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Video Games #3618
Video Games
You're on your way to an arranged marriage and then have to get your car fixed by her
How do you feel about balance?
How are ANY of these games worthy of this award? None of them were smart or mind-bending in the slightest
Game of the Month for December?
I just had a great idea!
Why was this allowed?
Why is Mega Man 2 so much better than Mega Man 1?
Why don't we get more neat shit like this?
Sup Sup Forums. merry christmas
Resident Evil 7
Is it wrong to refuse to buy a game because you hate the people making it?
Any decent wrestling games? I've never checked any of them out
[W]: (you)
Thinking about getting this on steam soon, looks alright but how fun is it?
Hearts of iron IV
Does anyone have a more recent version of this? The general it's from isn't helping
Why didn't she save the Lombax race? Is Ratchet really that repulsive?
After playing and being disappointed by Half-Genie Hero
ITT: THAT level
Giant Bomb
What does the " N " stand for?
Just beat the toy box demo for Yooka Laylee, and my fears have come true
Going to buy an XBOX One on Boxing Day, Sup Forums
DLC that redeems a game does not exi-
Steam Trading Cards
At about what rank would S.T.A.L.K.E.R. be in your top 100 games list
Just bought a 1060, when I installed it and downloaded the drivers. My games run like absolute ass...
If you could pick one vidya trend and have it outlawed, what would you pick?
Uh Oh! Jedi Yen just heard you didn't believe in the Force and hes coming after you...
What's the appeal?
Install old game ""masterpiece""
Are we still mad?
Why is she so fucking CUTE
Post-Christmas Gifting Thread
Mirror thread
Which one is the best?
ITT: Horrible ports
Battleborn is:
20% of Steam users own 88% of the games. Think about that for a second. These are the whales of Steam. Are you a whale?
Boss is a 21st century schizoid man
How can other sex robots even compete?
Steam Sale Thread
Why Dinosaurs aren't as mainstream as zombies in games?
Damn, Rean Schwarzer looks like *THAT*??
Why haven't you hacked your 3ds yet?
Recommend me good games like GTA Vice City, GTA V and Scarface
Sup Forums never shuts up about a game being so fucking good
What's the best star wars game
Can someone please get me The Forest...please
I was thinking about getting a controller for my PC for once in my life to see what the comfiness is all about and have...
AGDQ 2017 is in a week or you have any expectations that it will be somewhat decent?
Do you guys think it's possible they will ceonsor NiER Automata for release in the west?
I just bought fallout: new vegas
I just bought Y4 and Y5 on PSN (they're heavily discounted right now on the EU PSN by the way)...
I fucking finished this game 100% and all i got was a lousy NG+ with just the transformations
Heres your controller bro
Ok I didn't want to do this, but I'm really stuck
Why don't you own a Wii U, Sup Forums?
Just bought this. What am I in for?
ITT Characters with you name
Now that the dust has settled, what are your thoughts on the bad time skeleton?
What is the best videogame trilogy?
Going away from turn-based battle system was the biggest mistake ever
Metroidvania Thread: Steam Edition
This ended up being the best JRPG of the year
This game is a masterpiece, why Sup Forums didn't like it?
How do you beat this guy legitimately? He got stuck in the wall and I hacked at him for forever until he died...
Post OP shit in fighting games
ITT: casual filters
Character fights with a bo staff
Will the FF7 remake be any good? Will it keep the wacky tone of the original? People think it was a serious game...
This guy walks into The Asylum and slaps your VtMB thread on the ass. What do?
Things in games that can't be done anymore
GTX 1060
Nier Automata gameplay discussion thread
Did I do good Sup Forums?
Prism thread
Humble Bundle
/stg/ - Steam Trading General
Guilty Gear Xrd Revelator
What game should I play today Sup Forums
Podcast is just Pat, Woolie, and Plague
The only way to kill a god is
Diablo 1
Where is the story in Overwatch?
Who is your favorite Danganronpa girl?
Did they fuck?
That moment you unwrap a vidya related Christmas gift and realize they got you a sports games
Ten years ago no one gives a fuck about how a video game character dresses
Gravity Rush
We will never see this level of pixel art again
PC gaming in a nutshell
Why has the game caused so many arguments?
Which DOOM game had the best art style?
Can we have a puzzle game thread?
Final Fantasy XV is a 7/10. When it gets something right, it fucking nails it. When it gets something wrong...
Disgaea 5
Why does he dress so well to participate in a fighting tournament?
