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Video Games #3608
Video Games
Adam Sessler
Why do modders always seem to be batshit insane?
Guilty Gear
Do you like fighting games, Sup Forums?
The Biggest Retard In The Fighting Game Community
[distant mooing]
Switch Virtual Console
Why doesn't Eggman just make more Metal Sonics?
Anyone else feel bad for Chibi? He did one small bad thing and people hate him for it
Here's your controller bruh
How do we cure this tumor Sup Forums?
Ace of Spades
No more matt
Are ultra-realistic shooters a thing?
Which non Nintendo games would you convince you to buy a Switch?
Men of vidya
When you receive your first piracy letter
That VN you'll never play for the first time again
All memes aside is Battlefield 1 a good game? Or is it like battlefront?
Post you steam tags
Switch most googled console in 2016
If variety is the spice of life, that's also true of video games. While playing Witcher 3...
Name one good online shooter
Buy a 1070
Which one is better? Is it true the 360 version of Bully has issues?
Was this game any good? Thoughts on Yoshi wooly world
Hardcore games
Tell me what game you want for Christmas or I'll shoot you
Name 1 (one) good f2p game thats not p2w or popular
Have you ever played a good game like a real 10/10?
But... muh angry army
What are some game where I can stop time?
Titanfall 2, Watchdog 2 and Dishonored 2 all underperformed
Oh yeah, that happened
Etrian Odyssey thread
Games a 6 year old girl would like?
Game has gay romance option
Why do developers push their games to be something that they are not?
Webm thread?
Filename thread
Free armor trim
NieR Thread
Did any of you guys have big brothers that got you into video games?
Anyone else not having fun with video games lately? Not even an issue with new releases, but games in general...
So will Sup Forums admit Blizzard fixed her and she's now viable?
Character goes to bed
'Member when Sup Forums defend paid Steam mods just because it was Valve doing it?
A thought just occurred to me. With the switch replacing the 3DS(and WiiU), This means the end for pixel art...
Att wg?
Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea
How do we fix PC gaming?
Has Pokémon gotten easier?
So why is she evil now?
What was the point of this character?
Eceleb threads are now tolerated on Sup Forums
Hitman (TM) - Elusive Contract No. 16 - The Guru
Do you rename your ROMs?
Giant bomb upf
What's a game for when you're feeling lonely ?
Did you cry?
I kinda want to go for a dark side playthough, but desu it's hard to not cringe at some of the dark side choices
The state of gaming
3x3/4x4 Thread
Start playing game people are hyping up
Objective Miyazaki souls Ranking
Pokemon > Call of Duty
Has anyone ever beat this game on the hardest difficulty setting without mods?
Vita: Unsolved mystery
Join the Sup Forums server
Fantasy setting
About to reach this moment where Kenny and Jane fight. Who should I side with and why?
Why I can't enjoy this genre anymore?
Are you /gaming christmas/ ready, Sup Forums?
Final Fantasy XV Holiday DLC Info
Gameplay video for Friday the 13th
Risk of rain
Tfw no cute robot futa maid to assemble then take apart and put together and take apart again
Draw distance very low
"Use the mouse to look around."
Which one is superior
What video game related memes do you want to see dead in 2017?
Kirby thread
Sup Forumsidya draw thread
Xeno higher score than FFXV
This girl is not underage
What the hell? You're that new vegas thread Benny wasted back in Goodsprings! You're supposed to be dead!
Ratchet and Clank at 4x internal resolution looks as good as my memories of the game...
Unpopular opinions thread
What's the hardest adult game to beat?
Are you guys nuts?
Assassin's creed ezio collection patch 1.02 removes the weird face man
Why haven't you preordered it yet?
What can we expect from the 2018 GOTY?
Mass Effect
Says hes part of the Canadian JTF-2
Nintendo shares down 5%
Is this worth $40? I heard that the base game sucks a fat dick, do the expansions fix it?
