Who swag mage here?

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If they don't cut down on the eternal turret and useless on high movement fights design for BLM's I might switch.

Can't wait until all the shitters drop RDM when they realize it has full GCD castbars.

You better be able to double/triple cast

Any idea what their LB will be?

Question. If i wanted to pkay through just the main story and maybe some sidequests ( no expansions), how many hours am i looking at? Not worried about going over the free trial limit.

1-3 main NIN for 4.0
4-6 main BLM for 4.0
7-9 main DRK for 4.0
0 remain on MCH
dubs uninstall

Fuck that. Who Garo here?

They already showed it using Chainspell in the trailer, so yes you can double/triple cast. Apparently the entire job is built around weaving spells in different combos that way.

Welcome to the fold

I love rapiers, and as a male hyur this is the first dps job that appeals to me aesthetically.

I just wish it all played in melee range, but I have to admit the idea of flipping the sword upside down to make a cane/staff is clever.

Well since they've wooed me back in with my all-time favorite Final Fantasy job, I guess I ought to resub and finish Heavensward's story missions so I don't get road blocked in June.

I guess it's time to burn the house down.

Back to /vg/, degenerates

RDM is being added as 2.0 content

Some literally who sentai series? No thanks.

(You), from /m/.

How is BLM looking right now in comparison to other jobs?

I might play NIN instead if BLM kind of sucks.

Big dick damage, allergic to moving

SMN is better for Creator, but it's not in a bad place at all. By the looks of the Zurvan preview we got in the live letter, BLM might have another movement heavy fight fucking them.

Little late for that aren't we?

I assume you mean to say it's not available now. I know, but I need this shit done before the next expansion, so...


alphi confirmed gay

He means that you don't need story requirements to get it, just level 50 (pending).

Reporting in.
I'm glad I have major brain damage and enjoy PvP as well so getting these sets will be a breeze.

>Sup Forums

I'll probably go NIN for now then, thanks.

I haven't played since 2.0 and I don't really know the fights. It'd probably be hard to figure out where to stand if I'm not familiar.

Have you seen esitinien without his helmet? He is 110% elf fuckboy.

Really, that's confirmed? I figured it would be like the Heavensward jobs where you need to be able to access the content/areas before you can unlock them.

He's at least bisexual, since he learned to draw to get chicks and memorized Y'shtola's naked body.

It was mentioned in the slides. They didn't want to piss people off again like they did in Heavensward.


Oh cool. I mean, I should probably still do them anyway because I'd still like to not be stuck doing HW shit when SB comes out, but that's a nice surprise all the same.

>Weeping City on Chaos
>we wipe like six times on Ozma
>A fucks up a lot
>they say they have three people that are new
>and apparently a healer who does nothing, maybe even borderline trolling
>someone from A ninja pulls to avoid kickvote
>it was the healer
>their name is Skyraider Midan's
>A finally gets to votekick
>they kick their tank for harrasment
>someone who did do mechanics right
>healer never gets the kick
>we somehow get to Calofisteri and kill her
>Skyraider Midan's rolls a 95 and gets the minion

Oh man another machine raid

Fighting a machine, but it's gonna be the Interdimensional Rift from FF5. All sorts of weird places linked together nonsensically. A desert leading into ancient ruins leading into a cozy village leading into a waterfall.


>XI creates original content
>XIV has to steal characters, plots and locations from other FF games
Really makes you think, huh?

>Interdimensional Rift from FF5.
no, it'll be some cave under ul'dah with FF13 machines. oh sorry I mean """"allagan"""" devices

>XIV still hasn't stolen Vana'diel
When? I actually want that.

Look at the picture. He's coming out of some gate in the sky.

Yoshi please other races for your job artwork

Like would it kill you to use a fem roe and female highlander for once?

Kill yourself retard.


>fem highlander

The shit taste is unreal

Shantotto did show up after mastering interdimensional travel in Shantotto Ascension. The inventor of black magic in Eorzea is also named Shatotto. Raubahn is named after the BLU trainer and uses Tizona.

Will monks get that new fighting-stance animation that was shown on the StormBlood npc?

you first, cuckmeister


I seriously can't believe people are actually excited for red mage. Feels like a bunch of children that just want something new and shiny and forget to actually analyze it for what it is.

We'll see what actually happens in game. The lore is that omega is currently buried under the cartineau ruins

at least it has pants for female characters

Yeah, but at the end of 3.4 Nero had found it. He's going to wake it up for damn sure. A lot of good the fucking Frontlines did to protect it.

The combat will still suck and the class will still remain generic and boring cause the combat sucks.

Yeah, RIP. Is he just a rogue agent now? Still in with the empire or what?

