How much do Sup Forums think that gamers, specifically big youtuber gamers, contributed to the commercialization and the constant stream of shitty, low-effort, unoriginal clickbait videos on youtube?

It feels like they were the driving force for making youtube as shit as it is now, (to be honest I give pewdiepie a pass, since it seems like he started out just making let's plays for fun, though I may be wrong.)

Other urls found in this thread:

Actually that shit started when google started to pay people per view

it has jack shit to do with people giving them clicks or not

the entire internet was ruined in hte exact same fashion

Pewdiepie is a prime example of YouTube shifting to the shit state it is in

I think they were a major contributor, but perhaps not the primary one. Comedians, etc, also had a part to play. Smosh comes to mind.

Youtube died the day when Google bought it.
It was alright for a while after that but it started going downhill fast and it's just pure fucking garbage these days.

>Shitting on PewPiePie, the only faggot that is actually kinda funny and the only one that won't viral market his shit on Sup Forums on a daily basis.
Never change Sup Forums.

>I give pewdiepie a pass, since it seems like he started out just making let's plays for fun

Almost every Youtuber/Twitch Streamer will start doing it as a hobby at first and will later ditch their job in favor of it.
But to answer your question, no I dont believe Pewdiepie contributed to clickbait all that much. Clickbait was during a time where the YT algorithm prioritized differently than it does now. Pewdie just happened to be popular enough and his content happened to match what the new algorithm wanted - length of a vid watched, rather than just a click.

>I didn't read the OP

If you did, you'd know I gave pewdiepie a pass.

>complains about fucking CWC of all people
>sucks pewdiepies shlong

Just fucking leave. You obviously don't belong here.

>kinda funny
You need to be at least 18 to browse this website.

What video game is this?

That one that has plagued Sup Forums for years now and should just fucking get banned already.

It clearly is related to videogames.

Videogames and the downfall of society. It was when normies decided that they liked videogames more than hobby.

Fuck off r=eddit

>Almost every Youtuber/Twitch Streamer will start doing it as a hobby at first and will later ditch their job in favor of it.

It seems like these days new yotubers literally doing for the e-fame.

People have started coming into lobbies of various games and start asking people to like, subscribe to their youtube channel and telling people that they're giving away a single £10 giftcard from Boots.

Is there an archive of this thread?

Is the whole thread just as interesting?

i'd only saved the screencap, but i found the thread:

i'll leave it for yourself to decide if it's interesting.

Are you familiar with the expression "You get what you pay for"?

That's true for youtube too. It's completely free (outside of youtube red) and most people run Adblock. Of course you're not going to get high quality content with great production values. The money is just not there.

Stuff like Patreon is helping creators fund projects like Danny O Dwyer's gaming documentaries and kindafunny (you may not like them but at least the videoas have decent production values and get recorded on an actual set).

Going forward I think that's the only way you'll see good content on youtube. People just don't like ads. The whole system is just a race to the bottom right now; sites have to shit out small pieces of low-quality content regularly in order to gather enough clicks to keep going. People get fed up of all the trash content and stop using the site/channel. The site/channel has to then keep producing even more shit or let their ads become more evasive, maybe they even have to do "sponsored content" that EVERYBODY hates.


So you don't think that gaming youtubers whose only goal is to make money from the lamest contentless videos, are the problem?

You think they don't get enough money?

>It seems like these days new yotubers literally doing for the e-fame.

It can appear so but look at it from another perspective - You have a hobby You really enjoy it. You realized that your hobby can earn you more cash than your current job so you become a full time whatever.
Being self employed beats the shit out of doing whatever miserable job these people might have previously had.

> and start asking people to like, subscribe to their youtube channel.

The "Remember to do X Y and Z" thing isn't really all that malicious because believe it or not people do forget to do those things. Some (like myself) fucking forget more important shit like turning off the stove when they are done cooking. As long as its done at the end of a vid, I think its perfectly fine.

>and telling people that they're giving away a single £10 giftcard from Boots.

That... I think its sucks. I really dont like that type of shit but, I cant say I dont understand why people would take their jobs seriously.

I don't know how true it has to hold, though.

On the meta level, I mean, sites have to earn enough to pay their bills, but individual content creation is something that can be done as a hobby - the output level isn't great, but it works.

I don't want to say "get a real job" as though it's illegitimate to earn money churning out shit content, but in terms of pure content-quality trying to ensure it's not the thing you live off, making content when you have a good idea instead of when you need to pay the bills seems like a worthwhile model.
(By indirect implication this is "get a real job", "live with your parents", "claim welfare" or such, but that's essentially irrelevant to the wider question: for what it matters the worthwhile content is being made by a schoolkid who's legally forced not to do things full time. all that's relevant is that the content is being made for creative rather than fiscal reasons.)

