ITT: THAT level



Maintain control of the middle and take away the enemy's ability to produce an air force. (Supplement your forces with bombers so you can exploit the AI making it prioritize making Anti-Air and Fighter units).

This level took me quite a few tries myself.


Never understood if the map clipping into itself was intentional or not

I wonder if any of you faggots know this.


also getting the peacock feathers

It's not that bad once you learn the layout and figure where the enemy spawn triggers are but the first time or so it's absolute cancer.


Took me 3 years to beat this mission, then I got stuck 2 missions after that and I haven't touched the game since. Granted, I'm shit at strategy games.

Have you looked up mission tutorials?

Also, remember that one of the most important things in Advance Wars is the be aware of how many units are fielded at all times so you know which ones you may need several turns into a battle. And don't stress yourself out, understand your objective and work your way towards completing it, even if it feels like you've hit a wall. And take a look at this overall approach if you need a idea.I really hope you give that mission another try, it's really fun once you figure it out.

To be fair thats the last level of the game, it's meant to be hard.

Next to last. But it might as well have been.

The actual last level is stupidly easy compared to it.

shut the fuck up m8 that level was great and based shortcut made it an easy win.

>finally got to the end with a few turns to spare, awesome
>let me just send my thief down to grab any items in the lower right corner because that's how these maps work
>war dragon jumps out of the fog and eats him alive
>take the loss anyway because fuck doing that level again

> be playing Daggerfall
> ALL the levels are THAT level

Fucking casual.

Bet you were too much of a scrub to realise that you should always go through the middle tunnel because you can easily see if there is gonna be a pharohs curse in there.


I remember this map. Seems like every desert map in FE is terrible.
Also, honorable mention goes to every castle interior map with a fucking mage wielding a bolting



oh boy this fucking level right here. Fucking night of motherfucking farewells. This level right here takes my hatred to a level beyond words.

yes it's even worse than battle before dawn to me.

>Cocksuckers hiding on the other side of the castle / map with berserk staves

I didn't need to be reminded.

You already know that sage in the corner is either


you can fucking bet it's a sage with bolting.


fuck this game.

Saga Frontier II

it was based on the art of M.C. Escher, so yes it was definitely intentional

What game?

By that time you're either minmaxed properly and trying to get a secret boss, or hopessly low on supplies, lost, and sick of playing. I don't even remember the nearest save point.

Original War.

looks like aoe 2 / starwars battle grounds


Rebel assault 2, Old Star Wars FMV game no one remembers, some of the levels were borderline impossible
>flying the millennium falcon though extremely tight spaces while being shot at
>hairpin and fake turns everywhere
>the millennium falcon dies in 2 hits and is made vulcinzed rubber so hitting anything at all causes you to bounce around uncontrollably and explode
>every time you die you have to watch a 5 min scene of the ship exploding and stormtroopers wondering what that noise was
>the level is very long and no check points
It took me ateast a year to beat it, dad never did , my reward was the following level being the exact same, but with a tie fighter in a canyon .

Were there any good levels?

Yes and this is also why D3 sucks. that single detail was fucking godly.

Are you fucking retarded? This level isn't hard, you retard.


y-you too

Never beat the game but the levels that were 3D person shooter were alright

Kill yourself LOL

someone please tell me they share my pain

Those eggs are pretty much free experience.
Gotta go fast.

I don't get why everybody bitches about Dead Ahead. The only part that can be hard if you're not expecting it is the 4th stage with all the giga niggas.

This might be one of the hardest levels in the first advance wars seemingly out of nowhere probably because of laziness with the levels design. Kanbei's major weakness is how agonizingly slowly he puts out his very powerful units. And then you get the second level against yellow comet where he STARTS with a bunch of units.

I love that level because you could use the control enemies glitch on it.

except shadow shot and stone bullshit will get you no matter what

>ctrl+F "sewer"
>No results

i only beat that level legit once and ive used the glitch since

I did that map on Hard mode with no grinding and leveling all the characters in the game evenly.

None of my characters were even promoted yet when I got to that map.

I had to scout the RNG for every move to make sure no enemies could get critical hax on me or dodge any of my attacks, because none of my units could survive more than a single hit.

In total the level took about 30 hours to beat.

You don't even know pain.

I didn't have many problems with that mission, and it's strange considering I have a very unhealthy relationship with Advance Wars. I shit you not, some of the missions in the second game made me want to bash my head against a wall

Literally the level that always gives me pause in replaying this game.

i have this one on PS1

Nobody does.

Same for you.

i don't know why but that place was always hyper boring

I too play Daggerfall. Fuck. Playing as a not magic user is shit, and I don't know where to get potions.
> when you have the quest target in water
Come the Fuck on.

Kanbei's Error/Rivals are more bullshit, but this map's close.

Ayyy this was my experience with rebel assault 1

I spent weeks on the first fucking tutorial level, then I got stuck on the third one so long I almost gave up completely

Then I got stuck on the second mission

Then the first hoth mission

Then the first person shooting mission

... Fucking loved that game


I don't recall this being that difficult.

I'll never understand people having trouble with this one.

The trick is to no press left or right while the wind is blowing. If you stay still you don't move much

[screams internally]

>FE games besides 5

please do point out the part where that post says that FE7 is a difficult game. I'll wait

Fates Conquest is pretty damn hard especially on Lunatic.

Try hard mode

Chapter 10 is worse IMO.
>having your entire map be nothing but fucking mountains and forcing you to move at a God Damn snail's pace.

hope u brought some magnets.