>Rapier, Cool hats

Nothing else matters

He's rogue, but he's trying to find something worthwhile to get his reputation back. Or maybe now he wants to fuck up the empire that cut Gaius off as revenge. He was pretty loyal to Gaius, and he desperately wanted to take Eorzea so he could snag the throne instead of that asshole.

Fun fact

Every person I who plays a cat is either a fat bitch or a neckbeard who looks dusty as fuck

How do I know? I went to fanfest for 2 years

glamour fags ruin everything

>INT melds and fending accessories
Trolling for sure.

>implying anyone could stop a weapon created to kill bahamut himself

I think the combat is good.
I prefer deep damage dealing machanics to having gimmick abilities, if that's what you mean with classes being generic and boring

Looking forward to everyone being shitty at the job.

Why are FF14 players so bad at the game?

>fem roe and female highlander
what are those?

No he means that the slow GCD combined with most classes using the same boring combo system is bad.

Bartz did it.

>Love rapiers
>Don't want to play RDM that badly
>Want to play SAM a lot
>But also want to keep playing BLM and MNK

Fuck. Conflict thy name is FFXIV

>all classes have same boring combo system and shoving ogcd between them

got so tired of that

he isn't in 14 user

we're fucked

If only we could play multiple classes on the same character. Damn you, Yoshi for taking this ability away!

Aint nothing stopping you from playing them all.

Call in a favor from Gilgamesh.

Only neetlords have time to really gear more than 2-3 classes tops.

Well, from a raiding perspective, I only get one

Although I guess we'd have to see how the gear works out, stats-wise.

You can just welfare gear the rest from the 24 man raid.


Better than Monk, about equal to Summoner, worse than Bard, Ninja, Dragoon, and Machinist.

The main story from lvl one to the current end of the story is fuckhuge and you'll be at it for quite some time. Lots of it is useless filler fetch quests though. Aside from that the story is pretty good, but a lot of the side stories are better.

swimming and diving after 3 years, wew

About a poopsocking week.

>I blindly follow the meta but don't actually raid

BLM is your single-target king with a BRD in the group, but loses to MNK in a vacuum.

As for the fights, BLM excels in 9s (but not as much as SMN), does great in 10s, ok in 11s and struggles in 12s in my experience

The main story continues into the expansion, just so you know. The main story of the main game leaves off on a cliffhanger, but after all the hours you'll pump into it at that point you would have already decided if it's worth the buy. The Heavensward story has much better presentation for what it's worth.

Nostalgia is a lot hotter now than it was when XI was still relevant.

i230 is good enough to do any content that doesn't have an EX or Savage suffix.

If you really want to do that stuff on alt classes you can do story creator and buy crafted gear to cap out at 250. That's good enough for Sophie and A10s.

Cannot fucking wait, I have an intense and unapologetic homolust for superbosses.

Shinryu when?

A good 14 hours of story quests, not including job quests or anything else that takes time (dungeons, trials, etc)

Please for the love of god, just read the story dialogue and invest yourself. It makes it so much faster (not literally) and you'll spend those hours more engaged than bored with Netflix on another monitor.

I sped through it my first time and regret it because of how bored I was while levelling. When I made another character it was way better and kept me playing longer.

but only in like 2 zones bub.

I want to believe they held off on including Shinryu in an expansion about dragons so that we could have him in this raid.

Well, I like raiding as multiple jobs. Right now I'm getting into BLM since I've finished gearing MNK and managed to get the 275 staff and 270 casting coat back-to-back weeks, pissing off every other BLM on my server.

But, I don't know if things going forward will be as easy as Creator savage has been. Personally I hope not, I really liked the difficulty Midas was at because it really felt like achieving something to beat A8S. If things do get harder, it will take quite some time more to finish gearing up my main job so I can move on to another.

After we kill omega he leaves a rift to another world where we get a teaser of shinryu coiled around dead warrios of light

That would be a cool twist, but Midgardsormr is basically Shinryu in FFXIV.

Holy shit, I may actually play this game now!

Thank you.

He needs to share that picture. For studying of course!

yea minimal effort in this game like everything else...

Not really?
Midgardsormr came from space, right? No reason there can't be more space dragons.

Well, it's coming with the expansion in June, so not yet. You also have to be level 50 to unlock it, so you may as well get a head start in the near future before launch.

>wow its both a shitty white made and a shitty blackmage!
never understood the appeal of this job famalan

>the only time you'll feel unique at all as Red Mage is during single player content
>otherwise you're just a generic dps that sometimes moves around (like machinist)
>all your utility moves and white magic will never see use outside of single player



He's the father of all dragons (on our planet), and looks extremely similar. Not that the actual Shinryu can't still show up, but it seems like he fills that spot.