>It seems like these days new yotubers literally doing for the e-fame.
With fame comes money. Kids want both. To a lot of children and manchildren youtube is their dream job. All they want to do is play games all day and receive money for it. It's pathetic. I saw many quit their career\education to do youtube full-time.


What problem? If people like that stuff then there's no problem. I don't give a shit about pewdiepie but I'm not going to throw my rattle out of the pram because other people like his content.

My original point was that the financial reality is responsible for what youtube is today. "Gamers" have nothing to do with it. In an alternative dimension it could have been gardening enthusiasts who started using youtube before everyone else. They would have set the standard idea for what a youtube video is and it would probably be the same as ours; cheap, disposable clickbait because that's all you could afford to make.

>As long as its done at the end of a vid, I think its perfectly fine.

Try searching for a GTA Online video, maybe one for a specific rare car and you'll notice for most videos before the video even starts talking about the main point, they will ask you to like and subscribe and then proceed to ramble on before getting to the point.

It's real fucking annoying when searching video walkthroughs you have to deal with crap like that and them being the first results when searching for a video walkthrough.

whatever that marxist guy was that talked about cultural capitalism (it's quite funny, he basically hated all the stuff accused of "cultural marxism" too, but he called it cultural capitalism and proposed a pure "cultural marxism" that would stop the degeneracy) was right.

market forces do not account for taste. we've spurned the elites who used to decide what's best for us (like the BBC executives who'd choose to air a documentary on flower arranging even though a general audience doesn't give a shit - because "nothing else is on" they used to watch anyway and learn something new.) and this is what we've wrought. clickbait content mills.

Into my heart an air that kills
From yon far country blows:
What are those blue remembered hills,
What spires, what farms are those?

That is the land of lost content,
I see it shining plain,
The happy highways where I went
And cannot come again.

>I saw many quit their career\education to do youtube full-time.

Any giant failures?

> It's pathetic. I saw many quit their career\education to do youtube full-time.

People make retarded decisions all the time but I think that you and I are WAY less qualified to dictate to a person how they should run their life than the person in question.

Regarding education, depending on where you live, you can always resume it. In those cases where finance is the limiting factor, postponing it can actually be beneficial if not crucial.

The gaming is dead
the YouTube is dead
time to find a new hobby and video platform

user, there is no problem with Youtube.

Everything depends on supply and demand.

If only click bait videos get revenue, then only click bait videos will be produced.

Is being a youtuber a real job? If you are successful: Yes

Youtuber are entertainer. Youtube-videos, Games and any other entertainment product are in competition to each other and the future will tell what is the long run winner.

Are Youtube-Jobs even real Jobs? If I would make a list of useless jobs:
-lawyer (the law should be made that you don't need a lawyer at all)
-tax consultant (same as above)
-career politicians (why pay people who only got the job because of connections)

A job just means that you get money.

Should you become a Youtuber? Let me tell you that only a bunch of Youtubers are successful enough to live from their earnings. The statistical chance to have a better job outside of Youtube is much higher, but "thanks" to the internet the whole economy has changed and nobody knows what will be great in 10 or 20 years.

Oh, most of them failed. Those that "made it" never grew too much. Youtube was already too saturated by then. Basically they never created enough clickbait\didn't work hard enough. They were way too naive. Even if youtube is easy a lot of people simply don't have any discipline and think they clickbait is going to be created by itself. The successful one stuck with popular games. I don't remember his name but he plays Overwatch and whatever new game comes out.

>The gaming is dead
>the YouTube is dead
>time to find a new hobby and video platform

I don't think there is anything else, that's probably a factor in why so many normies decided to flock to games.

Maybe I'm wrong but it feels like vidya exploded in popularity rather than building up in popularity.

Don't get me wrong, vidya has always been popular to a certain extent, but it was never this big that it makes up half of the front page of youtube.

YT's algorithm was changed and Lets Plays fitted its format beautifully. Dumb luck, nothing else.

>there is no problem with Youtube.
>only click bait videos get revenue

i get what you are saying, but it usually lasts less than 10seconds. What annoys me the most is those generic dubstep or whatever the fuck intros

>Everything depends on supply and demand.
The market is completely artificial.

This kind of thinking is how you wind up with situations where hospitals are set a target like "See all patients within 15 minutes" so they pay someone to greet the patients - technically meeting the target while missing the actual point of seeing the patient (i.e. seeing what's wrong with them.)

