other
>proceeds to use the term pcucks as well
>says others are insecure while continuing on with a dead thread by being in denial and creating strawmen left and right
There really was no point in continuing a long time ago with other anons.
Baited, see kiddo? That's how you bait, oh and what I'm saying already was the truth, that's why you are still here, because it hurts.
This thread is garbage
>Saying PCucks is bad mmkay'?
How triggered must one be?
> Accusing others of being in denial.
Now THAT'S irony.
>i was only pretending to be retarded
Not baited, you genuinely are frustrated.
Sup Forums is garbage
>only I can project in that way you cant
No, that's irony.
but so is Sup Forums as a whole
It can't be helped
>N-not baited
> M-merely pretending
At this point you can only come back when you finish HS.
>thread devolves into OP and other anons sperging out
as is tradition for real nigga hours
Your stance on maturity is kind of irrelevant from your posts.
Console fag knows nothing about how his machine actually works, go figure.
>stutters and copies my post
>isnt mad
Want me to tell you the exact moment you lose at life?
When you got frustrated?
Just fuck already.
Projecting again? Sometime around XX XX 2000, you literal trash.
His boipussy is already a gaping void from this thread.
Samefaggin amirite?
>its only okay if i project
>im not mad you trash!
Damn you're angry. I recommend you lie down.
Yes, the new IP in the thread is me.
Do you even 4chanx newfag?