Does Sup Forums like Boris?

does Sup Forums like Boris?

Estonia is not a country faggot

I bet Latvia isn't a country too?

They aren't, Baltics belong to Russia.

Go too work, Ivan

The band?

stay cheeki Sup Forums

cheeki Sup Forumski

what do I win?

Can't wait to See him Fall down, now that he does YouTube fulltime. Pretty based so far tho.

but i only like his cooking videos. its the reason i subbed to him in the first place
Its a shame he doesnt make any cooking videos though

boris is a pretty good song senpai

Yeah, saw them live like a month ago. Great stuff.

ahahahahaahahahahaahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa hahahahah a a ah ah a ha ha haa a aa a ahhh.....

Honestly is this my facebook feed or what?

Cyka blyat idi nahui

>tfw going to buy adidas superstar
>already have adidas hoodie
>going to put on a stormtrooper mask and go walk around the city

Help Sup Forums i met a girl and her powerlevel is higher than mine

She's into the mother series and her favourite KH is birth by sleep

the fuck do i do

Of course, blin!

He's fun as hell but he'll probably create a cancerous fanbase blin

literally who

>She's into the mother series and her favourite KH is birth by sleep
Tell her she has shit taste

Give her the dick.

as does Ukraine, Poland and every other Slavic country really
actually all of Eastern Europe tbqh, Finland included

Shes nothing special, AWALT

Ok thanks for the update, keep us all informed of how it goes, cant wait !

>Finland included

fug off perkele :DDD

Yeah, they're one of my favorite bands