Don't fetishise the market. Adam Smith, coiner of the invisible-hand, didn't. Supply-and-demand is tilted by Google's borderline monopolistic position as a video-hosting service that will pay out to you, and their arbitrary payment methods that favor LPers over other content creators like animators.

When did google buy youtube?

how was it changed?

Google it..

They have hurt the industry more than anything. They aren't even mainstream as if yet so there is no way they helped at all. Since e-celebs became more popular, companies have been using them to shill their shit games as a path to success. That is just one of the many negatives they are. Not to mention how impressionable their audiences are so they just do what their favorite e-celebs do, which again a company notices and panders to them resulting in trash and games.

It started prioritizing the video's whose viewers stuck around till the end rather than just click on them and close tab. It was an attempt to counter clickbait with misleading thumbnails that ended up putting series of vids that were more or less "stories" in the front page. You start from the beginning and watch till the end. Ideally anyway. That doesnt happen but they were more successful than clickbait vids so they became popular.

They make content that people watch. Just because you don't watch it doesn't mean it isn't worthwhile content for them to create. Why would you bother making some complicated high-effort video that only appeals to maybe .01% of youtubes viewerbase when you can make a video that appeals to 50% of their users. You can't be mad at people for trying to create content for a large audience considering that's how their channels work.

>They aren't even mainstream

AAA game commercials literally feature them.

>Since e-celebs became more popular, companies have been using them to shill their shit games as a path to success.

Found it kind of funny when youtubers started crying when nintendo stopped them from monetizing certain videos. I remember a few of the big youtubers that they were at partially responsible for nintendo's resurgence.

True, but that doesn't mean it's a real job either. I laugh whenever they call themselves "content creators" when all they do is spout memes and yell.

>Just because you don't watch it doesn't mean it isn't worthwhile content for them to create.

Man, it's not the fact that they make crappy content. It's the fact that 1000s of them make the same crappy content with a slightly different font.

Define "real job".

Is the recent subscriber drop of big youtubers related to google cleaning up?

Real: actually existing as a thing or occurring in fact; not imagined or supposed.
"Julius Caesar was a real person"
Job: a paid position of regular employment.
"the scheme could create 200 jobs"

Real Job:
An extant position of regularly paid employment.

The insecurity of YouTube on the whole would render it very tenuous to call it steady employment in the long term.

>How much do Sup Forums think that gamers

As much as I dislike that term you're implying that these clickbait eceleb fags play video games, have knowledge of video games, or are remotely good at video games.

>The insecurity of YouTube on the whole would render it very tenuous to call it steady employment in the long term.

I think elite youtubers took care of that, there's not much room to get big without the help of the elite youtubers.

>The insecurity of YouTube on the whole would render it very tenuous to call it steady employment in the long term.

You've never had a job, have you? You do realize that you could get fired at any point and your entire livelihood depends on the predispositions of your boss/financial status of your company? The difference you listed isnt between a "real" and "fake" job, its between being employed and self employed.

I dare you to tell the person in OP's post whose made more money than you'll likely ever see in your entire lifetime that his job is "fake" and get scoffed at like the child you are.

I know it's a stupid term, but it's gained traction where now it's cool(-ish) to call yourself a hardcore gamer.

>Oh hey guys your favorite fucking faggot here, boy am I excited to announce my collaboration with two of my favorite youtubers major gay and homo asshole. Which is like REALLY COOL, go check these guys out they are really cool. Anyways the thing you are here for, isn't that exciting? Ill get to it in a minute. Now could you kindly smash that like button and subscribe if you haven't already because that thing you're here for is going to be pretty awesome. So anyways the thing you clicked on this link, be sure to subscribe to my vlog channel so you don't miss out on anything else. So basically the thing, oh, make sure to like us on facebook and follow us on twitter. It's going to be so sweet, we have many awesome thing coming in the near future it would really SUCK to miss out on. Anyways, the thing you came here for. It's really hard to say at this point. Be sure to like if you liked this video, make sure you SMASH that subscribe button if you haven't already.

The fucking youtubers ruin any new game because thousands of shitty videos pop up featuring the exact same game. Its horrible and ruins the experience for everyone.

It's never been cool. It's literally a term created by Sony and Microsoft marketers to dispell the idea that the Wii didn't have good games.

Only "hardcore games" existed on their consoles with gears/cod/halo/killzone.

I don't understand how so many of them despite so similar to each other are able to garner to so many views.

I want to say bots but I don't how that would help.

I don't understand how so many of them despite being so similar to each other are able to garner so many views each.

I want to say bots but I don't how that would help.

