Just got a PS4 today. What games should i get?
Just got a PS4 today. What games should i get?
Forza horizon 3
Unironically this. Also Witcher 3 and Mankind Divided. Also if you like baseball, MLB The Show '16 is the best baseball game I've ever played. For real though, Bloodborne first.
Preferebly something you like.
Bloodborne and wait for Nioh or Persona 5
Gravity Rush is fun too
Ratchet and Clank, Uncharted 4 & Draqon Quest Builders
Add HuskySupreme
I got one too and im lonely.
Odin Sphere Leifthrasir
Ratchet and Clank
The Last Guardian
Gravity Rush and The Last of Us for remasters.
Skyrim Special Edition
>on console
wow, there's a lot of retarded shit in that list but that alone invalidates the whole thing
Fifa 17
inFamous Second Son & First Light
The Last Guardian
Metro 2033 & Last Light
Resident Evil HD
Sherlock Holmes Crimes and Punishments & The Devil's Daughter
That's all I can recommend. My girlfriend likes Dirt Rally and Steep. Dirt looks good, but isn't really my bag.
It's a list of games, user. Not an opinion. Your personal taste can't invalidate facts.
Bloodborne: The Old Hunters
The DLC is the best gameplay of this gen
Maybe later
>Not an opinion
>recommended retail games
like I said. Completely invalidated
Is MLB enjoyable if I know literally nothing about Baseball? It's a toss up between that and NFL (I've seen a bit), but MLB is so well reviewed and I want a more tactical game than Fifa.
>Is MLB enjoyable if I know literally nothing about Baseball?
I honestly don't know how to answer this. Baseball is my favorite sport so obviously that helps, but I played the fuck out of a couple of the Tiger Woods games and I don't know shit about golf, so maybe?
I also like golf games and don't watch golf at all. I wish they were still good.
All the good stuff is coming in 2017
I haven't played any new ones but the ones from around ten years or so were fun as hell. Are you saying the newer ones suck? Because I was suddenly wondering about that. That's a bummer.
The game still exists on PS4. Nothing you say will invalidate that.
>Halo didn't prove consoles can have fps aswell
Damn a ton of people are missing out on great games because of retarded stigma about genres.
Its like saying PC is bad for playing video games all together because they are made for working and not playing.
nier demo
Gundam Breaker 3
That list recommends you to play Doom on console
Nothing you say will invalidate that.
Not an argument desu
Do you have a PC or no?
>Halo didn't prove consoles can have fps aswell
You're right, it didn't. There's basically only two options for shooters on console
1. Have a terrible experience where you can't hit shit
2. Make a really dumbed down casual game with heavy auto aim and RNG spread instead of recoil (halo) and/or slow pace and linear levels.
You're right, it's not an argument. It's a fact that, that list recommends you to play doom on console
>Have a terrible experience where you can't hit shit
Sounds like you need to git gud tbqhwy.
I already bought DS3, should I still buy bloodborne? Seems like it would burn out my interest in souls games.
Omega Quintet.
That list doesn't recommend anything. It just shows what games are available on the console
The list has more authority than you though. Your opinion was invalidated by it.
I'm waiting for Tekken 7 to get the PS4, but that list has a lot of potentially interesting games.
You should buy Bloodborne, and put DS3 aside for some other time when you're bored and don't have anything better to do. Bloodborne is the vastly superior game.
But halo is option number 2 retard. Almost every single console shooter is option number 2 since option number 1 us just THAT bad. The only console shooters i know of that don't have auto aim is quake live and CS:GO. Nobody plays them for that exact reason
witcher 3
deus ex mankind divided
you got a special gift today. greatness awaits my friend.
see see
I'm assuming you didn't play it, it's fine on consoles. The graphics take a hit but it runs at 60
Two words:
wild buns reloaded
>it's fine on consoles
In the same way a racing game is fine with a keyboard
Also 60fps is not really ok for a fast paced game today.
Wouldn't that mean I'll dislike DS3 after playing the better game?
>RNG spread
No shooter has that. I am not memeing.
Counter strike also has a spread in shots and again its not RNG.
Holy shit you are just a plain old case of the git guds.
If the spread can go anywhere from the target's left to the target's right or on the target, then it is RNG.
Not necessarily. It isn't a bad game, it just isn't fucking amazing like Bloodborne is. Just know that you shouldn't expect a Bloodborne tier experience going into it and you'll be able to enjoy it just fine.