ITT Lets spoil a game without mentioning the name of its characters or game name
Why is it so hard for western studios to make attractive women in video games?
Ik wil unreal tournament spilen!
Friday Husbando Thread
So Sup Forums how is that vidya channel going?
This is Pikachu! Say something nice to it!
What does Chocobo taste like?
Post your favorite FFXV pictures. I'll start with Iris
What's your favorite game, user?
What games let me unlock an ice queen's heart?
V is defending mobile games now
Kingdom Hearts 3 Almost Done Confirmed
I feel great right now. You know why? Cause I'm making a kid's Christmas fucking amazing
"So Matt, how was your week?"
Don't worry lads, we are all fearless big guys in here
ITT: Trigger Sup Forums
Soul Calibur is the most fun fighting game series of all time
Santa Hats!
Would you pay 29.99 US dollars for a 22 year old video game?
Low print NES sells more than the Wii U in 6 months
Sup Forums plays XCOM
Blighttown is horrible
Why did this handheld fail?
That sense of grand adventure
Borderlands 2
Is Parasite Eve the best Christmas game ever ?
Is videogames saved?
If any of you guys missed the Ubi30 giveaways over the last seven months, all seven games are free again until the 18th
2017 is slowly approaching
Fallout 4: The mourning raider - Did you even care?
Final Fantasy XV
Games only you played
Smash Sup Forumseekend
What is babby's first cave game?
What is Soldier 76's ethnicity?
Midna is CUTE!
ITT: Games that deserved to flop
Why are videogame stories so awful compared to movie and literature counterparts?
It's only $9.99. Why aren't you playing?
Would love to play Kingdom Hearts
Buy a wii u
Ace Attorney thread
How the FUCK is that game you're working on, Sup Forums? You ARE working on one, aren't you?
Game uninstalls itself after you die
The great debate
ITT: Post god tier mobile games
I liked him
Good evening
What are some games where you completely corner the main villain and make him shit himself?
Overwatch and fun
What are some good western games ?
I'm not even doing it and you are banding me?
Been wondering, do girls install sex and nude mods into their games?
Giant Bomb are playing Mario Party 10
At what point is it too old to be playing computer games?
Why do people keep pushing this meme that 60 fps is mandatory?
Gravity Rush 2
Let's make a Let it Die thread?
Will Zelda BotW have a Dark World?
Major League Baseball- and Disney-owned streaming tech company...
FF Versus XIII
Nintendo Switch
Paco Taco coming to grips with his mediocrity
Entire Family walks in. Including Dog
Reminder if you main either of these champs, you should kill yourself
Which did you choose, Sup Forums? Which is your preferred ending?
English or Japanese VO?
Call of Duty is the highest grossing game for consoles in November
Why aren't you playing the Paragon of MOBAs, Sup Forums? It has actual graphics
Cute Peach and Rosalina
Multiplayer online battle arena
Super saiyan god super saiyan
Crash Bandicoot Thread
Why did Aeris not mention that Cloud looks just like her dead boyfriend?
What did normies mean by this?
This game is SO much fucking better than every other 2D platformer...
Path of exile
What if Sonic was actually a girl?
I'm going to marry the Queen of Ding Dong Dell!
This shit can't be real
Never wrote a single line of code in his life
Tony Hawk - Let It Skele Edition
So why exactly do people think this fanbase is worse than the likes of Sonic, Pokemon, SSBM, etc.?
Shantae thread
How did/would you allocate your money?
Achievement is a pun
Why does Japan have such a boner for this character type?
Street fighter V
Plays as a girl
Matt is done with youtube, Lets hope his quits Life next
The day Angry Joe cry like a little bitch
What game has massively disappointed you guys?
Love interest is actually the villain
The worst design choice in the history of gaming
I need a JRPG to play
You can fight the final boss at any time
Rogue One: A Halo Story
We all know Silent hill 2 presented the concept of "your own mind in a town"...
