What is your favourite turn-based strategy game and why is it Advance Wars?

What is your favourite turn-based strategy game and why is it Advance Wars?

It's fire emblem


Fire emblem is basically a waifu fanservice disguised as a game


I meant fire emblem 7

The later ones are disgusting waifu fanservice games and Advance Wars shits all over them

This is literally how white knight hipsters start.

And that's why it's my personal favourite.

Pic related is my favorite Advance Wars

Is there something wrong with me?

It's actually tactics ogre

Fire Emblem was only made better with the addition of waifus.

Honestly, I enjoyed the first three games because of the unique characterisation and the bright aesthetic.

Days of ruins was gooood(ish), but it really felt edgy and gloomy for me. But hey, you might have enjoyed it, and that's alright

Honestly, advance wars doesn't get the attention it deserves

>pic related is my favourite character

same, it felt alot like you had to fight for your right to live in a wasteland

can you recommend me a nice turn based game without rng bullshit and solid combat.
i used to play etherlords 2.


>you will never play a new AW
>you don't like Fire Emblem
>and they will never stop making them

It hurts, bros

if only grimm vas viable, he felt like a worse max who could use ranged crap

Battle for Wesnoth is pretty good tbqh senpai

Warsong/Langrisser 1&2
Shining Force 2

Very nice, user.


You guys supported Tiny Metal right? I know I didnt ;_;

Does anyone know what that indie 3ds(?) game is called that looks a lot like FFT? I've wanted to check it out for a while now but I forgot its name. Is it any good?

days of ruin was the most balanced aw, by far. and it had online. truly an amazing game. shame it had to be the last one.

Nah OP, my favorite TBS is, without a doubt, Front Mission

Because it's fun and straight forward with sizable depth (depending on the map) and not a day goes by that I don't hope to see a new Advance Wars game.

IS needs a purge or something.

Blame the Nip players. The game apparently didn't sell very well in Nippon. But fucking waifu emblem did.


Fixed for you user

The Advance Wars games in their entirety never sold well in Japan.

>I've tried to played most of the best TRPGs made
>I suck at all of them and can never stay interested long enough to continue playing

The only one I got far in was FF Tactics Advance, but even that I think I gave up half way through

Someone teach me how to enjoy these games, I'm missing out and it's killing me

I love Advance Wars, but Jeanne D'Arc is my favorite.

Jagged alliance 2

Because I like an unbalanced piece of shit kiddy game.

Good taste is always controversial on Sup Forums.