How do I play horror games without getting scared?

How do I play horror games without getting scared?

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Just play them and die a couple times and you'll realize it's not so bad

Have a cute boy play them with you.

Grow some balls

Install nude mods.


what's the point of playing if you don't feel spooked?

How do I play horror games without getting bored?

There's a difference between being spooked and having a heart attack

Buy a vibrating dildo. Sit on it and keep yourself on the edge of cumming. Allow yourself to cum when you you die.

Not gay sorry

Damn that actually sounds pretty good.

Okay wl try this other one: keep a gun with you, and if you die in the game, you have to kill yourself in real life.

Fuck off faget.

There's literally nothing gay about pleasuring yourself, user. Don't think of it as "this is a substitute for a dick," think of it as "my prostate is in my ass and I bet it'd feel real good."

>Not being a girl
>With the power of science

It's okay to be afraid.The fun/thrill is to be afraid and make progress anyways.

If you really insist on smothering the experience though, stream for your friends. Alternativley just fuck around, jump everywhere, tell yourself to run directly at the spooky thing to see what happens, etc

Play 3rd person horror. You don't have to constantly check your back.


i cant help but feel that word is very unique when it comes to horror games. most people can talk about how they're scared of a horror game, but almost never ever the word 'afraid'.

i feel like it has a unique connotation in horror games that hasn't been evoked since the older silent hills

Play with the lights on and use speakers instead of headphones.

If you're still scared with this setup then you're a fucking manchild.

Be an emotionless serial killer.

RE7 Demo is the only game that's ever actually scared me

How do I get horror games to scare me?

>tfw resident evil 7 looks really fun
>will probably just buy it on steam and never play it because I'm such a pussy
I will never be able to open doors in this game

>i feel like it has a unique connotation in horror games that hasn't been evoked since the older silent hills

Playing through the first SH game for the first time since I was a kid back in the early 2000s. I could never play through the first few areas because I used to be hardcore scared of that game, so I'm like "fuck, I'm 23, I should give that shit another try, since I'm such a grown man with huge hairy balls now."

I'm at the Hospital right now, and I am fucking TERRIFIED. I can't play for more than half an hour before having to take a break, go outside and smoke a few cigarettes.

This fucking game, man. What the fuck.

You should want to be scared.... I don't find scary games scary, just boring, so I never play them. The whole point is to be scared

Is it even horror if it doesn't scare you?
At that point wouldn't it just be a game, and even then that's being nice since it didn't succeed as a horror game, which was it's main purpose so it's not a scary game and therefore doesn't even exist.

Reminds me of when I started playing SH2 and I just plain did not like being in that one apartment with the grandfather clock. At all. Couldn't spend more than a few seconds in there before feeling the urgent need to get the fuck out.

Terror and Horror are different things.

Terror is about the FEELING of being scared, Horror is about the revulsion and disgust of seeing something grotesque.

So you don't have to be scared of something for it to be horrific. Movies and games about brutal violence and gore, and similar topics, can be considered horror even if they're not scary.

Personally I don't find movies like Friday the 13th or Nightmare on Elm Street terrifying or scary at all, I think they're really entertaining and funny at times, but they're definitely horrific.

I remember when I was a kid, I was scared of the most benign things. Like Redeads in Zelda, or IG-88, shit like that.

I can admit to all that, just as I can say now that fucking nothing scares me, at least in video games, (jump scares is another subject). And I don't think there's anything to do. It's like being desensitized to gore after watching it too many times.
Either you view it as you getting stronger, or more deranged.

Yeah, exactly. System Shock 2 gives me some of those exact same feelings, to a lesser degree, too.

It's just that uncomfortable feeling of having no control over the situation you're in, of being constantly watched and having nowhere to run to in case shit goes down, and in the case of Silent Hill it has that extra indescribable overall depressive and oppressive as fuck atmosphere that makes you feel claustrophobic as hell.

It's not fun unless youre scared. To me the fun part is being goddamn terrified and then deciding to find my balls and try a plan of action.

noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors.


I'm pretty much the same way, I used to watch horror movies constantly hoping to get scared, and it rarely worked. The only game that's been able to scare me recently has been Spooky's Jumpscare Mansion. No idea why, but that game gives me massive anxiety.


I get scared not because of the game but because I'm replaying this old game that doesn't really mean anything and it kind of parallels how lonely and depressed I feel


>Resident Evil/2
>Silent Hill/2.5
>Cry of Fear/4

The other big cheat is to lower the sound down.

Horror really lives and dies on good sound effects. That's why games with now primitive graphics like Silent Hill and System Shock 2 can still be scary. Not to say visuals don't play a factor (they do) but blood curdling Voice Work really sells it.

Between 4 and 3 when playing Silent Hill, Fatal Frame, Siren and Penumbra. I guess Condemned: Criminal Origins got me to level 4 in some segments too.

2 and 1 when playing anything else.

Fuck, a good horror game makes you shit your pants with sound clues alone.

>appleseed orchard

Man, that game is fucking disgusting. I remember being creeped out at how realistic it looked at the time.

Eat Jill sandwich.

Step 1
>don't be a pussy, it's just a game
Step 2
>see step 1

>The only game that's been able to scare me recently has been Spooky's Jumpscare Mansion

As rare as it may be, I started the game from this comment alone. And I am on floor 300+ now and none of the cute jump scares do anything.

Keep going faggot.

Holy hell you replied fast.

Recommend one?

It's weird, but I keep coming back to horror games, despite the fact that they don't scare me in the slightest for the most part. I think I just like the atmosphere at this point.

Play Silent Hill 2. After I got through that I was never scared of any horror game, movie, etc. ever again.

4 master race

The tension forcibly invests you in the game. It's a cheap trick but it works.

Get your boyfriend to hold your hand while you play

By not being a gigantic sissy?

Getting scared is part of playing horror games. If you didn't get scared there'd be no point. Just play them you fucking pussy.

outlast is not scary

Play with your dick in an automasturbator

>How do I play horror games without getting scared?
...Why would you want that?
If you get scared, the game's doing its job!
Embrace that feeling! At least you're not a soulless online tough-guy.