Been wondering, do girls install sex and nude mods into their games?

been wondering, do girls install sex and nude mods into their games?

the sims has always had a large female player base and the sex mod for it is very robust. do girls enjoy sex mods as much as guys?

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no because they can get real sex whenever they want

Probably yeah. I dunno why I downloaded them myself. Rather just watch porn


I do.

I think OP is referring to girls (female)

Yes, they have to make sex mods because men don't allow them to have sex in games.

I dunno why don't you go ask the millions of girls that play video games


they prefer to read and write fanfiction

No, but they write a lot more erotic fanfiction about their games.

Yeah so?

>do girls install sex and nude mods into their games?
no because they can pick any single man in the world and bang him whenever they want

I knew a weird girl who definitely was addicted to sex mods in the Sims.

Now she's in a long distance internet relationship with a dude in the US army that she met on a game. They literally have only met once in their life but she's too agoraphobic to date "in the real world".

The girls I have asked this/similar questions to have said that they get off from mental imagery better so modding a dick into their games doesn't really do anything for them. Ero fiction with characters they found hot seemed to be a much bigger market for them

All joking aside, a lot of the earlier Sims 2 porn mods were made by males and females.


How robust are we talking, OP?

>That one user who recounted to the thread how he created trap characters and then sent them out to the sim nightclub lot to give blowjobs to anyone in the washrooms.

They can't. Stop memeing.

>this is what virgins seriously believe

yeah they can you fucking roasties
now fuck off

Non virgin here who bangs girls now and again. Girls have it REAL easy. Even the landwhales are a hot commodity these days.

It's literally the whole reason my wife plays the Sims
>Cheat code for loadsamoni
>Build super big house of dreams
>Get sims to fuck, probably with mods

There's literally no reason for woman to have sex with a real man.

>getting cucked by a video game

Stop lying on the internet.


no, us women all agreed to never install such things

lmao u mad fat broad?

I dunno but is 4 as good a porn game as 3 yet? that image in op doesn't look half bad

Yeah my wife loves to play it with her son. I'll even play The Sims sometimes to pass the time when her ex is over

why wouldnt they?

Wow.. user... you should have sex with your wife so she doesn't turn to video games for it.. jesus cucked by software

Because if they're ever feeling a bit horny a hot dicking is only a single text or facebook message away

All other posts are lies

Yeah dunno about adult women but I remember chatting with a girl on messenger years ago, she was 14 and I was 12 but lied to her that I was older so she could maybe interest herself in me, and she used to play sims religiously and had a shitton of mods installed and a handful of those mods were sex ones because she thought it was "funny", then one day messenger died and I realized I was like 35 years old and questioned me where did the time go?

Most things on the internet are lies, but not that one

31. Same boat. Fuck this gay earth.

t. cuckolding fetishists

time flies when you're a faggot

so this is the first time I get to this forum and I see this thread, lol, well let me answer your question: OF FREAKING COURSE BECAUSE WE ARE HUMAN BEINGS JUST LIKE YOU.
"do girls enjoy sex mods as much as guys?"
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, everyone likes sex, even your mom go ask her if you have the balls, but if she says she doesn't like it I bet could be because she doesn't want to risk to have another stupid kid like you.


tits or gtfo

dick or gtfo

what was the name of the collection of mods that allow for incest and a horny slider and all that jazz? I think it was for Sim 3? You could create a family and set slut level and hornyness level and just let it run as a simulation. The father would end up impregnating the daughter wihtout any input from the horny player etc

>stupid kid
Probably one that becomes a trucker and complains about pedos am i right lole

lole you got him good

Theoretically anybody can. You just need to lose all respect for yourself and be able to fuck literally anything.

i know theres that 1 webm of a girl on twitch who installed stardew valley nude mods and walked into the blond haired dude crankin it

fucking stardew valley

> stardew valley
more like nigger valley

Lole thats a dank cade senpai

lolllele at you [esfores] fuckers