Gonna start my third playthrough soon, is skill/bloodtinge build any good?
Sir Charge-a-lots
Are you ready for the Undertale killer?
Sup Forums what is a game I can play as a huge breasted cow?
About to start playing this series. What am I in for?
Chrono Trigger/Flea thread
Lets see those Steam filter tags Sup Forums
What was the worst game of 2016?
Best game in the series
I watched a LP of this game and I got into like 5-7 hours... until I gave up
Is this fucking thing worth wasting 3 euro dollars on?
Tag: Futuristic, Early Access
So I just completed this game and couldn't understand what Sup Forums are complaining about
For me, it's Final Fantasy X. The greatest JRPG
You can pick ONE game to be available for the Nintendo Switch on launch day
I recently just finished this game for the first time. I had a Gamecube back then...
I'm looking for the best gaming laptop I can get for $2k and under
How do I play this? Or any tips?
Daily reminder that Breen did absolutely nothing wrong
Jesus fucking christ the combat and movement is so bad my mind is COMPLETELY BLOWN THE FUCK OUT right now how could...
Mirrored covers thread
Alright Sup Forums, what are the best ww2 games on pc?
Senran Kagura
I just picked this up during the sale. thinking about starting it this afternoon. What am I in for?
I have been playing picture related game now for about 4 hours, give or take. I've just arrived at Lethain's crossing
What is wrong with weebshit's brains that possess them to actually buy this shit in 2016?
Post dem blue vidya characters
This bundle costs 350 euros. I have a pc, should I buy It or wait for another deal?
*Autistic screeching*
Best Nintendo 64 Emulator?
Filename thread
Hope you aren't too hung over from christmas, but the Sup Forumsgas nominations are open right now
Tracer Confirmed For Being Gay And The Internet Has A Meltdown
Why did Sup Forums tell me Xenoblade Chronicles X was bad
Post terrible dlc
Post BASED developers
Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wind & Nintendo Switch
Buy a game over steam
Gods Eater 1 or 2
>he owns digital copies of games that can be taken away from him in the blink of an eye
Who is the gman?
(with all DLC factored in)
How come only japanese indie developers make games for the thinking man?
Why did the notion of someone playing vidya lead to such aggression for so many people for so many years?
Why is Kat so obsessed with food?
Has a male-to-female transsexual goddess character
Why is Japan so obsessed with oversized swords in games?
Crouch = C instead of CTRL
Game comes out
Okay Sup Forums, which was the better game: Mario 64 or banjo kazooie?
You guys still play games?
Almost 28
This getting in the steam sale or is it a reddiit meme game?
Okay, Sup Forums. Tell me if I'm overreacting here
Final Fantasy XV
(You) are the final boss
Which one?
AppleDash<3 has joined the game
Steam reviews
Attila : Total war
Game has gender slider
When will gaming laptops become the "better" choice for the majority of people
How can anyone in his right mind hate Todd? Seriously I don't get it
ITT: "Forbidden" weapons, perks, et cetera, ;weapons use of which causes immense salt, rage and whining
Japanese Culture
Are there any 3ds emulators or should i just buy this fucker
Has a single console purchase ever moved you to tears, lad?
Ace Attorney
Since PS4 has no games, how necessary is the 1TB HDD?
What games let me play as a communist?
Game dies and it was your favorite
This game is fucking nice
Will Kojimadrones ever recover?
Guy's I'm having trouble choosing between these two games
Is pic related worth 15 eurobux? Just finished Ground Zeroes...
What's Sup Forums's recommended children card games?
The perfect multiplayer shooter with a huge playerbase and lovable characters doesn't exi-
Street fighter thread
Are people really complaining about Trico being uncooperative when that's, like, the whole point...
So steven universe is tumblr: the show, and rick and morty is reddit: the show
Well, that came out of nowhere
Best level design game ? I really think the developer put a lot of thought into the game
The game I had the most fun with in 2016
Driving around listening to german adult contemporary comfy as fuck
The Assassin's Logo is an Eagles Skull seen from the bottom
What the fuck was her problem?
What am I in for? I bought this today
Want to play new 3D platformer
ITT: Games ruined by the open world meme
Why does Bethedsa always quickly fix up the XP/Money glitches and other fun exploits but NEVER the bugs/glitches that...
Game has multiplayer achievements
Who would win in this fight?
