You can't romance the MILF

>you can't romance the MILF
>you can only get her slutty bottomtier daughter

HMs/RFs in a nutshell.

Fuck those games!

Morrigan is hot, though.

thats a Gilf you idiot.

This. OP's case is not related at all.

You turn her daughter into a milf


I would fuck Flemeth just to spite morrigan
always lowering her opinion of me when I have to be a moralfag and not liking my awesome gifts that much.

i want to fiddle all the details of her grimoire, if you know what i mean.

Not until Morrigan has her baby. Though I suppose Flemeth could have had grandchildren with one of her previous daughters.

man it's been so long since I played origins. What other quests were your favourite in this game?

I know the point you're trying to make, but you picked a bad example. Morrigan a cute.


So what came of her stealing my seed at the end of origins?
I haven't played any of the sequels.

man, i remember that fucking gay elf.
should had killed him, but i really wanted to become assassin.


I would have slammed Atris so hard...

>"romance" and fuck morrigan
>she keeps telling me she doesn't give a shit about me at every chance she gets
>romance someone who is actually capable of love (leliana)
>morrigan gets mad
What the fuck I don't understand this.

>you can't romance the DILF
That's where the problem is actually

she's a western tsundere

>no option to romance your Mabari companion
>wet dog smell sadly absent

>What other quests were your favourite in this game?
Haven and the Temple of Sacred Ashes was cool. Denerim and the Landsmeet were great especially because of how thoroughly you could BTFO Loghain, and the endgame sequence (especially the battle of the Alienage) was really fun.

I liked Morrigan and Leliana's personal questlines/character development the best, but Wynne's was nice.

>you cant romance in Morrigan in DA:I
literally the only hot character in the game except from the dwarf

that one was a pretty good milf.
got a lot of screenshots of her but i can't remember her name though.

>I would have slammed Atris so hard...
Wouldn't we all?
Fucking Lucasarts.

>the tsundere is tsundere
>What the fuck I don't understand this.
...was Morrigan your first tsundere, user?

Holy shit, more fanart from the same artist. Good taste, user.

I've wanted to replay TSL but it just looks so ugly; old enough not to look good but new enough to have a 'realistic' design.

Sometimes when women say no, she means yes.

B-baka Warden

>wanting to romance Morrigan
You can't romance her in case your warden is still banging her, same with Leliana.
Harding was just a cockblock, though, fuck Gaider


Why do the boys in this series look like girls?


>Hot single mom
>The only way to get close to her is to marry her daughter

whats a DILF?

>be a good guy
>have to act evil now and then in order to waifu Morrigan
Worth it

Yeah but he in particular is drawn like he's trap/shota bait. It's not the same as in FFXV where its just a fashion thing.

Don't question it.
Come on lad.

I think it's more about being selfish than actually evil. But I can be wrong, dropped game at dwarf mines, it's my Achilles' heel.

Morrigan was so ugly in Origin but very sexy in Inquisition

too bad inq sucked ass

also mods fixed her looks in origin

>Morrigan was so ugly in Origin
No she wasn't.

yes she was, just look at her TINY fucking bead eyes and odd upper lip

>Played Dragon Origin like 6 times
>Only recently found out Wynne is a player character

Is she cool enough to warrant another playthrough?

Yeah? I've been playing it a lot recently, and I think it looks fine - with the Restored Content Mod, I think the partial stylisation really help it not look too old. Some things are a bit low-detail, and some things (like some armours) are just badly designed, but in general I think it looks pretty good.

Are you just playing in 4k or something? You can download high-res textures and other fixes from Deadlystream.

>not just doing so when it makes sense
>not just giving her thoughful gifts and sweet words

shut the FUKC up

She looks like Kevin Spacey. Kevin Soacey is the sexiest man in the world and could easily pass as a hot woman

Any vidya where I actually CAN romance the milf? VNs are fine too if in english


>Post yfw her mom in 2

Name ?
Well, i prefer vanilla if any. Like really hit the milf. Not through her daughter/son

Just use vndb


>can't romance Wynne in DAO
>can't romance Chakwas in Mass Effect

This is bullshit.

