Does anyone actually like this fucker?

Does anyone actually like this fucker?

I only really listen to the Bombcast when it comes to GB content but fuck he is the most ignorant idiot on the planet.

Other urls found in this thread:

I like him. He knows a lot about video games.

I don't need him to know what an egg white.


>He knows a lot about video games.



He's fresh blood.
And it's being bled all over New York.



He's had a lot of conversations with Jeff about obscure console games.

He doesn't know dick about PC games, but seems wanting to learn which I can appreciate.

Here are some videos because

>Brad openly bemoaning getting nothing but non-video game emails
>Next week
>How's Vinny's house?
>Is the PS1 old or is my friend retarded?

What do the hosts even want?

I really like Dan he's alright
>fresh blood

It's not about what they want

What does Brad even do now? He bitches and moans about 'having to edit the podcast,' but Drew puts all the music cues in real time, runs the adverts and does absolutely everything on top of manning the cameras.

Brad doesn't do shit but put gross stuff in his disgusting hair and complain.

He's literally the only person on staff that cleans the toilets, cut him some slack.

>Only one who said you start with Metalman


I know it's about what they get. I've tried sending a few emails actually about video games, but I don't think they've been read.

My emails probably just sucked.

he and jeff are the only bearable people on social justice bomb

West coast feels so fucking dead inside to me. Their podcasts for the past 3 or so months have been so god damn boring.

As much as I hate Alex he doesn't ruin the beastcast, you can't bring down JeffB and Vinny. I think Dan and Vinny have pretty good chemistry and the podcasts they've done together have been prettygud.

They run a website, not everything they do is in front of a camera.

He's very intelligent but just has very narrow interests.
He's been changing that though, which is more than I can say for many people.
He's also naturally talented with people, his life is pretty awesome and he has brought a lot of attention to GB as a result.
Basically, he's a great dude despite his old tendency to troll/annoy people on purpose a bit much (and he has improved a lot on that front).

there is just something about him that I hate I cant place it.

They have an engineering team that does website shit. No one posts news updates unless it's something huge, and videos are automatically archived and uploaded.

Their "unbearable meetings" consist of "which Del Taco should we stop at on the way to the next Live show?," or "which DOOM game should Brad play this week?"

I hate Alex so much.

he enjoys life and you envy that

>Mondays were spent entirely making a 2.5hr podcast
>now Podcasts are recorded on Tuesday so they don't even come into the office on Monday
>they work from 10am-5pm 4 days a week
>Drew has so much free time he's learning to fly a plane just for the fuck of it

Why hasn't CBS shut this scam down? How did Jeff pull this off?

He's our guy, reddit.

The problem is Alex has the worst sense of humor. It's either over the top self-deprecation or what he does lately which is some shitty voice impressions.

Because they get money from subscriptions not ad revenue so they don't give a shit as long as they're raking in the cash.

>Their "unbearable meetings" consist of "which Del Taco should we stop at on the way to the next Live show?," or "which DOOM game should Brad play this week?"

How do you know this? I'd like to know.

I'm Ian


During that one extra life where you were playing that narwhal game, were you watching the program feed on the monitor because the GoPro was pointing up Mary's dress?

Yes and no.
He's 50% playing the heel and 50% being really real.
I love Dan, but he never really fit because he was adopted in a time when there was a pair of shoes that no-one could possibly fill, or w/e.
Also he came in right when the crew for split, and Jeff and Brad have little patience for the bullshit.
Things will be better with him under Vinny's and Alex's supervision.
Whatever's whatever, he's one of my favorite vidiots.

>it's a Jeff talks about living a drug den episode of the podcast

Always the best


Fuck you Ian. Bodega is a much better person, besides being much more likable.

Best part of GB content are the non vidya. Dan has those topics in his head.

>"any then someone pulled out a pistol and the cops showed up"

offtopic bullshit sprinkled into everything instead of something blatantly stupid like a game of thrones feature

honestly, they deserve it after years of dealing with the gb community

People think Drew is always up to some secret military ops, meanwhile it's Jeff who's some underground crime kingpin that launders his money through a gaming website.

I'm no fool.

What episodes were this?

>dealing with the gb community
They really are the worst.

Dan is based


.Mobi link to Dan's new book anywhere?

What I don't understand is how Brad claims he doesn't have enough time to play what he wants.

What could he possibly be so busy with? On top of not reviewing practically anything, they almost never put out reviews, and he doesn't even manage videos either. Aside from hosting and uploading the podcast, he really only does quick looks.

At least I can understand the tech guys having their hands full, but it seems like everyone else doesn't really do anything.

I really wish there was a whole episode dedicated to attempting to educate Dan on various things. Just have him ask questions and everyone else explains it, like what normally happens randomly but an entire episode of that.

That's gotta be fake.

user, you don't understand. He has to play a full 10 minutes of a game before they Quick Look. He doesn't even have time to see how much the game costs due to the extensive preparation those videos require.

He'd have to take it seriously and take notes and shit. The part I hate is there is never any progression.

>Nope, that's not possible.
>That's not a thing.
The best part about the video podcasts have been seeing Jeff or Brads reactions to shit like that.

Babysits Dan.

I wished Brad played 10 minutes before a QL, at least it wouldn't be as painful to watch then.

What's also funny is that Brad doesn't even get the games. Drew usually just queues up games on an excel file that they might be interested in.

What the fuck are those guys going to do when Drew leaves to be a pilot? I don't know if Jason can do it all alone, and Rorie is too braindead to help.

How much Taco bell does Dan eat?

Why didn't he lose weight, didn't do coke, and didn't fuck his newlywed wife 5 times a day during his honeymoon?

