ITT: The ones you couldn't save

ITT: The ones you couldn't save.

Other urls found in this thread:


too pure for this world

>protagonist never actually sees Agro after he falls


Wh-what do you mean user? I just started Republic Commando. Don't do this to me!

for the first time in my life I looked for a horse cock and found none. I stand corrected


Dat useless nigga dies at the end


Gee, I wonder who is behind that post

You mean YODA WOULDN'T LET ME SAVE HIM. All Jedi must fucking hang.

Yeah, rip.

He was truly one of the best.

Anakin was right



I didn't come here for these feels.

Chromehounds is 10 years old and nobody remembers let alone knows anything about it

Fromsoft doesn't give a shit about it either

Chromehounds 2 never

I'd settle for a Chromehounds PC re-release. They wouldn't even need to update the textures. Or have the campaign. Just the multiplayer and the Neroimus War.

I just want to Pile peoples' fucking cockpits in half again.

Sega owns CH. They also owned the servers.

I would settle for that too. Hopefully something akin to Chromehounds comes to fruitition from this. Or at least anything but a souls game at all.

Disney already saved him

Miyazaki had nothing to do with CH and they already said it was an Armored Core

Not Disney, Filoni.


You right, Darth Lord Filoni The Waifu Slayer