Fallout New Vegas > Fallout 2 > Fallout > Fallout 4 > Fallout 3
Fallout New Vegas > Fallout 2 > Fallout > Fallout 4 > Fallout 3
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Out of curiosity what was the first game in the franchise you played?
Fallout > Fallout 2 > New Vegas >>>>>>>>>> Dogshit >>>>>>>>> 4 >>>>>>>>> 3
First opinion ov Sup Forums i can 100% agree with t.b.q.h.
Fallout -> Fallout New Vegas -> Fallout Tactics -> Fallout 2 -> Fallout 3/4
Fallout 3. Then I moved to New Vegas. After that to Fallout, then to Fallout 2 and finally to 4.
I'm glad I was your first
Which Fallout had the best protagonist?
>The Courier
>tfw no good Fallout game with a modified version of Fallout 4's power armor mechanics
Fallout Tactics. Such rich and deep backstories for so many and varied characters.
Id place 3 above 4 but i can agree with it.
>Id place 3 above 4
3 > NV > 1 > 2 > 4
Fight me faggots
you utter pleb
So what are the titles for all the Fallout protagonists?
Also, I'm starting out in Fallout 1. Fuck 4 Radscorpian random encounters, seriously. I just want to go to Shady Sands to pick up Ian.
Not him, but I also prefer 3 to 4.
3 is better at recreating the "roll into town and investigate it's situation" aspect of the original gams that Fallout 4 so sorely lacked, mostly because they spent most of their time making sets for you to shoot in.
Fallout > Fallout 2 > New Vegas >>>>>>>>>> who gives a fuck
wow the first Sup Forums list of "good > bad" I agree with.
1: Vault Dweller
2: Descendant of the Vault Dweller or Chosen One
3: Lone Wanderer
4: Sole Survivor
NV: Courier
FT: Initiate or something similar I think. The Generals all call you something, but I haven't played it in too long to remember.
1:The Vault Dweller
2: The Chosen One
3: The Lone Wanderer
NV: THe Courier
4: The Sole Survivor
It's kind of a funny pattern how the games go from Vault Resident to Wasteland Inhabitant with every new title.
In that case.
Chosen one = Initiate > Courier = Vault Dweller >>> Lone Wanderer >>>>> Sole Surviour
Correcting myself, Fallout Tactics is "The Warrior".
Change 4 with 3 and we are set.
4 isn't even a Fallout game, not even a fucking RPG.
That's because the earlier games are closer to the great War, wasn't it? When you reached FO4, it's basically already a few centuries and meaningful settlements have already sprung up in the wasteland
That makes sense, but they still find ways around it. The first game is clear; you're a vault dweller who goes to the outside for the first time. The second games starts with a descendant from the first protagonist who's from a tribe; definitely the most backwards of protagonists. THEN we return to Fallout 1's roots by having the MC in 3 be from another Vault.
After that the Courier's origin is ambiguous, but everything points at him being from the Wasteland. And finally in 4 you're back to being someone from a Vault.
I swear to God, Bethesda only can write fish out of water stories.
I think it is implied that the courier is from reno and the VD had hookups in reno or something
Technically, all of them are fish out of water stories.
Vault Dweller is obvious.
The chosen one grew up in an ass backwards tribe for all his life and starts seeing actual technology for the first time.
Lone Wanderer is again, obvious.
Courier is tricky. A lot of dialogue suggests he isn't from the New Vegas area, but at the same time, there is enough to imply he was always there.
Sole Surviour is obvious
Swap 4 and 3 around. 3 is shit in it's own way but 4 is on another fucking level.
Huh. Hadn´t thought of it that way; that's a good point, user.
What is exactly so bad about 4?
Is it bad as a Fallout game or as a game in general?
>Fallout 2 > Fallout
Arguable, 2 has more shit but less quality control. FO1 also was the original one.
seconding this, 2 put some really silly stuff in but at least the combat was improved
As an RPG, it sucks because it doesn't allow for very many combinations and different routes until the very end of the game.
As an FPS, it is mediocre. Better than NV and 3, but it is still very standard and not very impressive.
As a building simulator, it sucks because you are very limited on what you can build and it doesn't matter what you do most of the time.
As a Fallout game, it sucks the hardest. Not only does it spit on the classic games, it even spits on 3 and NV's lore. How Bethesda screws up their already retarded lore, I have no idea.
It's a combination of these things with bland graphics and alright voice acting by 10 people for every character.
From people who haven't played FO I've heard that it's fun. From people who are long term fans I've heard it's fun if you pretend it's not a fallout game. Personally I thought it was crap from a gameplay perspective.
>alright voice acting
Warrior should be next to chosen one/initiate
Why do a lot of people choose 4 over 3? 3 is a better rpg, at least when compared to 4.
I'd personally put 3 over 4.
Warrior was initiate.
Other user got confused about the name and I went off that.
From the NPC's at least. Valentine was the best.
apart from the fanfic-tier writing, the complete lack of any decent rpg elements, illusion of choice and basically taking everything this series stood for and replacing it with the most casual-oriented solution beshitsda could come up with, it's a decent open world shooter.
F:NV = F3 > F2 > F4
Never really played the first game. Reason why 2 is so low because I dis like the companion AI in the combat
they were both shit in my opinion but 4 had that sweet power armour
F3 > F1 > piss > shit > F2 > F4 > FNV
Care to explain why?
he is just mashing the keyboard
its probably a combination that pisses everyone off
crippling autism
Pretty much this.
