Bit of a problem

My wonderful family got me an Xbox One. I was so overjoyed when I saw what it was when I opened it.

But unfortunately I don't follow gaming very well and I am still on my good old xbox 360 which I have played for many years. So I am a bit out of the loop.

Anyway, I hook it all up and it says it requires a connection to the internet. I went through all the hassle of hooking it up via windows internet connection sharing on my computer and it starts downloading this update, a big update. I stopped it. It says it can't do anything without downloading it. I looked up on the internet and apparently almost every game needs a big download before you can even play it and even for single player.

This isn't possible because I am on 12GB of wireless data a month and that's all we have here. I don't know what to do. Do I tell my family? I know this must have been pretty expensive. Its the most expensive thing I've ever gotten. Its so frustrating. I thought this was supposed to be a pretty good console. I just dont know what to do.

Other urls found in this thread:

>12GB a month
what the fuck

Have any family members or friends that have a good connection? You can always take your console over and download your update there.

>Data caps

First learn fucking english more better.
Second move to a country with better internet you stupid shit.

Or better yet, just bring it to Starbucks or something.

>more better
>calls out someone else for their english

I doubt OP wants to make a splerge of himself.

No, my cousin has 50GB a month but he pays one hell of a fee for that. Like $120 a month. He rations it out for himself he says he can use 1.5GB a day so I dont think he'd let me to honest.

I don't understand what you mean, is this an option in settings or something?

English if my first language, what are you talking about. Im Australian.

Sorry we don't have starbucks here. What do you mean though anyway, I dont understand.

>learn fucking english more better

He means that Starbucks (at least here in the US) provides internet access to customers. I don't know what the limits on it are though

Australia does have Starbucks, Australia also has unlimited data plans as well with a lot of ISPs.

What area of Australia do you live in?

fucking hell

yall are getting fucked up the bum with your datacaps

Go on the whirlpool forums lad. Post there and you'll find someone give you a better answer as its an australia site and people do have similar issues like this.

Whoa. Nah mate, no way have I heard of anything like that here. I always thought of the internet as a bit of a luxury because we dont have the same stuff as you yanks do. But now for the first time I have ever thought of it as being nessecary.

Still, what do I do with this thing? Dont want to upset my family or anything. They might not understand all this technical stuff and think I just dont like it.

>I am on 12GB of wireless data a month
How poor are you? Are you literally the poorest person on earth?

Do not believe
Do not respond

In south east queensland mate in a big town but I've not heard of good internet anywhere. My granddad's still on dialup because he cant get anything else. But he just uses email for his mate in canada anyway.

I remember my cousin setting up facebook for him but it used up all his data apparently. Dont know how much he has but we must have loads compared to him.

Tell them so they can get a refund user, right now so maybe even you can get a gift you can use.

You should more to a better country.

Nah, that is $70 a month through optus. We are well off I reckon. My family got me this xbox one bundle from ebgames and I looked it up and its like $430. I thought, whoa, this really is the most expensive and special thing I've ever gotten.

Return it for a PS4.
Xbox One FACTUALLY has no games.

>Data caps
Why is this still a thing? not even thirdworlders have this problem

Don't know what to tell you then, your country is shit.
Yeah but thats only like 300 bucks in real money.

Does the PS4 need a connection to the internet like the xbox one. See the games aren't a problem. I can't leave something online all the time eating all my data. I like the idea of popping in my disc and playing.

I'm feeling so much pity for OP right now and his awful internet plan.
Can you just like, get physical games or do you need an internet connection 100% of the time for that too?

Take that fucking sticker off.

No. Mine wasn't hooked up until like 4 months ago.

Yeah I mean welcome to modern video games.

All the advantages consoles used to have are gone, every system requires the internet up its ass 24 hours a day and you are looking at a good 60 yo 90 minute of "hang time" after you purchase a physical game before you can play it.

I find it hard to believe this was legitimately a surprise to you. How do you even get a 12gig a month internet plan? From an AOL 4.0 CD?

What town are you in?

Damn, OP. I'm sorry everyone is shitting on you for no reason. It sounds like you're in a tough spot. Unfortunately, yeah, this is the direction that gaming is taking more and more. You might have to return it and just use the money for something you'd enjoy more. Buy a gamecube and some of those games instead

>I like the idea of popping in my disc and playing.

Yeah... The good old days...

Honestly the PS2 era is where it should have stayed. You COULD play Timesplitters Future Perfect or Jak X or whatever online but it certainly wasn't the focus or mandatory in anyway.

Do you have public libraries? Do they have free internet? If you can deal with looking like a sperg just go there.

Really? well I might break the bad news to the family then. I've not really looked into sony much, but maybe it is time to check it out.

Nah, like I said I dont keep up to date with things. I play my xbox 360. What about the PS4 though, I thought that other bloke said it can be offline and doesnt need anything.

Its on the coast, just outside bundaberg.

Public libraries? what? what do you mean free internet? I've not heard of this here. You have to pay for a little card to use the internet on their computers for 2 hours a day. I don't think they'd let you plug up a console and go to town. Too much hassle.

How the fuck can you not get adsl? just check on the TPG website if they service your area.

>on the coast, just outside bundaberg.
Which is pretty much all an NBN area, even if you can't get that you should be able to get some kind of actual internet.

Yes, really.

Did you not remember the E3 spaghettifest that was microsoft's xbone reveal?

Xbone does NOT require an internet connection to work. It needs an update first, but after that you're good. As long as you can get that update you're good to go from there.

I don't think I'm going to worry about it guys. Thanks for the help but this is just too much hassle. I'm going back to my good old 360. I dont want to mess about with the internet.

