Hope you aren't too hung over from christmas, but the Sup Forumsgas nominations are open right now

Hey Sup Forums, nominations are open, go out there and vote!


Also join our discord and tell us how much we suck


Also check out our skit contest, you could make $100 for your skits this year!


And last but not least, this year's teaser


Nice new awards

Why is the theme not THICC?

a straight hour of just dudes working out I can feel that, lets see how long the THICC meme will last

I'm really drained.

im actually really excited for this year, way bigger team to work with so better chance for a better show


cant wait for another year of the reddit awards

>Voting Women for the Literally Hitler award




what are these awards supposed to be? A legitimate alternative to the actual VGAs or an epic Sup Forums meme circle jerk?

also, Sup Forums has the absolute worst fucking taste. You should have given up after year one.

only a handful of people from year one were even involved in the next year. Since then only like one or two people who were there from the start work on the awards.

Sup Forums has the best taste in video games so this is the result of that.

seriously, you guys are a bunch of jews who work for viacom.

fuck off with your youtube shit.

so it's an epic meme circle jerk? like half the categories are LOL THING WOT SUCKED THE MOST!!!!

Can you suggest constructive negative awards?

I never said it was a circlejerk.
The original awards were made because people were pissed at VGX going around giving awards to bad games. People will always debate on what deserves to win and what doesn't, but the difference with the Sup Forumsgas is that at least Sup Forums decides instead of a select group of people.

Awards are chosen by Sup Forums they are given the option to vote to keep or get rid of an award. If everybody hates the negative awards we drop them, its what we do.

what does it say at the end of the teaser in that other voice. I can't understandu!!!

how about no negative awards? surely it should just be an alternative to actual award shows but designed to reflect Sup Forumss taste? Tell me. What is the actual constructive purpose of a "negative" award? Just to appease the hivemind of people that don't like a thing? There's a reason real award shows don't have negative awards, it's just pointless and masturbatory. Not that I'm saying this has to be a "real" award show, just that right now you're obviously using a small subset of Sup Forums (the ones who want everything to be a TORtanic, and more importantly are a bunch of giant fannies) to make money from monetisation. Games that win awards in other places NOT wining Sup Forumsga awards should be enough.


It was only for a single year. 2013 or 2014. Whatever. Goeff runs them all.

god imagine if we actually made fucking money from this that would be incredible

I don't care what your motivation is for making it, you're actively stoking the fires of the absolute worst parts of Sup Forums for the sake of your stupid fucking credibility. Not to mention the influx of redditors and tumblrites you bring in every year. If you're not making money off this then please, shut it down.

>I don't care what your motivation is for making it
>you're obviously using a small subset of Sup Forums to make money


Don't remove the negative awards. The more, the better. This and the skits like pissing on a game in the toilet is the reason I want to watch it. No sarcasm here, I hate all these 'good awards' shows and bullshit. I really want to see the bad awards.

>nominations got undone randomly
yeah fuck doing this again

Oh boy can't wait

Listen to my last words anywhere. Listen to my last words any world. Listen all you boards syndicates and governments of the earth. And you powers behind what filth deals consummated in what lavatory to take what is not yours. To sell the ground from unborn feet forever –
“Don’t let them see us. Don’t tell them what we are doing –”
Are these the words of the all-powerful boards and syndicates of the earth?
“For God’s sake don't let that Coca-Cola thing out – ”
“Not The Cancer Deal with The Venusians –”
“Not the Green Deal – Don’t show them that –”
“Not the Orgasm Death –”
“Not the ovens –”
Listen: I call you all. Show your cards all players. Pay it all pay it all pay it all back. Play it all pay it all play it all back. For all to see. In Times Square. In Piccadilly.

The spoilered words. Screwed up the last post.

wait what? How? I've never heard this happen before and that makes me concerned for other people.

It's more likely your IP was renewed by your ISP. The system doesn't store cookies but recognizes your IP. If you had anything submitted, it's there in the database. Don't worry.

thats what I'd assume, but it doesn't mean I care.

Why? Do you even like games?

if you guys aren't doing it for money why bother


Yeah, most of the new ones were nominated in these threads.

whats the theme this year

Thank you!Like them a lot, but sometimes some things need to be said.

so say em. Why do you need a whole award show to jerk you off?


We try to not overuse memes.

We TRY to.



For jerking off, you guessed it.

Yes, of course it's a circlejerk, retard. What do you think award shows are?

you should make a thread in /vg/

What do there though ?

can we use copyrighted music?

Due to booze or shitty family members?

No one's going to slap your wrist for doing it, Patrick. Fuck the corpos.

Oversleeping + overeating the day before.

Good, expecting a better show this year.


lurk more faggot


Logo looks like it says NIGA 2016.


That cyber-cool, user.

Little known fact: Hitler was actually a character created by several women.

Fuck off and die

is it this year or next year?

This year that will air next year

>Also check out our skit contest, you could make $100 for your skits this year!
do twitch ads really make that much dosh?

Working night shifts does.


after February




Go back to lelddit, neofag or /vg/. And take the Sup Forums-tans with you please!

oops forgot to post the correct image

An epic Sup Forums meme circle jerk and nothing else.
>inb4 muh oldfag culture!

>hating Blizzard
So you don't like video games or what?

I certainly don't like what they have done to their legacy and old franchises. I can't rate Blizzard as if it was still '02. It's the current year baby and they have changed for the worse.

What's wrong with liking Vivian?

I don't give a rat's ass about GaysGalore by the way.

How long until the nominations finish and the actual voting begins?

Please, don you ever sexualize our daughterfu.

> Microtransactions up the ass
> Hard to get shit via grinding
> Some items don't have an option for in-game currency

> 99.9% of items can be bought with in-game currency
> They tried to pull some bullshit with the summer games event
> Community complained and they listened

How exactly are they becoming worse?

5 days


have fun

the 1st one is still the best

no thats why I hate blizzard

Thank you.

Sup Forums has generally great taste and if you disagree you're a faggot

most video games are shit so of course Sup Forums hates them. we're not retarded children raised on modern warfare

Oh yeah

Twitch ads pay extremely well user

These awards are so fucking shit and cringeworthy. Kill yourselves, this isn't a fucking circlejerk like reddit

Please, you go first.

1st award show had the best skits
im glad we convincing people to make good skits

What was your favorite skit?

skyrim ms paint skit was pretty good

i think 2015 award catagory thing was good but man the skits were not really good.

we need more funny skits or fake commercials

2011 is the best
2012 is easily the worst
2013 and 2014 were pretty good
2015 is meh

pls add more '''funny'' skits

anita sarkeesian, nights at freddys and undertale are old news
pls dont make the whole award video about trump

pls bring back life to this show

That show was pretty trash looking back man. 2015 is by far my favorite.

so good that it had a directors cut

>93 posts
>25 unique posters

LMAO fuckin sad!

>pls dont make the whole award video about trump

Oh buddy you're in for a rough awakening

>pls bring back life to this show
This year we're gonna have several voice actors, plus the skit contest, plus all original music (fingers crossed), and we've never had these many award categories before, so we're only gonna put in the best and most liked.

We're trying, user.

i fine with trump skits but i dont want to see more cringy skits like funnykat and a fat kid holding a picture of anime

Nah I was just joshing you man, there's nothing related to trump in yet.

What's your favorite category, user?

Yo, that's some yellow on yellow thing you got going there.

Viacom? ATandT all the way.