It's not a terrible game really. Just a really bad RPG.
It's sort of the Skyrim of the Fallouts. It's fun for a short while and as a casual little romp, but overall it's just an incredibly lacking experience compared to the older games.
I've still spend quite a few hours in it since I just love the format to much not to. But it's by far the least fun of the Bethesda open world RPG's. Well, not counting TES:Arena.
because instead of the PostApoc they made the meme circus for sick children.
it would be 100% better if they cut the beginning out and you started fresh from the cryochamber. You have questions with no answers now. But instead you get the retarded "SHAUUUUUUUUUUUUWNNNN"
In Fallout 3 and 4's case, there was no reason they shouldn't have moved onto post-post-apocalypse like Fallout 2 and New Vegas.
200+ years is a long time.
Fallout > Fallout New Vegas > Fallout 3 > Fallout 4 > Fallout 2
Yes Fallout 2 is a Fallout on steroid but that's the problem. Fallout was god tier because it was tight, the bigger scale of Fallout 2 just doesn't work well.
And what is the reason for this?
What is their recent obsession with 200+ years anyways?
>all the TES games take place around a few decades
>Fallout 3, 200 years after the war
>Skyrim, 200 years after Oblivion
>Fallout 4, 200 years after the war
So, what's wrong with it?
they were both women before they became insane nightkin and retained some of their femineity.
People go crazy after the world got fucked over.
Besides, Fallout 1 did have silly characters in the same vein that you had to seek them out or do a side quest to find them.
finaly xd. just some crazy shiet xd around xd so fun
>people said something good about a game so I need to invent reasons why it's bad
I mean. New Vegas is quite a wonky game, you don't need to invent reasons why you think it's bad.
A.K.A. Side quests.
Are you forgetting "le epic side quests XD" in Fallout 3 and 1 as well?
What stupid side quests were in 1?
remind me
I dont see the issue with this, even those ghouls are better than bethesda going "ghouls are just zombies right?"
no. they le mad zombies. hilarious.
the amount of wackiness in the series has always been a matter of taste.
fo1 didn't have that much, fo2 was built on it, fo3 had some, fonv had more, fo4 is the retard who thinks we laugh with him, but we actually laugh at him,
CFWM was always my least favorite New Vegas quest for that reason.
LW has a space ship...remove two of those preceding arrows at least.
I love this one; it sums it up so well
who wrote this?
Fallout > Fallout New Vegas > Fallout 2 > Fallout Tactics > Fallout 3 > Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel > Fallout 4
Vince D. Weller.
Who's the most powerful Protagonist? The one you know would win in a fight between all of them.
new vegas has that laser superweapon, thats p good
Fallout 4 > New Vegas > Fallout 3 > don't care about CRPGs
fALLOUT 4 WAS RUBBISH THEN? That's a shame. When watched the presentation it did seem lots of gimmicks, wrist watches and all sorts. Building house and things.
ah. still it's a shame.
add Fallout Tactics between F1 and F4 and i will totally agree OP
and i have played em in release order
I've never played a Fallout game before, is there a good lore video out there?
This series is pretty good if you're interested in knowing about Fallout's universe as well as hearing an interesting story
In order to know the games, you could also read up on then on TV Tropes. That page gets a lot of crap in Sup Forums, but it's still good to get to know something.
>Fallout 2 above anything
4's Power Armour mechanics were really neat, I'll give it that. It's a crying shame that the resource management thing goes out the window, though. By the mid-game I was hemorrhaging fusion cores.
>More fleshed out characters
>Fucking Frank Horrigan
>Knew when to be funny
>Knew when to be disturbing
>Extended map from Fallout 1
>Less bugs than Fallout 1
>No time limit
>Gave us some of the most memorable Fallout characters
But sure, it's a meme game.
What do you like about 3 that makes you rate it so highly?
Switch around Fallout 3 and Fallout 4 and you have my list.
Fuck Fallout 4.
>>Knew when to be funny
It really, really, really didn't. I mean, I like it (my first Fallout game), but it's flawed as hell. The allcaps guy is a fag, though.
Could you provide some examples? I´m not trying to antagonize you, I´m genuinely curious. You´ve probably seen something I didn't.
Wait there's one missing.
Probably the Courier, He can become a Cyborg and get retarded-tier weapons like Archimedes and he will have an elevated position over others in whatever ending you pick.
What resources is Novac near?
I played my fair share of FO4 and New Vegas.
New Vegas is the superior game all around, except for the shit engine and gunplay.
Fallout 4's gunplay and survival mode was best, barring the dumbing down of skills and abilities. There was little to no depth in the world. Voiced protagonist was a mistake. No emotional investment in any of the characters except maybe slightly some of the companions. Main story was absolute shit after you find Shaun.
Technical performance of the engine was garbage in both instances.
Basically, there is a chance the next Fallout might be perfect if they let Obsidian take the reins again, and the highly unlikely possibility that they completely rebuild the engine.
>everybody ITT hours in each game
>F1 - 13 hrs
>F2 - 9 hrs
>F3 - 100+ hrs
>FNV - 200+ hrs (because Sup Forums told them to)
>F4 - 50 hrs
>sole survivor
>he's not
What was Sup Forums's opinion of Fallout New Vegas when it first came out?
I liked it. It was good.