Reminder: This is not real life

Reminder: This is not real life.

This is a screenshot from an exclusive to Sony PlayStation 4 video game.


of course it's not real life you retard

real life doesn't look that good


Yeah, my eyesight isn't that fucking blurry in real life.

Is that Crash Bandicoot? Why are the rocks so glossy and plastic?

xbone are you even trying


What PC game is this?

Really activates my almonds.

Heh, it's not a PC game, my friend.

I swear to god
Part of me still thinks this is actually just a photo and not a screenshot

It's crazy

what the heck

>that baked lighting

>post photographc of real life
>pretend it's a video game screenshot
Nice work

It's not photorealistic but it's heavily stylized in a good and pleasant way, I wish more games would aim to that kind of presentation (Watch Dogs 2 did this and the result was quite nice)


Lol why do consolecucks always make these "not real life" threads to desperately try to prove that console games look good?

there's nothing to prove

Show me one PC exclusive that looks as good as Uncharted 4 PCucks.
You can't.

>Enjoying my time with Uncharted 1
>Get to vehicle segment
>PS4 crashes
>Save file corrupts
>Uncharted Collection uses shitty PS3 saves
>Lost my save that was halfway through the game and haven't been able to find it in me to get back to that part yet

Dunno how many layers of irony I'm dealing with but I guess you're trying to bait a bait?

It's okay, just skip to Uncharted 2, the best in the series


It's funny because that cutscene is prerendered in the final game, so the "downgrade" was purely stylistic as the game didn't need to perform on the PS3. Meanwhile Uncharted 4's cutscenes run in real time, and the car chase sequence actually got upgraded from the E3 demo of it.
But keep posting your shitty bait instead user, it's fine.

Arma 3

>hand-placed bristles

Did these guys not miss a single detail?

Okay I'm not even a sony fan but seriously, how the fuck do they get this running on a PS4?

something about having access to the metal or some such

Reminder: This is not real life.

This is a screenshot from an exclusive to Super Nintendo Entertainment System video game.


You do it at sub 30fps

uncharted kiddos BTFO by 1 image

What the fuck? These graphics... will PCfags finally meet their match in 2017?

Wow, it's almost like it's a video game... oh, wait, it is.

That's a pre-rendered cutscene numbskull

Yeah, they had to downgrade it so that it didn't look out of place in a shitty looking game.

>a solid 30fps is now "sub 30fps" on Sup Forums


>the game holds 30 frames per second at least 99% of the time, so your overall experience should be very smooth - Digital Foundry on Uncharted 4's framerate


>people praising what is very likely the greatest looking game made to date
>this is considered worthy of compiling into an image
Okay then

Yeah, in 2017 a console will finally be equal to PC.

Until new hardware comes out for the PC that leaves the piss-poor and xbone in the dust again.

I mean, why brag about quality pc had years ago? Whatever you're doing now, pc is years ahead already


It was the best looking game of its year PCfat, stay mad

How do you faggots not get sick of this? day in day out the same shitposts almost word for word with the same replies knowing it's all bait but replying anyway to indulge eachothers shit.

consolewar faggots should be perma-banned.

tone it down pal, feast your eyes on this

Nice delusions

What's "console war" about an OP praising the visuals of a game? There's no talk of PC or Xbox or Nintendo or any of that. It's just a thread commending Naughty Dog's hard work.

What delusions? You're deluded if you think otherwise. PC's can continually and on-the-fly get hardware upgrades that consoles don't get because consoles are standardized. There is absolutely nothing you can argue about that dismisses that fact.

Can a new console have a nicely optimized and good looking game? You bet it can. Will it ever match what a custom built PC can output? No.

>Boasting about 30fps in games

Maybe you should move to

Post a better looking game or STFU

I just don't understand it anymore. You know it's pure unfiltered shitposting but you actually perpetuate it for enjoyment. I'm way too fucking old for this shit now clearly.

looks like shit

Post screenshots from a game actually released when it's being run on that console and maybe you'd have something to counter.

