Will ZUN ever make a 2hu as good as this game ever again?

Will ZUN ever make a 2hu as good as this game ever again?

I think he pretty much peaked

Will ZUN ever make a bird as cute as this one ever again?

I think he pretty much peaked

___aya is best bird

I'm fine with that too.

Will zun ever make an image that doesnt look like grungy color vomit?


I want aya to take a picture of my erect penis!


parsee is no problemo for me even on hard

I think yuugi is worse with the fucking lasers, they're just too tightly packed together on hard modo

use reimuA or marisaB (very battle garegga-esque 2bh)

why do touhou's have nice asses

Will ZUN ever make a bird as cute as this one ever again?

I think he pretty much beaked.

can't spell pARSEe without ARSE

>can perfect nb stages 1-2-3-4 on lunatic
>mfw stage 5 midboss
>either you stale the stupid spellcard or go through popcorn

on what difficulty? I found parsee to be the easiest boss by far

I'm not nearly as good as you (working on hard 1cc) but I just wait for it to timeout so I don't have to deal with erratic step


secondary pls go

it's such a bad stage. it has this long buildup with nothing happening then you have to timeout midboss's spellcard or live through popcorn hell. then you get to the boss and it's like 50% cheese 50% telegraphed. at least it has good music

I sort of like stage 5

best stage by far is 4 though, best atmosphere, music, everything is just great about it

also love bosses that change the spellcards depending on shot type

Honestly no, every game after SA hasn't been able to live up to it, 14 was close though

I really liked Border between Wave and Particle. I just think its a solid spellcard that remains challenging even when routed out since you have to dodge through such small gaps.

it's a really fun spellcard. you can cheese it's lunatic version by safespotting near the middle, but I always do it legit

It's funny because I used to hate stage 4 because I though it was so damn hard, but after playing LolK and IB I came back to the game and it was much easier. I even got down orin's bullshit at the beginning by doing some weird circling strat