What are you implying, user?

Did she use vibrator or something?

This is one of those games that puts you on a list somewhere isn't it?

>that mod that makes her hot af
Truly a waste

pretty sure Flemeth is at least like elder god tier years old now

Wynne isn't even alive.

I'd well cum on her circles if you know what I mean

The quest chain that was locked behind a single point in the Steal talent. The Crime Wave.

It's a shame that probably almost half of the players didn't even know it existed.

Which one?

Also an issue in Rune Factory

Jesus christ I had no idea
Who would ever put points into steal?

This is going to sound contrarian, but The Veil was fantastic.

Yeah, it was a chore to do on playthroughs after the first one, but i found it to be very well designed, with the cool mechanic of unlocking new transformations.

Fuck this game was so good.

either way is a fetish for me tbqh senpatchi

Unironically end your life

Everyone was ugly in Origins because Origins itself was ugly

>it was a chore to do on playthroughs after the first one
Other way around for me. I was stuck in there for ages when I first played it, but on subsequent playthroughs I appreciated it more because it really didn't feel that long and you could get permanent stat boosts and character building scenes

There are two in Persona 5.

Apparently it's isometric on PC which explains why it looks so fucking bad.

you can romance a teacher by being her anonymous online friend in Persona 3. If you visit her in the end she goes NUCLEAR


This is NTR, right?

That pedo game made by germans. Bernd something something has grannies and old shit you like.

Check your tiny balls first if you can find them lmoa

Not helping faggots that are either unwilling or uncapable of helping themselves is not evil, it's saving precious time.
Children and old people excluded maybe.


Will this thread end like any other Morrigan thread?

I don't feel like getting banned right now.

That one and the blue hair one are not ntr but incest milf pregnant

Leliana looked okay, Alistair did too. And as mentioned there are mods to make them look good

To make up for that Leliana looked really bad in DA:I without a way to fix it and Alistair was basically not Alistair

How the fuck a peasant is supposed to help himself against undead hordes or other bullshit that happens in fantasy you edgy faggot

Most of what you do is tell them how to build up their defenses. And you potentially play a dorf or mage that never even left their home before. If they are literally too dumb for that then maybe that's natural selection.


>Trust me, I'm an herbalist.

Not gonna lie, thought Flemeth was completely fuckable in DA2. Literally the only thing they got right.

>Bought Dragon Age Origins at very low price some years ago
>Installed it on Steam, you have to jump through fiery hoops to register your fucking game on EA's website so that the DLCs actually work
>The game does not recognize your registered DLCs most of the time
>One of the latest updates removed the ability to alter the game's .exe, making the application of 4gb patches impossible
>Game become a crashey piece of shit that CTD every 10 minutes in late game without the 4gb patch

I can't get off to Flemeth because every time she speaks all I hear is Captain Janeway and I really really hate Voyager.


Everything in RF is fucking cute and cuddly looking.

just pirate it you moralfag

It's made for ALL pedophiles, user.

>Dr Chakwas has been at Shepard's side longer than Liara, Garrus or anyone other than Ashley or Kaidan
>She's always there, even when you work for Cerberus, and is an awesome classy lady (remember that wine or champagne in her office)
>yet you can't romance her
I don't know if I'm more sad or mad, but it pains me. Same for Wynne.

>using steam when you could be using GOG

Why is bioware so shit with animations?

>using gog when you could be using steam

Because they almost exclusively use canned animations for everything that isn't major set pieces, which leads to using animations that don't fit the scene, and also they don't edit their mocap nearly enough.

>Introduce girl with no blood relatives
>Can't marry her

Press F to pay respects for the Illuminatifags

>said he bought the game years ago on steam
>the game just released on gog a couple months ago