Non-XV thread
Pokken is a real fighting game!
What happened to Tales of?
Need a good multiplayer FPS other than Overwatch
Japanese dev attempts western mythology and history
Most underrated PS1 game EVER
ITT: Video game characters that remind you of yourself
You groove you lose, keep it vidya. I'll start off with a hard one
Remember when mobile was going to kill Nintendo?
Was AM2R the best game of 2016?
Senran Kagura
Eat a dick and choke on it
Your next line is
Itt casual filters
So she was autistic, right?
What type of mods appeals to you the most?
What activities do you enjoy in videogames that are not mission/objective-related?
Why am I the only one that seems to think this game is contrived? I've never heard anyone describe it as such...
Tfw not allowed to buy vidya until after christmas because mom wants to buy me a game as a present
Hey Sup Forums, how do you deal with thirsty betas online when they find you you're a girl?
Xv thread
Alright folks, tell me what do you think about Chivalry. What were its strong and weak points?
2 Star Wars movies released within two years
Who is the Dark Souls boss you died to the most?
We're continuing this thread. The last one was just too good
Sonic was never go-
Daily reminder that over 50,000 people have paid at least $30 for this garbage
It's over
Tfw to inteligent for Bioshock Infinite
Metafags and moba players ruined it
Do you guys remember terry crews coming over at blizzard hq yesterday?
Let's see you defend this
What is the ideal length for a modern single player game?
The Elder Scrolls
Medieval game
Why did Ken turn into skeleton?
What videogame that actually comes close to art?
Quick Sup Forums!
Just got a psp as a gift. What are some games for it? Hows the DS emulation?
Mfw when its skill system and balancing is actually better than overwatchs
You let this happen
DoA - Dead or Alive
I like this game more than hearthstone but unfortunately it doesn't have the marketing budget so I guess it will die...
Why hasn't an artist made a vidya song since?
Is there any human aspects that Fallout's SPECIAL doesn't account for?
Fucking christ. I think I'm becoming cynical or at the very least a Sup Forumsirgin from five or six years ago...
Vidya Gifts
Never touched on DmC because just from character and writing changes it seemed awful
L oads
Worth it to upgrade from a R9 290?
Did it deserve to bomb as hard as it did? Were they wrong for just trying something new?
'member her?
ITT: Games with awful controls
No PC release date
Should I get this?
Play vidya game
Game comes out
Want to get a console
Xbones are $250 at target should I pick one up just for backwards compatibility even if i have a ps4?
Do people use taunts if the game allows them to or is it generally frowned upon...
ITT: the best console a company has put out
How would Link do in Dark Souls?
Ssj3 is objectively the coolest form
Free DLC
Never got around to playing this, but it's on Xbone now, is it worth 20 bucks if I liked Persona 4?
The Last of Us PART II is part of the communist agenda
PS4 PRO 2 E3 2017
Crash Bandicoot remake
Can someone please explain to me how Nier is tied to Drakengard...
P5 free Christmas costumes
What do you want to see in the Artificial Academy 3?
ITT worst children in video games
Switch Market
I never played pokemon before. Which one should i play first?
I work for Ubisoft, Ask me Anything
What went wrong
Who's the Brendan Fraser of video games?
Ay yall wanna catch sum mothafuckin frogs?
Why did this game receive such high scores?
Why does Sup Forums hate strong female leads in Vidya?
Hyped up for 10 years
Free Weekend
Is this any good?
Hi Sup Forums
Next reveal when?
This plot twist literally fucked the entire metal gear lore
Which games have the best lava?
Release new hero
Can you beat this kids game?
If given the chance to play as female in a game, do you take it? What are your reasons? Do special moves play a part?
This any good, Sup Forums...
Pokémon was the big winner in November
Tfw you kill the girl
Sup Forums's best loli this year is a /vp/ loli
Left or right?