>Will it ever match what a custom built PC can output?
"can output" is the important part here. Because as it is now, there are no games that match UC4's visual fidelity on PC. Power is all nice and dandy, but when there's nothing to put it to use, it means nothing. Meanwhile PS4 may be underpowered, but Sony have the funds to invest in projects like this one, which have visuals far above anything on PC at the moment.

But where are the good looking exclusives? Are you running dual 1080s to play Undertale?

Uncharted 4 has been out since March user. These aren't pre-release images, they're screenshots taken by players.

What does it being "exclusive" have to do with anything?

make all the areas really tiny linear corridors and have only one correct way to proceed

have high quality face models for closeups

have more effects put into place during the photo mode that makes the FPS shoot down but since you're just taking a single snapshot it doesn't matter. the actual gameplay itself doesn't look as good and there's motion blur and horrid DoF everywhere

>make all the areas really tiny linear corridors and have only one correct way to proceed
>I didn't play the game


>This is not real life.


>What does it being "exclusive" have to do with anything?
What about reading the thread before posting?

>wide open space of literally nothing

>make all the areas really tiny linear corridors and have only one correct way to proceed

get a load of this guy

if you knew anything about lightsources its obvious this shit is from a videogame.

I read it. What does it being exclusive have to do with its graphics? If it wasn't exclusive, it would look better on PC. Things that are on PC get downgraded in order to be on consoles.

>If it wasn't exclusive, it would look better on PC.
If it wasn't exclusive it wouldn't have the budget it does, and would look mediocre and be an early access Steam title.


are you having a giggle

Honestly "realistic" graphics look like shit to me most of the time. It's generic as fuck and is the quickest way to make your game look dated just a few years after release. Personally games like pic related are far better looking in the graphics department.

Oh, excuse me, I thought you were being serious, not just giving up and spouting crap when someone makes a point.


>This whole post

Last of Us Part II is going to be a tech marvel if this is what Naughty Dog was able to achieve with their first game on the system.

kek, PC truly is the worst fanbase

Agreed fellow forum poster! I for one can not wait for The Last of Us Part II to become available for pre-order!

Will you preorder RDR2 user?

What's your retailer of choice?

Best Buy Gamer's Club Unlocked or Amazon Prime?

>mfw I thought that said R2D2

If only user. If only.

Am I the only one that doesn't give a damn about graphics? Course not, but I keep seeing more of these fucking threads and I don't know if its trolling by people who dont like consoles, or genuine console fans trying to make a case.

Whenever people post games like that that look nice, they're always just fucking CUTSCENES or games where all you do is walk around shooting dudes that hide behind trees. Like who gives a fuck? Yeah the game looks great, those are some talented artists I guess... but where are the games? How about show some gameplay that your console of choice offers?

this is a pc exclusive for 2016, how can playcucks even compete?


Fuck off nerd

No one actually falls for bullshots, right?

Half the screenshots in this thread are of gameplay.

Stay mad cuck

Is this Far Cry 2?

Stop samefagging

I can boot up the game right now and take the same screenshot.

these are all player-taken screenshots, not promotional material.

>that AA
>on a PS4 title
Yeah, they're bullshots

>mfw Drake's eyes have real-time reflections
Naughty dog are insane devs that's for sure

The "gameplay" in that webm has already been achieved on the PS1. Its not bringing anything new, and its not trying anything unique. You just press X to hide behind a prop, press X to cool flip over it, press X to assimanate a bad guy (epic cutscene!) then keep walking down the hall.

Fuck, I know graphics were always a selling point for every generation, but back then the jumps were bigger. Now that we're getting diminishing returns each generation (or half generation now thanks to the ps4 pro), they should focus on making good AI or something.

Oh, so close

Is this supposed to look like good gameplay?

Guess it's time to buy the game and find out

Can we just post pretty vidya and not try to convince each other we're being cucked by not getting the right vidya?