Harry potter4:Revenge of tHe DumburDoe
and this
>Draqon Quest Builders
Is that game really more than just Minecraft with DQ? I see it get recommended on Sup Forums all the time but put it off because, well, Minecraft with DQ.
Counter strike has spray patterns. Halo, cowwadoody and other console shooters have random COF spread
>git guds
>Desperate name calling
I see. Well, I'll take a look at bloodborne then and probably play DS3 a different time, got FFXV and other games too
Is Digimon: Cyber Sleuth worth plunking some money down on? It's 20 bucks right now at gamestop, looks fun and I like turn based games.
>gifting someone a console without any games
I know nothing more than the basics of football and I can still enjoy Madden games once in a while, I'd say buy a cheap used copy and try it out. Baseball is pretty simple in terms of how it's played, you shouldn't have any problems.
Let it FUCKING Die
>casual shooter
Who fucking cares, dude. CS:GO was literally made for consoles, and that game is a hell of a lot more reliant on accurate aim than nu-doom.
It's not that. It's just that you will have a much worse experience. Of course you can still do it, but anyone actually recommending you to play a racing game with keyboard or a shooter on console is retarded.
>CS:GO was literally made for consoles
It's okay, very mediocre though. It looks also like shit, thanks to being a quick port of a vita game.
>It's just that you will have a much worse experience
People with autism will have just as much fun with it. The game sucks anyways, might as well play it all casual and relaxed on the couch with a controller.
So your argument for playing on console is that the games suck and you don't really care?
Some of us actually enjoy vidja.
>relaxed on the couch with a controller.
I've never understood why some retards think this is a console thing
It's Christmas friend, please keep your platform war sperging to a minimum. nu-DOOM is not a good enough game for you to be so obsessed with le perfect experience. There are plenty of console games that are great.
As for the second point, are you telling me you can be comfortable sitting on the couch with your PC in the middle of the living room and a mouse+keyboard on your thighs? Obviously you can play on PC with a controller but that seems to be a high offense to you. You'd also have to have a keyboard and mouse handy for whenever you weren't in game.
>nu-DOOM is not a good enough game
Again you're saying that playing on console is for games that suck. I just don't bother with those games at all.
>for you to be so obsessed with le perfect experience
The simple difference of Buying for PC instead of console is hardly "obsessing" retard.
>There are plenty of console games that are great.
yes, but none of them are shooters
>with your PC in the middle of the living room
You can put your PC exactly where you would put a console, you can even stream to any screen in your home with no cables. It's more convenient than a console.
>Obviously you can play on PC with a controller
>that seems to be a high offense to you
>You'd also have to have a keyboard and mouse handy for whenever you weren't in game.
There will be everybody's golf in 2017
It's more like dragon quest RPG with minecraft elements
Until Dawn
>yes, but none of them are shooters
Uncharted is a shooter no? Doom is also fun to play on PS4. Also Killzone SF doesn't have bad shooting gameplay at all. The game was just boring in terms of level design and the story was boring.
>you can even stream to any screen in your home with no cables. It's more convenient than a console
I call bullshit. It takes time to set that up and no matter where you put your PC you need to have quite a bit of cables going to it. Not to mention all cordless controllers are a hassle to set up on PC.
PC is just straight up GARB FAMALAMA haha. Whatcha gon' say now son?
>Uncharted is a shooter no?
>Doom is also fun to play on PS4.
And a racing game can be fun with a keyboard, doesn't change that someone recommending you to play it that way is retarded
>Killzone SF doesn't have bad shooting gameplay at all
literally call of duty. If you like that it's fine I guess
>The game was just boring in terms of level design
The level design is a consequence of being on console.
>It takes time to set that up
literally plug in two dongles and do a 10 minute config
>no matter where you put your PC you need to have quite a bit of cables going to it
unlike a PS4 which is completely wireless?
>all cordless controllers are a hassle to set up on PC.
pcuck shitting up a ps4 recommendation thread.
these fucking cockroaches just wont fuck off
>literally call of duty. If you like that it's fine I guess
Not even close.
>The level design is a consequence of being on console.
No because the previous games especailly KZ2 had way better level design.
Stop being biased you retard. Also Halo 2 had way better level design and it was xbox exclusive for the longest time.
Come to think of it there are plenty of shooters like SOCOM etc. that were just fine on console.