So console war shit aside, how is this thing doing? I haven't heard much about it since it came out. Is it selling ok...
FromSoftware jewish practices
Why is Valve systematically ruining all of their games with critically bad decision making?
How much?
Western games
Is twitch going to die out because of this shit, or become more popular...
Webm thread. Post webms
How old were you when you finally grew out of Nintendo?
Blizzard fans raise $649 and counting to buy the devs cookies. Pathetic
What is the best written JRPG of all time?
What new heroes do you want to see in Overwatch
Literally the only good D&D video game
Don't answer that
I'm playing this game for the first time, just got to Hong Kong...
Some guy at work comes up to me
Need hacker for Xbox one on rocket league
Lead designer of the Playstation 4
This guy walks into The Asylum and slaps your VtMB thread on the ass. What do?
Why would I pay for an inaccurate emulator when I can download an accurate one for free?
What are some games that test your reflexes?
Whats the first thing that comes to mind when you see this image?
What's the greatest way Sup Forums has effected you since you started coming here...
Are you hyped for January? What will you be buying?
What are your favorite celebrities who love vidya? Ever run into one online...
What do you think of Skyrim special edition and modding for PC?
What went wrong? and right?
Oh shit! New AFL game coming out soon
Fast on track to becoming the world's dominant superpower by 2030
What is your favourite turn-based strategy game and why is it Advance Wars?
So, the Division is having a free weekend on steam right now
Steam Refunds
The part where you start powerleveling in FFX
A good game has never done this
What are some games with a whodunit story? Pic unrelated
How come the "Witcher 3 is GOTY!" Sup Forums meme didn't save it
Best update in DotA2 history
I decided to try out the SMT series and started Digital Devil Saga
Sup Forums
How you guys spend your time
Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun
Put in 3 new playable characters
Please don't fuck up the music please don't fuck up the music please don't fuck up the music Please don't fuck up the...
What games I can kill liberals?
What are some good games with gun porn
Vive launch game is coming to PlayStation VR
You have 10 seconds to give me the link to a game better than Civilization 5 with the Brave New World expansion pack
Miyazaki here
What the fuck happend ?
What video game has the most over the top attack animations, Sup Forums?
*switches places with your friend*
Is Dark Souls 2 really that bad?
NieR Thread
User pause that game and come down for you din dins!
Suggest games
What's the best Total War game?
Point out obvious game flaws
Let's get a keyboard thread going Sup Forums
Fallout New Vegas > Fallout 2 > Fallout > Fallout 4 > Fallout 3
The future of the Vita
Just installed Europa Barbarorum 2 lads, which faction should I play?
What are your cardinal sins of gaming?
Need some coins here, Buzz
How do I make a game that will continue to piss Sup Forums off 15 months after release?
How do you even fuck up a concept like DOOM?
What did you play today user?
What architecture would make for a great final level?
Destiny plot twist
What's your honest opinion about female wandering knights in the video games?
Doctor Freeman I presume?
What went wrong?
How important is a game's soundtrack?
Join an Overwatch competitive game
What went wrong?
Game begins with a 2deep4u quote
Seriously who else is tired of having indie games pushed on them all the time
Who will play him in the upcoming movie adaptation?
Christmas hat
XV thread
[distant mooing]
"beginner room"
Hey guys remember how cool it was in the original Doom how your bro was a bro who did bro fists with his bro 3D...
Me PS fag, but just got a good-looking pc from a retard that was going to trash it. Already got a Steam account
Is Auron the best Final Fantasy character?
When does this game get good? So far it's your typical, clichéd jrpg where you travel somewhere, rescue someone...
Leave platformers to me guys
Kid in show or movie """playing""" vidya
Street fighter V
Tfw refuse to play videogames made after 1984
Santa here
Is this THE operator game, Sup Forums?
Was it google or did your nostalgia goggles trick you?
