this is the best rpg in the last 10 years friends

What if people just prefer fantasy over sci-fi?

You hype?

Not him. I totally disagree with your opinion on DA:O, but I do agree with your opinion on ME. It's such an amazing fucking game.

>SR: Dragonfall
>Fallout: NV
You also managed to include Mask of the Betrayer in that time-frame, but I'll let that one slide

>the whole Souls stuff
>Dragon's Dogma

>Xenoblade Chronicles

It's still pretty good though. Too bad Bioware removed things like inventory and planetary exploration instead of fixing their problems in the sequels.

Fuck no. ME2 feels like a mobile gamefor brain dead kids with ADD.

And ME1 tries too hard to be a book for people who actually wear Star Trek shirts.

Dude, chill out. It's not like the first Mass Effect was all that much better, it just had much longer corridors.

I agree with this.

I couldn't stand Dragon Age Origins. It's like the most stale shitshow of a plot, everything is such stock fantasy settings. Pick your class! Rogue, Warrior or Mage. Pick your race, Human, Elf or Dwarf! Now we're fighting the evil horde of und- darkspawn!

Fuck off, this is garbage. ME's world was really interesting, then they took the fantasy for dummies 101 and copied it verbatim. Fuck this shitty stale world they created. But then everything they made after ME1 was mediocre at best. Even ME had those regurgitated themes that Bioware uses, the mysterious disease and whatnot, and the gameplay had serious issues.

goddamn andromeda fucking skyrim/mmo influence on bullshit fuck

DA:O is just a casualized Baldur's Gate.

Yeah, it's better gameplay wise than Mass Effect though. ME had awful gameplay and instead of actually fixing it in the sequels they just sucked the rest of the rpg out of it and made it Gears of War in space.