I watched a LP of this game and I got into like 5-7 hours... until I gave up.
This games is so boring and the story so cliche...
Why do you defend this title so much?
I watched a LP of this game and I got into like 5-7 hours... until I gave up
>baiting this hard
i know people meme Sup Forums about not playing games but jesus christ
If you don't enjoy the edgy atmosphere then the game isn't for you.
give it 20 more hours and it gets really good
It has good parts about it, but also a lot of shit.
For example the world, characters and story is all shit.
The gameplay is generally solid, while the designs and music are good.
Then there's inconsistent pacing and flat out retarded game design elements and enemies.
It's a mixed bag.
to be honest, more games need to have "flawed" elements the way this game does, just to make them more difficult and unpredictable
it creates so much more challenge and an even greater feeling of achievement when you beat whatever was shitting on you
The story isn't really important, it's the atmosphere (and the gameplay of course)
Because it's fun, you just have shit taste.
>Artificial difficulty is good: the post
What the fuck are you smoking user
It's overrated by contrarian faggots. Digital Devil Saga improved on it in every way.
It's the gameplay that's great about Nocturne though, you might have an idea of it from watching an LP but the press turn system is fun as hell.
Also I know this is bait but there are people who actually watch LPs because they are mentally ill and have no desire for wealth, companionship or achievement at all really.
DDS is a totally different brand of game, you're comparing apples to oranges
DDS was great but a lot of SMT fans won't admit they love the "pokemon" style of collecting demons
Are you sure you didn't watch a Persona 1 playthrough?
I know it's b8 but I'm still fucking mad
What are you saying?
>Story is cliche
Feel free to post the other ones that have a similar story.
No demon negotiation and recruitment makes DDS not as interesting to some.
People give Nocturne's story too much shit. It's not amazing, but it being minimalist doesn't make it bad.
oh its just odd when you call it poke'mon when poke'mon got it from mt and it's slightly different
But everybody but nocturnebabbies know Nocturne is by far the worst mainline.
Heck, it's barely a mainline game as is
Because personally i love the idea of pokemon with mythological beings, solid combat, dungeon crawling, and a good atmosphere.
Probably one of my favorite games to jump in and out of from now and then. Despite its difficulty at some points its probably one of the comfiest games ive ever played.
When will the watch video games meme end? Anyone who does this is a fucking moron.
>I watched a LP
Kids these days don't even play the vidya
>I watched a LP of this game and I got into like 5-7 hours... until I gave up.
Go fuck yourself.