This woman is HOT
Keep it vidya???!?!?!11
Tell guild you're logging off
Attention! Anyone who wanted any of the games from the UPlay 30 free game shit but missed their chance...
Why is Japan the only country with great game directors?
I haven't forgotten what you told me, Boss. We have no tomorrow, but there's still hope for the future...
What controller do you use for gaming on PC Sup Forums?
What killed the MMO genre Sup Forums?
Doomfist Confirmed
Call of Duty loses to Pokémon in the United States
Does Type 0 have the worst story of any Final Fantasy game?
Does Sup Forums like Boris?
Installing game from CODEX
Hey user why isnt your 3ds hacked?
Why don't you buy the best city builder, Sup Forums?
ITT: Comfy RPGs on steam
This is how Dead Rising dies
Watch Dogs 2
Kill One
How can you be afraid of horror games?
Name one thing in video games more overpowered
Chrono Nigger?
Less games coming out yearly
Is Cutman meme worthy?
Bosses are immune to status effects
What's the best simpsons game?
Early holiday steam thread
Call of Duty is the highest grossing game for consoles in November
Ace Combat 7
Late Night Everquest Thread
Grove street
Patrolling the mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter
Son, I know I usually ask if ya winnin, but the last few times I've come in here I've seen some things that...
Just started a new dark souls playthrough as pic related. What build should I make? Preferably something fun...
So Sup Forums. What games have you actually played in the last 24 hours?
This is a japanese 15 year old girl
Game: Revelations
So my girlfriend is getting me a PS4 pro for Christmas
Buy ssssssomething?
Hard boss in an RPG
Space Hulk: Deathwing
We want the Mexican audience
Is there a videogame that's as good as a Ferrero Rocher?
Going to ask here just to be different, and because people are free to be blunt as fuck
ITT: obscure ports
Here's how the hook works
Post god-tier Mobile games ITT
Im sick as shit and depressed from staying in the house for so long
Do you know why we stopped the car?
Dagoth Ur welcomes you
Honest poll here: How many people here were legitimate nintendo only fans as a younger human...
*Record scratch*
Anyone else probably not even going to undock this thing?
ITT: Mascots who never drew a dime
Just bought the remaster of this Sup Forums. what should i expect? anything i should know?
2x2 thread
Welcome. Welcome to City 17
Tfw this will be forever remembered the black sheep of the franchise even though it is the best game Rockstar has made
Not trolling
Ever wonder about who the Koopaling's mom is?
I just started downloading embodiment of scarlet devil.Anyone have any tips for the game? Also what the fuck is this...
Formless Oedon impregnated human women to create create new Great Ones...
How do you feel about Vanillaware?
If you go back to play Twilight Princess, would you go for the old GC/Wii Version or the HD port for the Wii U...
What is your opinion on the last video game you played?
What's your favorite game?
Guilty Gear Thread
Read a walkthrough of a game you've completed
Keep it vidya
What went wrong?
Buyfag thread
XV thread
You're chilling in FM when this guy slaps your GF's ass and says, "gib mesars pl0x."
ITT:Games that corrupted your save data/memory card
Hey Sup Forums. Remember Madness Interactive?
So that is Yda right Sup Forums?
GBA version or PS1 version?
Post what you are playing RIGHT NOW
Visuals aside, which one was actually better?
Super Mario Run
What was his fucking problem?
Sup Forumsidya draw thread
You have to piece the plot together yourself
E3 2017
That one OST that gives you goose-bumps everytime
Name my band Sup Forums
Redpill me on halo wars 2
How am I supposed to call this console?
Every single game needs a PC to be made
There are people who think Tekken is better
What do you make of these?
Let's have a badass thread!
DUDE let's make the most likeable and endearing character completely worthless in combat by giving him hilariously low...
Tfw feel when you finish a really...
Would I see any difference if I upgraded my R9 to a 1080 or would I still be bottlenecked by my processor?
