>Draw distance very low
>Shadows low
>Textures low
>Population lowest
>Grass density low
>frame-rate 20
>QTE everywhere
Draw distance very low
Other urls found in this thread:
Sounds like a console game.
good thread dude
no one cares
That fog really shows that they are hiding draw distance.
In this day and age that is a real damn shame.
It runs on a 26nm shitty APU
>tiny hud
>too much green
>out of place exclamation mark
>video of Bill takes up too much of the screen
2/10 would not play
Looks great to me. Maybe stop focussing on Youtube grabs and one year old videos.
>>frame-rate 20
So at least higher than Horizon's.
Jesus Christ.
So is this an official downgrade? The earlier pictures and vids looked far better. Is Nintendo now developing and running games on PC only to release them on a low power turd like everyone else?
I understand that op is complete fucking idiot with a lot of time in his hands but holy fuck the Nintendo defense force.
>b-but sony
How can you tell what the fps is without the number on the screen?
There is no mid or high because it's a Nintendo exclusive, mustard race
Breath of the Wild shown is running on ps4 hardware, the real game will be much worse.
Maybe he's not blind?
Are people really this picky about graphics? I mean... Low grass density? People care?
Before you start, I couldn't give less of a shit about Nintendo games. I'm seriously asking.
Ignorance is bliss if you aren't bothered by god awful frame drops.
After playing on PC for a few years, playing on consoles with bad frame rates makes me nauseous
now post a picture of Zelda in a non-foggy area you faggot
>sonyggers are retarded
>nintenbabbies cant take any criticism
>pc cucks are eternally mad for some reason
>xbox fags might be retarded, but haven't been seen for several months and might be dead
Is this the end of Sup Forums? There is no real debate here, all you negroes do is combat cherry-picked footage with cherry-picked footage, spam "gotcha" arguments, and compare uncomparable games.
Sup Forums has sunk low.
my only concern is: why the fuck is the whole game enveloped in that puke green fog?
>i-it's just fog this time!
I can't derive a number from just looking at the video. Even on PC I generally need a framerate tool to tell me. I can tell if the game is 60, but 25-30 all look equally bad to me
Ill answer you to the best I can. Imo, greater graphics = greater immersion, its a lot easier to immerse yourself in a game where the world looks more believable. Even if its cell shaded, the "realism" the better graphics brings with it just adds to the overall experience. Not to mention if a machine is able to handle better graphics that typically means the hardware can also support more sprawling worlds so there more to do within the game, possibly better physics engines, things of that sort... you see where I'm going with this?
I'm the kind of guy who will go back to PS1 games and enjoy them still so graphics don't trump gameplay, but to say they don't add to it would also be incorrect.
Get some new copypasta
You can't really nor are you intended to really get immersed in Nintendo games though because they're intentionally cartoony. Wind Waker is never going to look like reality. Closest attempt might be TP Zelda.
It's more about the inconstancy. Frame drops are pretty jarring. I'm not claiming to know the difference between 25 and 30 fps on their own, but I can tell you when the drop happens.
>that fog
>The Legend of Zelda: The Nomad Soulman 64
nintendo, in their infinite wisdom, instead of upgrading their potato hardware they opted to force another console gimmick down everyone's throats. You can't not laugh at how they fail at everything these days.
You can still become immersed in things that are cartoony or cell shaded. Just look at anime and the fans that has become attached yo it. some people start to act like they live that shit. The immersion usually comes from the story/world that the game brings with it from what i've experienced. Also wanted to add that bad graphics can actually have an inverse effect, where you can actually detract from gameplay, in the case of Zelda BotW the hardware is actually incapable of keeping up with what the game wants to do visually, actually impacting the fps, hindering gameplay.
Well it worked for the Wii, legendarily so, and they've been refusing to admit that mobile devices completely stole the market that bought that console. They're going to keep chasing them with new gimmicks and it's never going to work as well again. At least they realized that nobody cared at all about the 3D function on the handheld and just started releasing good games for it instead.
It's never going to be on PS4, the quicker you accept it the quicker you can move on with your life.
sonynigger scum
Fair enough, good point.
>Imo, greater graphics = greater immersion
I really have to disagree with you there. We're flooded with games that look great and blow donkey ass at sucking you in. Some of the absolute best, most engrossing games of all time have garbage graphics. It's akin to reading a book, your imagination takes over when you're pulled into the world. It's why words on a page or simple graphics can still have such a profound effect.
This steaming pile of shit will sell millions regardless of how broken terrible short and boring it is and theres nothing anyone can do about it, it's a shame but you might as well not talk about it you will only make it more popular
I should have said "usually", you are right, there are a lot of times where a game comes out, looks stunningly beautiful, but the game itself is absolute dog shit...
>literally confirmed it's a Sony shill behind all those threads since he/they are not even hiding it
>gets triggered by people talking bad about Sony which further proves it
Are you 12?
Oh no, there is an area that's supposed to be foggy and unpleasant.
Almost like in every other long RPG/action adventure.
How awful.
>"literally confirmed!"
>it's not like literally anyone can go to this website and post any shit they want
>"it must be a single sonygger doing this shit every 2 hours non-stop!
Get out