The fat fucker was the best best about the whole site.

There is a video of him ordering everything on the menu at once then going home and eating a ton of it.

>implying the whole crew doesn't die in the first flight to pax

GB might just be dead by then for all we know. You need a lot of flight hours and a shit ton of money before you can get your license.

Taco much.

So much that his doctors had to warn him about diabetes. Taco bell is damn good though.

I'm actually really dreading a new hire.

Patrick, whatever, he grew up and fucked off to do his own thing. Dan at least genuinely loves video games and Jason is Dan's caretaker who dips into anime occasionally.

And I don't think Austin was that bad but I also kept strictly to video content.

Whatever comes next, with how much the site's attitude has changed, could be the worst yet.

As long as it's someone who can take a joke, I'll be happy. I know it's impossible, but I would adore more Mary.

>he grew up

You fucking jest.

Jeff went fairly in depth over what the critiera he is using to find the new hire and he never once said anything about diversity or progressiveness or any of that sort of shit. He just said that he wants someone who can write, has podcast experience, and plays types of games that the people currently on staff don't usually play so much. Probably meaning JRPGs or CRPGs.

I am also worried. I wish they would scoop up Mary but that will never happen.

Love him, very unique guy. Makes GB a lot more interesting.

>Says there's barely any e-mails this week so send them in!
>During the podcast he says a fuckload of e-mails were sent then reads 3.

What a fucking piece of shit.

>that line in jartime about not getting someone who will just use them as a springboard
I wonder if that was directed at Austin.

I honestly think many people who dislike him do it out of envy.

Sitting there behind their PC being so goddamn mad he's so good at life while they are never getting anywhere.

Drew should take over the podcast, but he's already so busy

Busy getting carried in Dota. Just look up his stats and you can clearly see he's "that guy".

They recently took Austin off the GB twitter feed. Was weird how long he was on there for after leaving and basically 90% of GB twitter posts were him or his retweets to raise awareness for some shit or promote himself.

clearly you gotta be some kinda fuckin genius.

I hope Vice stops funding that shit, it's some real garbage. The thing I hate most about Austin is that he seems like wasted potential, he would be fine if he didn't vocalize that everything offends him. He likes cool games and is funny, but it's like he's trying his hardest to be unlikable.

It's not hard to imagine a genuine idiot who's put in some work and has managed to score his personal dream job would trigger Sup Forums.

Dan has never annoyed me too much because he has never tried to act smarter than he is and does actually try to better himself.

I can just barely stand Brad though. He acts smarter than he is. Is self-conscious so he refuses to do anything that might put him in a bad light which makes Brad videos massive bores. He's passive aggressive and also stubborn as a mule. He's also a bad podcast host but since there's nothing else for him to do were stuck with him.

Do you think it was better when he was sleeping during live shows?
>Brad wake up


Jeff, Vinny and Ryan could carry entire shows so yes.

So Doom winning goty right? No way Brad won't champion the shit out of it.

He's kinda dug out his own niche in writing about "SJW" stuff but in a way which actually comes across as intelligent and well written instead of just kneejerk whining. I don't think it's a bad thing on its own, as long as more mainstream games critique still exists.

There was an email sent in to the bomcast a long time ago where someone made the claim Drew said "fuck" on video and I can;t remember which bombcast that was or which stream they said it happened on. I need this for reasons.


Every time they compose a shot with someone on the greenscreen is pretty good, sometimes i'ts gross like when someone coughs or sneezes directly into someone elses face. They imposed Alex's head next to Vinny's on UPF and it looks hilarious to see Alex not reacting to it.

I am just curious who jeffs wife is

shes hot dude :)

Honestly, Brad seems kind of dumb. Not in a "he offends me" kind of what but in a...I think he banged his head as a child sort of way. Fuckable but, only without attachments because he'll resent you for trying to change his unseemly habits. Casual+.

Jeff is the deep silent type. You can tell that dude knows things about games, understands aesthetic, and loves deeply but somebody's hurt him. So he's kind of timid. Sometimes I wish he'd open up more about how he really feels, but something tells me those conversations would be kind of depressing for the group. Dateable++

Vinny is a cutie. You could definitely bring him home to meet your parents. He seems pretty casual but, at least he's honest, and he knows how to handle audio cables. Dateable+

Dan seems kind of like a tag-along. Not a bad guy but he's too eager to please, which suggests insecurity. I would say you should keep it casual with him but, I wouldn't be surprised to get needy messages about how much he loved watching DREDD after your one-night stand because he doesn't really like it enough to watch it alone. Avoid.


Fuckkk he married a MILF

>not liking drew or vinny

youre pleb as fuck

I want to see Brad's girl.

Vinny is the highest tier, he's funny, knowledgeable, and strong. Ultimate dad and husband, accept no substitutes.

I always get a little bit sentimental when Dan and Paul talks about what a nice guy Vinny is.

Ace Combat 7 and MechWarrior 5 get 5 seconds of mention on a 3 hour bombcast this week

At least Jeff is mildly a fan.

Isn't Brad with some asian girl?

Is the the "Unlock a World of Imagination" video false advertising?

She is asian and I think she's a nurse.
Also possibly a feeder.

>Also possibly a feeder.
So is Brad, no wonder he likes her.

Dan seems like the friend who vanishes from your life since he moved on to a new friend who is his best friend for a short period of time. He just repeats the cycle.

>mfw Dan asks "wait what's slash fiction?" and Brad has to hastily change the subject

I like him.

Dan seems like a fake-gamer to me. Those "Mario, Zelda, the list goes on!" kind of people. Kind of like a male iJustine.