Now BC on xbone
Koei-Tecmo Event
You have 10 seconds to defend this game
Planet Coaster
Procedurally generated maps
Press F to pay respects
Why did this game look so good?
What video games do fujoshi play?
What kind of chair is your favorite for pc gaming long hours?
Beat game
Im the only one who thinks that CTR was better than Mario kart 64
Do you still remember what it was like playing your favorite video game for the first time?
What are some PSX games that actually aged well?
Video Games Are Dead
Ywn live in a comfy train as a QT anime grill, fighting monsters and completing quests during the day...
Does anyone have a .sav file with the swimsuit already unlocked...
Was she the best final fantasy protagonist
I want to become roommates with Jill
So did this bitch destroy the Dwemer or not?
Ah what a good time
Buy this because it's "Better then FFXV."
I want to play terraria again. I have around 40 hours played. Haven't played since release...
Holy shit, HOLY FUCKING SHIT, were they right?
Is Final Fantasy XII worth playing?
How come no one wants to play with me in threads and when i do show my profile they laugh at me and make fun of me ;_;
Are ya winning son?
What Switch launch titles would guarantee a day one buy from you?
Favorite desktop wallpaper
Reaction thread
Is this worth a play?
I love this game to death. But I'm lost on why this is still considered by most to be the best in the series
What makes her so perfect?
Got some good pieces out here if you're looking to buy
Is there an actual bias against sprite work...
That's it
Tfw vidya addict
Lets play a game, first user to guess my name gets a game on steam that is $2.64 or under
Why did you lie to me Sup Forums, you told me this game was masterpiece...
Games that everyone says is good, but you play it and realize it's shit
Super Mario Run Crashes Apple
Howcome platforming controls would never be this deep ever again?
Did you buy her game?
So using DOOM as a template for a way to successfully revive a 90s FPS game, how would you revive Duke Nukem?
Procedural generation
Post a single word
Will this save the ps4?
Nintendo Red Pill thread
What is actually wrong with Homefront: TR in its current state?
I was not prepared to find this on steam today
At what point did you start realizing high sensitivity was actually bad? For the past 15 years...
297 replies and 136 images omitted, click reply to view
¡Ay, caramba!
Jackbox night 2
This is a kirby in a cannon. say something nice about him
Was it really that bad?
Subnautica Thread
Assassins Creed 3
Complete Edition: Base game and Old Hunters DLC, $60
Why is her hand shaking?
What's your earliest gamer memory
I don't think Sup Forums can guess what game this is
Got a new puppy today, /an/! Only they didn't tell us what breed she is
Got a fat stack of these b-dubs titan fall 2 codes. Wanna bargain?
T-that'll be $21.17 plus tip
Local/Split-Screen Thread
Kabuto (Gen 1 Pokemon) representing a Trilobyte
Wasn't it supposed to flop?
What are some video games where its detrimental to put too many points into intelligence?
I just got three beta invites for "Dreadnought." A game from the creators of "Grey Goo...
What would you have said?
Unpopular opinions thread. I'll start
Never played an Ass Creed game
Why is this haircut so popular with Western developers?
Which one?
Both of these games have now turned themselves into feature creeped, incomprehensible messes
ITT: The best game in a series
Whats the best game for a smart person too play?
I bombed my college final for calculus
Mom walks in
Why are you not playing GOTY?
Buy game on steam
Anons, I'm killing myself tonight
Why has no action game ever topped this?
Racing games
Shadowverse new expansion discussion
Why aren't you playing the CoD 4 remaster right now?
This is your sister for tonight
So what is the Sup Forumserdict?
Playing torrented version of Mafia 3
Name a better boss theme than One Winged Angel
Well, Sup Forums?
Most impactful suicide in gaems
All those dislikes
Name 1 (one) game that rewards you for doing the opposite of what it tells you to do
Why is overwatch such a shit game?
Why haven't I seen you in the saloon recently, user?
Perfect couples don't exi-
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...