BB is on sale right now too. Make sure you get the dlc.
>literally plug in two dongles and do a 10 minute config
You forgot the install driver and restart system 3 times.
>unlike a PS4 which is completely wireless?
Has much less wires than a PC does.
Also you still need a screen initially before you can stream your PC to a TV AND its not recommended for video games to use those streaming services because of obvious input lag. I tried working with one of those API's and its not worth the trouble. Also you need a smart TV which are fucking redundant as fuck.
Yes they are sry babe.
What genres are you interested in? Western? Japanese? Both?
>Not to mention all cordless controllers are a hassle to set up on PC.
Connect controller to PC -> Xbox 360/Bone will automatically use it, PS3/PS4 download better DS3/4 and done. Not a hassle at all.
>OP ask for PS4 games
>PC idiot gets mad that someone play games on console and try to justify PC
Why are PC friends are so insecure?
Nope you also have to configure it as well as buy adapter in some cease.
>It's just that you will have a much worse experience.
I play with controller and don't hve bad experience. Speak for yourself ok?
Auto detect the settings so that the PS3/4 are used as 360 to 1:1 ratio, as is the default for those two. What fucking adapter are you talking about? I've used three of four of the controllers I've mentioned and have never had to use a special adapter unless you're talking about the charging cable.
like I said. If you like that it's fine I guess. All games you mention have everything mentioned in .
>You forgot the install driver and restart system 3 times.
that's a 10 minute config on PC m8.
>Has much less wires than a PC does.
What wires does a PC need more than a PS4?
>because of obvious input lag.
Set up properly it adds no more than playing on a console and TV does compared to a PC in the first place.
Or you know, just plug it in directly like a console. It's an extra option, it's only a benefit.
>Yes they are sry babe.
no, also if you're concerned with input lag, why are you using wireless controllers to begin with?
greentext for
Worse =/= bad
lrn2 grade school english
>1. Have a terrible experience where you can't hit shit
I play on console and I can hit without auto aim. Must be fucking magic, holy shit.
Wait for Yakuza 0, Nioh, and Persona 5.
Persona 5 is easily one of the best games on the PS3/PS4.
Nioh looks fun. I got a lot of play time from the alpha and beta alone.
Yakuza 0 is already out, just not localized, and it's a fantastic beat-em-up with great production values.
See what? I said I don't use auto aim. You can't read? Also I always found controller more comfortable since you can use it everywhere and don't require flat surface as well as clunky keyboard. So yes, I prefer playing fps with controller.
persona seriously? the other games ok but persona//
Yeah. It's pretty fun. And extremely stylish (literally every menu has some sort of animation to go with it, every character has their own AoA splash screen after a random battle win, etc.) with tons of things to do in it.
>There huge problems aren't real on my machine
Well what can i tell you mate. As a guy who have worked on some of those stream to a TV screen API's it works like utter fucking shit with like 100ms latency at the least.
Console latency to a TV is cable tier. Its nothing.
dont listen to them. dark souls 3 is honestly like a greatest hits compilation of all the souls games.
bloodbourne is good in its own way but not as much as dark souls 3.
>I don't use auto aim.
>this retard literally doesn't know that virtually every single console game has built in auto aim that you can't turn off
Bloodborne and its DLC The Old Hunters is on flash sale at 50% off the the Playstation Store RIGHT NOW.
>source: mu butthole
It's hilarious how you are triggered because I don't want to play fps on your PC. That's seriously clinical autism.
>Console latency to a TV is cable tier. Its nothing.
The TV alone has 10-100 times (yes literally) more inputlag than a PC monitor. AND you're playing with a wireless controller AND V-sync AND a lower framerate, which all also add to input lag.
Considering how little you know about hardware, its no surprise you fucked up something as simple as a chromecast.
source: go on youtube/google and search for "[game name] aim assist/auto aim"
Being ignorant is not an argument. If you like dumbed down shooters there's nothing wrong with playing on console. Most people on Sup Forums like more engaging gameplay though.
>PC monitor
You can use those on console aswell unless its a shit monitor.
I'm so damn excited for that game. Glad I have Nioh and Yakuza 0 before it drops.
Idk if you guys own an xbone also, but Powerstar Golf is so fucking fun.
1. You still have all the rest
2. Isn't one of your main arguments that you like to relax on the couch in front of a big TV?