Don't listen to this faggot, he's memeing out of his arse. Any town in south east qld has access to good internet. The only way internet is 'a bit of a luxury'is if you live in Ethiopia.

>XBox One
>Data Caps
Everyone point and laugh at OP

Do you see that big white area that covers all of bargara there? Thats due to begin construction in 2019 with completion due in 2020. Relatives who live elsewhere want nothing to do with the nbn and dont have internet so there is no option to just go somewhere else.

Why do you think I would lie

Why is your wireless data cap the same as my families and business data cap for cellular phones?

i dont want to be mean and laugh at the poor kid, and his poor families mistake of getting an xbone. but the reality is that he must be a newfag if this is surprising him that much, Sup Forums was relentless with shitting on the xbone since launch because of this shit.

OP try to get a full refund and get a ps4 OR book a boat trip to new zealand and hit up a starbucks or something.

Thats what I am on technically. On the good old 3g network. Thats it. Were on the same thing mate by the sounds of it.

>Any town in south east qld has access to good internet

Now THIS is shitposting.

mate I am 22 though. I dont keep up to date with the news. I used to come here years ago so I thought you blokes would be best to ask about this sort of thing.

>Xbone does NOT require an internet connection to work
>It needs an update first
>which requires an internet connection
Sometimes I hate how modern gaming expects everyone to have internet or care to have it.

Except mine is just for cellular and is 4g. We also have wifi and LAN up to 150 mbps :^)

Or are you just tethering to the internet through your phone?


You must have access to ADSL 1 at least.

You'd be able to get iiNet or TGP without a problem in those areas on Off-Net ADSL2+.

IT'll be about the same pricing as the Wirless you have, if not a little more expensive but you'll get much more out of it.

I have one of those dongles with the sim card in it. I dont have a phone, dont like them, but this thing runs on the same network sort of thing.

There hasn't been any ports. We try every year. Since 2008 but we have kind of given up the past 2 years. The report comes back the same. No ports available.

Another Australian here. What the shit? There is no way your internet is that bad - Aussie internet is godawful, that's no lie, but as a guy who just moved out of home I get 50GB per month for $60, and my brother has 500GB a month for $100. Both with Telstra.

Maybe in a shithole town completely away from civilization that might be the best you can get, but I live in a town with less than 100k people and we have NBN and decent speeds. I have friends in smaller towns who get the same. So either OP is lying or he is being majorly scammed by some shit-tier ISP.

I'm going to check available ports right fucking now. And get back to you.

>It says it can't do anything without downloading it. I looked up on the internet and apparently almost every game needs a big download before you can even play it and even for single player.
Yeah welcome to the future, it started with the Wii U and every one of the three consoles need you to download updates. Why they moved away from having update data on the disk is beyond me, 360 was fucking DVD's and they still had space for the latest update. With BluRays theres no excuse.

Also, DataRite Enterprises. 215 Bourbong St, Bundaberg Central QLD 4670.

Explain your situation to them and give them some cash and they should help you out.

100000 people. That to me isnt a town, that's a city.

There are about 8000 people here and we just dont have goo dinternet, I mean, whats so hard to understand, I've posted maps, why would I lie.

Well, i dont know how you can do that but good luck with that.

They are available. OP delete thread and learn to technology. If you are for legit go on fucking whirlpool and talk to a ISP rep and they will help you if telstra fags keep telling you there are no ports.

I can't tell if this was supposed to be a troll thread about the Xbox requiring an internet connection and the PS4 not but you guys have sure given the OP a lot of good advice, well done.

>it started with the Wii U and every one of the three consoles need you to download updates.
m8 MGS4 was famous for having huge-ass downloads and having you install stuff.

I am getting sick of all this. I just want to play games, not mess about on the internet. The internet we have is fine. we shouldnt need internet for some games. Im just not going to worry about it. I am going back to my 360.

You can't shitpost other true blue shitposters you cunt. I'd fucking rip you a new one cunt if I could.

>tfw you live in a shitty old condominium and all you can get is 7mbps dsl

I might as well kill myself

It was the ps3 that started this though.

Go to whirlpool and ask what they think. They will give you a much better answer than Sup Forums.
He isn't lying, I have had similar experiences

PS3 had updates on all game disks, you were never forced to download system updates to use the console.

>a modern piece of technology assumes you have access to one of the most basic commodities in modern society
it sucks that it doesn't work without internet but i think a modern person should honestly get good reliable internet before thinking about video games

how so?

Internet should fall under your utility bill just like water and electricity desu.

Honestly I will see this happening in the next decade.

This is all just stressing me out. Thanks for all the advice guys. Really appreciate it and I knew this place would come through for me. But I'm just not going to worry about it.

Xbox One doesn't require an internet connection once you update it and have a gamertag. There's an offline mode that is identical to the 360 experience.

You don't have to download the updates on ps4, it will still play games regardless.

Not so with the xbone.

I was mainly thinking of the game updates you install when you put in a new game in the ps3, not mandatory system updates, so I was mistaken.

>want to play halo 5 campaign
>must download 100gb of updates on mobile data

i feel like you can try to find some sort of microsoft office or some shit and ask them to update for you if you personally can't do it with your internet

>I've posted maps

And all that showed is you can't get nbn, like the majority of Australians.

MS has an office in North Ryde NSW, you could perhaps post it to them, and they'd post it back updated

The place they bought it from might be able to perform the update for you. That's real rough. Back when our ISP had a cap it was 250GB and even then we had a hard time not going over it.

its ok, your still a kid compared to me. sorry to hear about your xbone