Disc drive starts making a loud-ass chainsaw noise
Is link gay
Favorite video game quotes thread
Pick up that can
Steam Winter Sale Thread
Good Video Games
Jesus Christ I can't believe I almost fell for the 7/10 memes, this game is a masterpiece
Thoughts on steam reviews?
Midna is for ____
Gift a game + bunch of DLC for 4 friends
Is this game worth playing?
With the nostalgia wave that has been hitting all media, and the push to strenghten the brand in the west since Xillia...
Why are real consoles more blurry than emulators while at the same resolution? How do I imitate this effect?
Tfw no Die Hard game with Max Payne 3 gameplay
If KHIII ends up having Robyn hood world and Zootopia world how much of a shitstorm is that gonna create
Fun anime-esque games?
How was your week matt
So what's /v's GOTY for 2016?
Swing around in computer chair
This is Estelle, MC of Trails in the sky. Say something nice to her
.webm thread
Welp that was disappointing
The GTX 1070 Windforce is the cheapest, coolest and quietest out of all the 1070s right? So it's the best one?
Why cat hate PS4?
Are there worth the extra money?
Can you imagine being sucked in to a tuba? And have it play a deep bass note, wouldn't that be fun haha...
Christmas is over so why arn't you working on your game, user?
What games are appropriate for the up coming Trump timeline?
ITT: The ones you couldn't save
Dude Fallout is like my favorite franchise ever
Why dont weeb games support cross buy with PS4 like the indie games?
Have you ever had a girlfriend?
And this is our son's room
Senran Kagura
How did you and your dedicated healer celebrate Christmas?
First truly good pokemon game since gen 4
So what are the games that you hate so much for simple reasons?
Hey Sup Forums is it worth buying SF5 now with S2 and sale ?
He put videogames in front of masturbation
What happened to software rendering? Why isn't it a thing anymore?
The left, intended to be fantastical and appealing, is somehow more faithful to its stereotype than right
Decided to get into fighting games starting with this. Any advice for a beginner?
Redpill me on this game. What makes it so good in literally every Sup Forumsirgin's eyes?
Post red-pilled gamers
This is a Playstation 4 game
Tfw looking through sales shit
Looking to buy a new gaming monitor for my GTX 1080
What are your green flags in vidya? For me they gotta be:
Can we have a FFXV hate thread?
Fallout NV Roleplay Roll
Can you help a /newfag/ (to PC gaming) pick a gaming PC??
ITT Games so shit you literally couldn't finish them
Communism would actually work for Kindred
Would you say Dragon's Dogma better than Skyrim?
Nier Automata
What do you guys think of steamos?
This is a Vaporeon. Say something nice about him
Are there new scenes or is it the same thing with a christmas theme?
All of the Neptunia games are on sale
Demon's Souls > Dark Souls > Bloodborne > Dark Souls 3 > Dark Souls 2
Enemy and NPC sound effects
What did they mean by this ?
What we already know:
Starting town music
New Ys games are factually trash
ITT: Characters that did nothing wrong
Agreed to do ERP on the nostr pve server because 10 gold wouldn't hurt on the 10lvl, right?
The Phoenix Wright trilogy is £12.50 ($15.35) on 3DS eShop
Resident Evil is saved
How complex were his motives?
Giant Bomb. What went wrong?
I'm trying to get into Grand Strategy games. I've played hundreds of hours of Civilization...
Batman Remaster
All $60 PC games will have Denuvo
Well, get a load of this
Which one Sup Forums?
What's the #1 game you try to push onto people?
Anyone else love this? great games that no one talks about thread!
"gg ez" is the most offensive phrase in gaming
Is this any good? I heard that RE0 isn't a very good game, is it true?
Are You a Sonykek Yet?
What went wrong?
What are games that were a mistake
I have 20$ steam canuckbucks burning a hole in my wallet and i wish to spend it on an user for christmas...
Name a flaw besides framerate
Does Sup Forums trash talk?
Why was DE:HR a literal GOTY masterpiece and this a flop
Can we have a winter/ice world sounding music thread?
Look what I got for Christmas!
Okay, finally decided to get into the Zelda series and chose Twilight Princess to start with. What am I in for?
Desktopfags will defend this
Just used my remaining GameStop credit for a $20 Nintendo eShop card
Can anyone help me with this?
Merchants have a unique line to say if you dont buy anything from them making you feel like utter shit
Who is the best Soul Calibur character, and why is it Mitsurugi?
