ITT Characters with you name

ITT Characters with you name

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>being a paki

I'm Bengali, famdongus.



also pic related


Imran Zhakaev was a Russian you stupid twat.


The only cool one here is the nigga with the timbs, deadass.

Russians are white skinned pakis


Alex. Shit name and shit characters, very fitting.
Any characters named Adrian?


You sound cool, mane.



Was rather silly when my first run I named myself Carmen not knowing theres already one in the town.


Literally the only one who has my beaner ass name.


shit name desu

Yes, both names

I don't think I have any.
I've never seen a character named Greggory

your name is tank?

bad ass

With some bullshitting you could have the dragon from Dragon's Dogma

Gregory Edgeworth my nigga
A cool ass lawyer

Your name is Young?

See that's the thing there's a shit ton of Gregor's and Gregori's but I have never seen my actual name.


My name's actually just Vlad, not Vladimir, but still.
Also, why's it that all vidya characters named Vlad are villains?

>Russia has a homogeneous population
American education, everyone

Because russians and vampires.

Tfw common ass italian name but nobody likes it cause it sounds weird to foreigner

Giuseppe is easy come on

Of course it sucks if you fucking pronounce it wrong you anglo fuckers
I am not called fucking Jiseppy
I hate england, if they can't pronouncw something they just don't bother and go "nah i'm right"

But Russians and vampires can be good guys, can't they?

Are you XyerDark?




>mfw slavic name
>no characters with my name

Just go with Joseph.



Only my nigga, Blade.
Also Alucard.

He was a shitskin is what he was, stupid twat.

yes,ask me anything

a-at least my parents got free Bethesda games

my nigga

Joshua a best

How many dragon dildos do you own?




>Tfw literally nobody

Any Christophers?
>inb4 Chris'


My friends have called me Clocky since middle school


Only one I can of

Yusuf from AC Revelations. Arabic for Joseph.

Was cool finally seeing a video game character with my name when I played it

No characters named Angelo I presume.


are there any Julius'?

>tfw no video game characters called Aaron


Yusuf was a cool guy.
Nelo Angelo from DMC1.

user, play literally any game involving Rome

Cool character as well, too bad he gets stabbed.

Saints Row 1&2




>Alex. Shit name
>Any characters named Adrian?

Cool game, cool dude

Calavera would be a fantastic name to have.

Any character named Gustave ?




My name is the same as his nickname. There's also that guy from Left 4 Dead.

So apparently this is the only videogame character in existence with my name in my particular lingual variant and correct spelling.
I've never played the game, so I can't tell you much about it. Apparently there is another version of him with long hair that looks more like a faggot, though it's an anime-style game so that does not come really as a surprise with male characters.
Outside of that, there is just "robot Karel" from the Karel Programming language fame, named after my namesake and the inventor of the word "Robot".

you are dutch

I need to know what's happening down there nyadam

our sho-called leadursh proshtituted ush to the Vest

Nope, not even close. That said, the name is of old German Origin (if I'm not mistaken) and has regional variants all over the world. Charles is just a variant of the very same, for an example.

There is literally no video game character with Mitchel as a first name

Imran (also transliterated as Emran, Emraan, Omran, Umran, Emrah (Turkish) or Amram (in the Bible) Arabic: عمران) is an Arabic male given name. In Turkish, it can also be a given name for females. The name Imran is a Quranic name and meaning of the name is Population. It may refer to:


>William Blazkowicz from Wolfenstein and his descendants
>2 From Software characters
>Wonder Red
>Purple Man

Feels pretty good.


What name do you wish you could see more in vidya?

>tfw no Rodericks


To this day my friends still keep doing the Heavy Rain quote whenever they see me

It makes me want to die



too bad he is no longer canon

Young Chi-Chi a cute

>It makes me want to die
Do it by running into traffic, that'll give your friends a good laugh.

Fucking lmao

You would think there would be more but I can't think of any.

>be Finnish
>there isn't any Finnish characters in vidya


You were born in the wrong timeline