We have an entire market built on predicting the financial health of companies. We have no such market on YouTubers.

(Shares in Pannenkoek2012 WHEN.)

I don't think youtubers are as stable as massive companies.

You'd just need to find one or two things from their internet past to knock them down.

Indeed. It is a fickle thing, the life of these small entrepreneurs. Pros and cons, ultimately.

They're "self-employed" in the way deliveroo drivers are self-employed. (i.e. they aren't really, but it's good for transferring all the hard work onto the employee while minimising corporate responsibility.)

they're de-facto YouTube employees if they're doing it full time.

>nu-Sup Forums gives pewdiepie a pass because he supports Trump


I know SA goons did/do Let's Plays before it became popular, but did any of them ever reach youtube stardom? I know kayanka didn't and so didn't that lunatic that was his friend.

nobody advertises to Sup Forums, it's a dying website worth only a thousand views at best lol. the only worth Sup Forums has is the memes, which r!eddit does now anyway

Well, in that case no one is really "self.employed" because the government just transfers all the hard work onto people that want to own businesses and all they do is tax you for whatever the fuck you do.

Thats not really how self employment works, especially in the case of YT where shit like Patreon exists. Its about, for better or worse, earning the amount that you earn, not a defined wage that is guaranteed to be worth less than what you actually earned the company.

i'd say owner-operation or "true" freelance (where you can always go elsewhere, unlike youtube where you're stuck with them) is self-employment. this is a weird sort of outside case of being a de-facto employee, letting Google skirt the laws that normally mean you've got to pay your content creators properly.

(I'll be fair, it is something of a grey area unlike the unambiguously "abusive" use where you're an employee to the extent you've got to buy a uniform but not treated as one legally.)

Well the thing about YT is that its more of a "venue" than an employer. Their most important services are free and if you are wise you will learn how to utilize them unlike most analogies in real life.
Rarely do people allow shit like jewelry or other manifestations of creativity to be advertised for free in stores or stands.

>It feels like they were the driving force for making youtube as shit as it is now

they aren't - google/jewtube is.
i can't watch any video from my country without beign flooded with the worse trash that simpletons for some reason love in my "related videos"
and guess who created the algorithm to put all that pointless content on everyone's computer?

so resuming it: they're only part of the problem, the rest is those big companies encoraging low quality content just to get ad bux

i hope someday happens the same it happened with tv - which gradually kept lowering the bar to the point only retards waste time with it and every time they want to place non-retarded content on air, it flops in terms of audience

>pic very related

>Youtube has an expiry date

You got a timeframe in mind?

I got a couple of ideas to try out to get youtube bux before it collapses.

no idea, probably decades... until the next big thing comes out
it doesn't need to be better, just different enough to agglomerate everything in the same place, like facebook did with all kinds of social media

>until the next big thing comes out

Beaming videos into your brain?

i was thinking about VR and all that shit... but your guess looks better than mine

I really can't see VR being nothing more than a short-term gimmick.

Maybe, but bypassing your sensory organs all together in order to form images and sounds directly in your brain is fucking scary.

yeah, as it is it's probably going to fail... but that happens most of the times when you add something new to the market.

then a couple of years later, someone who learnt from your mistakes releases the same shit slightly improved and there it goes - instant success. keeps happening over and over when we're talking about technology and inventions in general...

They've been trying to push VR for over a decade.

I still remember the buzz in the 90s gaming mags about it.

I mean, we have those VR games on mobiles such Pokemon Go but everyone reverts to the 2d option.

in the 90's they lacked content for it
today with steam's lack of quality control you'll see the market getting flooded with VR trash to the point you'll have things to actually play with it

>to be honest I give pewdiepie a pass

The guy who just in the last month make the biggest, shitiest obvious clickbait of the whole year? PDP contributed to what you're talking about, he certainly shouldn't be excused.

Its only scary cause you'll be old enough to remember that wasn't always thr norm.

>The guy who just in the last month make the biggest, shitiest obvious clickbait of the whole year?

I haven't watched in ages to be honest, what did he do?

Gaming VR may fail (I dont think so at this point)

But VR as a technology will not. It is too good at this point ... it allows a lot of interface solutions people have been dying to get a hold of for years now. Only going to get cheaper/better from here.

It is a seriously long term investment at the given moment.

>But VR as a technology will not.

You're right about that.

>Gaming VR may fail (I dont think so at this point)

But I was thinking about the gaming side of things. Why do you think it won't fail at this point? I mean, sure there will be a lot of VR sets just sitting around peoples homes but I don't think it will become the primary mode for gaming.