100% Orange Juice
Name my band Sup Forums
This was actually pretty funny
ITT: games only (you) played
He did nothing wrong
Games that Sup Forums hivemind hates but you personally loved!
Why in the FUCK aren't classic Tomb Raider games held in higher regard? They are SM64 level of timelessness
ITT: Comfy Vidya Music
This game is never coming out. Ever
Lost 400 on blackjack that I could've spent on games
Game is too easy on normal
Xenoblade Chronicles
Door bell rings
Binding of Isaac: Antibirth
Why do I waste so much time on a game that's essentially colouring in maps?
After playing the demo I gotta say this is looking pretty Mediocre!
Any competitive player around here?
Okay, why is this game pushing my shit in? I'm not even level 10 and the demons are making me sweat...
What makes a game 'comfy', Sup Forums?
DQ thread
Which Chris do you prefer?
Lesser Final Fantasies
Pirating games
ITT: Post flawed masterpieces
So, why exactly WASN'T he the good guy again?
Post games that allow you to level up a ton of skills individually by using them
Gg ez user
Eternal 3x3 thread
Glad you could make it, Uther
What went so wrong?
Let's post charismatic female characters
Will we ever know just WHO or WHAT was Jenova?
What's your favorite sneaking game?
How fucked am I?
Was Leon gay?
Its almost 2017 and he STILL hasnt hacked his 3ds yet
Play Overwatch competitive for Season 3
Steam Holiday Sale Thread
"Skyrim is literally the best RPG ever made!!!"
What the fuck?
I'm really considering getting one of these since it's only $20 right now. Does anybody have one...
Stop sexualizing overwatch characters
GOTY 2015+1
Hey Sup Forums I've got a dilemma. So I've only got like $180 dollars to spend on vidya for the foreseeable future t...
What games have the best MP5s and its variants?
Pop in a fresh new game
How do you save gaming from those who seek to destroy it?
This is my GOTY
Let's be honest. You fags only use female avatars because you have a longing to be girls irl
Is this still accurate?
Gravity Rush
Any Gothicfags here? Just how bad are Arkania and Risen 3?
Make this vidya
Sup Forumsidya Drawthread
Get this because its on sale and i hear its like the only good sonic game in years
This just went up for sale, along with the full figma. Are you gonna buy Kamui's merchandise user?
Up for a real challenge, Sup Forums? Give me a game from 2016 that was better than this one
This hero has become pure cancer
Should certain equipment be bound by gender in videogames?
Bowser has been a lucky one
Just started this
30th Anniversary coming up. What do you think Capcom has planned?
Demons Souls
Hi Sup Forums
Final Fantasy XV's biggest secret still not discovered
When did "gg ez" become the most hurtful thing in gaming?
Playing VN/dating sim
Don we now our gay apparel, luv
This is fucking garbage
Open the door, get on the floor
Currently downloading Bloodborne on my PS4. What am I in for?
Censorship aside, is it good?
Why did he had to die
What's your opinion on Marvel vs Capcom 2?
Reminder: This is not real life
Friday the 13th
At least 5 years until the next fallout
The only X-Men character coming back is Wolverine
Y-You're not excited for my game, user-kun?
Why do swords beat axes in a lot of games?
Bloodborne Boss Help
My friend just Christmas gifted me this, what am I in for?
ITT: games that will be serious contenders for GOTY 2017
Are you going get Miku's game?
Building Roblox Stuff
Is this comfy?
What was the farthest you ever got?
If you had a superpower or a stand what would it be?
Do you have a disability? How does it affect you when you play video games?
This indie franchise has gotten in two years things that 20-year-old AAA franchises have never gotten
Choose one
What are your favorite games for Playstation 1?
Just got done playing The Last Guardian
Character bio
You couldn't protect that innocence
Glad to see the only good ones are left
What the flipping fuck?
Is he /ourguy/?
How do I annoy the fuck out of Arma 3 fanboy...
Let's talk about all the shit things EA Games has done over the years
What games prominently feature a rude/mean/evil/bully girl?
Let Us Cling Together or FF Tactics?
Did you get your gaming CPU-Fan for christmas?
Why aren't you playing Uncharted 4 online right now?
Why do you have a backlog?
E3 2017
That game that you wish was a VN because the gameplay is so shit but the story is endearing
It wasn't that bad
Well, what do we have here? You must be a new arrival. Let me guess. Fate of the Dark Souls thread, right? Well...
What is the nutshack of vidya?
