Playing VN/dating sim

>playing VN/dating sim
>can't decide on one girl you want
What do you do when this happens to you? How do I choose?

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I choose the one with the biggest breasts first.

Choose the one who appeals to me more personality wise, then I go back and play other bitches.

Dating sims and visual novels are depressing. It reminds me how shitty 3DPD is. Is there such a thing as cute 3D?



I hope this isn't the best you anons could come up with. Not only are their looks not doing making me lose a beat, but I doubt their personalities are cute at all

I play blind and see which route I end up on for my first read through. If there was a certain scene or character that I want to see, I'll look up a guide for subsequent read throughs.

Thanks for all the help
I flipped a coin and it landed on Milfeulle

>instantly assuming they have shit personalities
thats your problem man

Perhaps but most 3DPD aren't enjoyable to be around if it's one thing college has taught me

Sounds like your the problem, but at least your phasing your self out of the gene pool.

Go for the harem ending obviously

I just don't enjoy the average woman's personality. It's my problem, yes, but I'm honest about it. 2D is the path of enlightenment

The reason everyone seems unpleasant to you is because you are unpleasant to them, even if you don't realize it. It probably stems from the fact that you would even use the term 3DPD to describe somebody.
I would be willing to bet you have used the following words unironically
If it smells like shit everywhere you go, you need to check your shoes m8.
People aren't perfect 100% of the time but you've deluded yourself into thinking they should through the overconsumption of weaboo fantasy bullshit.
And now you just sound like a fucking asshole. You're scared of rejection so you hid away in your otaku dream land where you never get hurt. Maybe you should just stay there so you don't accidentally reproduce

Don't lump me in with /r9k/fags. I never said women weren't nice with me and vice-versa. What I'm trying to explain is that I don't find most women's personalities to be "cute," by my own, admittedly, idealized standards'; thus I don't desire a relationship with them, and I'm sure it's not a loss to them either.

>being offended by the term 3DPD
You do know where you are, right?

I know exactly where I am. An unpure place.


Make a backup of the save file
Date them all


>if you don't like being around the standard college aged woman (alcoholic, unrepentant slut, no hobbies or interests besides "Netflix" and drinking, drug addict, vapid social media addict) it's because you're an unlikeable piece of trash
No. Fuck off. I'm objectively better than people who go to nightclubs and send 400 Snapchats a day. So are most 2D girls.

I see you've not encountered all the normie alpha chads and beta numale cuck fuccbois. Stacies more like roasties, 3DPD < 2D.


I unironically find CD-i Zelda attractive

Skyward Sword and CDi best iterations