Let's have a friendly webm thread

Let's have a friendly webm thread.

Other urls found in this thread:



I fucking hate japan


I LOVE Japan, period

why are they doing goofy, unnatural poses before they power up?

Because they're retarded girls.

le two nukes note enough XD

>first webm is from some shitty looking jap game
>all replies are webms from shitty jap games or people tugging over the cantonese cartoon girls
no webm thread starting with a weeb webm has ever been successful.




What the hell is that thing.



It's lil gill.

pc release when god dammit.





It's going to land in 2017 from out of nowhere, honest.




whittu piggu go home

>scat fetishist
Wait what?


Weren't there some biblical quotes there?

Accord is best girl.

Sequel when?





Never. I was lying about 2017, the truth is that there's a machine somewhere that's powered by your disappointment. Mine too.

Accord was and also will be best girl.


So is that Bropo or Poly?


Broly Poly

giga niga


which game?


I hope they're porting the arland trilogy to PC aswell.



i.... what.... what IS that?

amarican breakfast


WTF what game is this it's so wierd I love it.


Holy shit


The more people post Gravity Rush the less I like it.

Resonance of Fate
Drakengard 3 it's shit

Nolan North saying these lines was so surreal.

it looks 10€ worth

Is it good Resonance of Fate I mean

drakengard has terrible graphics and terrible framerate.
and the gameplay is the most mundane attack mashing i have played in a while
can't tell you, i quit after an hour, couldn't get the hang of the combat system but Sup Forums seems to like it.

I think the nukes is what fucked them up so bag

Is that game any fun?

It's actually from Mexico


i'm horrified, please post more.


Every time





No Jack please.





Literally Double Inazuma Kick.


From what I can at least vaguely identify, chips, onion (probably), beans, pork rinds, chocolate?, some kind of fruit (maybe dates), chili powder, salt, lemon juice, chili sauce and tomato juice.

There's more in it but I don't know what they are.

I don't get it are webm threads not approved anymore?

go back to /ck/


What a fat bastard.

If they are vidya related, they are. Don't spam with shitty food webms looking for (You)'s


When is this fat fuck going to have a heart attack so I can stop seeing him in /wsg/

So much for "friendly".

holy shit is this actually in the game? Wouldn't put it past Kojima


nope. its boring and story sucks

The animations are so awkward. It's like I'm watching a cartoon.

>holy shit is this actually in the game?

it's in the secret theater:

other funny ones include:
youtube.com/watch?v=jPgDIWxgOYA - Raiden being the butt of a bunch of jokes for 8 minutes
youtube.com/watch?v=A6Xsgqi0ZwA - Snake has an... "accident" at the start of MGS3

It's Christmas, stupid.

Oh that explains the food webms


Pretty sure this just convinced me to buy the game

Do those things feel pain? It never seems to have any urgency to its movements when it'd being grabbed and cut up



Poor thing.

I don't get the hate, that looks pretty cool. Must have been a bitch getting the input combination just right to pull it off.