ITT: the way you last died in a game is how you'll die in real life
Audio: wakata(okay)
Can you pinpoint the demise of your favourite franchise?
How can paid online be justified when it's been proven that free online can work...
Mfw nostagliafags genuinely think DMC1 is in the same tier as DMC3/4
ITT: post your dad's favorite game
TFW you have monthly data limits
Merry cristmas all, lets get this going
The Wii Switch will be a flop, everyone wil just think it's another accessory for the wii and nobody will buy it
So I beat Legend of Grimrock II recently and I'm craving for more. Are there any really good custom maps?
Meanwhile in Clock Town Sup Forums
Got a kindle for Christmas, what vidya related books/manga should I be reading?
What video games did you get for Christmas, Sup Forums?
This is Fio from Metal Slug. Say something nice about her
Christmas Giftan 2016 Part II - Giftan Tendies
Devil Pepe has bestowed upon you the gift of destruction
Tfw no bf
18 fucking years, and nobody has made a better game
Bit of a problem
How come bad video game remakes vastly outweigh the good remakes?
For fuck's sake, make a fucking YouTube board
Are there any good single player games that have good character creators other than skyrim?
I have $20 and change on my steam account. I was thinking about either regular Skyrim, or Tales of Zestiria...
"I shall withdraw as planned"
Finished it for the first time today. What a great fucking game
2017 is going to be a fantastic year...
ITT: games that will be remembered as masterpieces
I hear this game was one of the best RPGs of all time, up there with Chrono Trigger and FF7...
Which games let me play as Leon S. Kennedy?
What are games do I play as an owl?
Best DKC
Steam Gift Thread
Steam giftan thread
Top 5 dungeons
Will ZUN ever make a 2hu as good as this game ever again?
I can't believe how bad this is
ITT: Things you never noticed on videogames, also Lore thread
Visual novel
What're some games where I can be a deadly hitman?
5 cute facts about Parin:
Is it worth it to buy doom for the 20$ sale price even if I had the story completely ruined for me...
Now that the dust has settled
Winter sale thread Part N+1
What went right?
My sister gave me a $20 steam card and idk what to spend it on, dubs decides what I'm buyin
Why do normies like old videogames and not all the good games from 2016
You hear it, you lose
That one kid that paused the game every 5 seconds because he wanted to get a funny pose
This hero is pure cancer
FFXIV thread. Will you be playing as red mage in the expansion?
*stabs your fiance in the gut*
Both are $30, which one should I get Sup Forums?
Christmas loot thread 2, since last one died
Steam Gift Thread
Nintendo will never be able to beat PC and Playsta-
Would you consider Tails to be a good kind of side kick?
PS4 pro is a flop and technical disaster
Interesting word choice
How does Sup Forums feel about Shadman?
It's time for a best of Sup Forums thread
Playing Red version
I'm going to change my Xbox Live gamertag
"I love going on message boards and complaining about games I've never played!"
Ecks or cross?
Female character
What were they thinking?
My friend would like to start streaming Overwatch on PS4...
Why? ;_;
What went wrong?
Gods Eater / Gods Eater 2
Who's better?
What the fuck is their problem?
Literally NuMale: the game
Why did Pokemon GO die so abruptly?
You are now... DOOM(TM)
When will there be good games for VR?
Best seller Pokemon game since the original
How do you guys feel about Japan's new fad with First Person Dungeon Crawling RPGs?
I'm so bored
I'm buying a ps4 tomorrow and i want to know which games should I buy
Oh, hi user. How nice of you to get out of your little cave and spend some time with your family
How come fighting game girls are ALWAYS the cutest?
What would it take for a person to be able to accomplish a 1 credit run in Touhou?
Most of Sup Forums agrees: 3>4>5
It's the holiday season, they are doing a marathon of disney movies and i just finished watching this
No Donkey Kong Country 1-3
How would you fix Nintendo? I think upgrading their hardware would be a good first step
See countless threads saying what a good game Pathologic is
Electric boss
What gaming goods did you get for Christmas?
What went wrong?
Last one expired so here we go again
Steam holiday gift thread
This is Superman 64 bad
New york city stage
That kid who minmaxed in math class
Say something nice about wii fit trainer
Who's the best female antagonist?
Who is the Yoshikage Kira of videogames?
What went wrong?
That guy who says ouch or winces when his character gets hurt
Merry Christmas you all!
There are people among us that get paid to browse this board
What's the deal with Trails of Cold Steel 3?
Look who decided to come out of his cave!
Get a gtx 1060 for Christmas
Project Diva Future Tones second song pack launched this week. Are you enjoying it...
Tfw you realize that intelligence is relative to height and that shorter people are smarter because their superior...
Get TitanFall 2 during a sale
Can we have a chart thread?
What is she embarassed about?
Is Wadjet Eye Games the only company that makes even halfway decent point-and-click adventure games these days?
Is the Vita worth getting? How do the Vita owning anons of v like it
Devil Pepe has given you the gift of destruction
Lionhead Studios
What is a game I can play that's like Nier Automata that I can play till it comes out?
George Michael is dead
Which stealth game is GOAT and why is it Chaos Theory?
Merry Christmas Sup Forums. I love you guys. Even you, Sup Forumscross posters
Merry Christmas, /u/!
Grown men acting like cute girls in online games
I caved and bought Overwatch. It's installing right now
This game looks beautiful and I love how you can actually interact with the world...
Game has a Jojo reference
Steam holiday gift thread
Can mobile gaming be viable?
Let's have a friendly webm thread
"8-Bit" means pixels
Is this worth picking up on PC, Sup Forums? I'm a noob to fighting games and have heard mixed things about this
Sup Forums plays Fire Emblem 8
Merry Christmas
ITT your favorite villager that isnt bob
It's almost 2017
It was actually pretty good game
Steam Sales Trade Thread
Did Santa bring you everything you wanted, Sup Forums?
Hitman is GOTY. This is not debatable. Don't bother arguing. I've already made up my mind and my mind is what matters
Left or right, Sup Forums?
Steam gift thread
Any Kino tier vidya gems to buy on Steam sale?
What are some games with extreme detail?
If your a Final Fantasy 7 fan you should be seriously worried about the remake
I want to upgrade my PC. What should i keep and what should i replace?
Christmas Disappointment: Vidya
I swear to God, the game gets good after 20 hours!
Gods Eater 2
Are video games today too expensive?
Afterbirth vs Antibirth
Both aged up
It's christmas, did you hack your new 3ds yet?
I'm sorry PC Sup Forums, playing on consoles is so much more comfortable
Scraping the bottom of the barrel
What do you want to see in the remake?
Get SFV today
Merry Christmas user! Time to open your present~
Christmas Loot 2016[ "No Poorfags Allowed" Edition]
Welcome to the Dark Souls thread Unkindled One
Winter sale thread Part N
This is Zul'jin. Say something nice about him
How did they get pistols so fucking right?
Mother has green eyes and doesn't wear glasses
I saw Pat at a grocery store in Montreal yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person...
Why is Iori so smug?
We'd like to take a moment to thank our good friends Codex for their awesome work on the uPlay emu...
Cpoy that
Nier Automata
Tfw got a girlfriend this Christmas
What are good games on Steam to buy during the Winter Sale?
This is the best Grand Theft Auto
Merry Christmas!
ITT: we post games with long titles
What are considered meme settings?
Tfw no ps4
We're getting complaints that the first female trainer we've featured on a loading screen has unrealistic...
Short-haired tomboy has 10/10 body
Christmas stage
Risk of Rain
Being poor
What'd they mean by this Sup Forums
''Wanna climb in bed with me, Senpai?''
Who /Light Rail Avenger/ here?
Where we last left off, Cheetoman's weedman party went bad, man
What did you get for Christmas, Sup Forums?
Game set in a medival fantasy world
Is X-Com 2 worth buying?
I'm going to buy a new ps4 this week after the holidays. I really want to buy BF1...
Smash 4 Sup Forumseekend Christmas Edition!
Girl joins your guild / clan / general on /vg/
What's the best online card game?
Just got a PS4 today. What games should i get?
Video game?
Characters who are literally you
I need a Christmas miracle, and by that I mean yuri. What are some video games with full-on, no teasing...
We will never have this again
Final boss is a fist fight
Tfw you got a Wii U for Christmas
Soon the new game will come out and people will finally realise that this game was bad
Will it ever see the light of day?
Alright pathetic beggarfags, I gave in and bought two copies of my favorite game, Invisible Inc...
He'll be a boss in Kingdom Hearts 3, right?
What the fuck was his problem?
100+ hours played
Was this a good console?
Is Star Fox dead?
Now the dust has settled, what is our opinion of this game?
So, what's worse Sup Forums?
Friday the 13th
In the middle of the night
Is this the end?
Get new beast of a PC
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...