Can anyone help me with this?

Can anyone help me with this?
Can't google anything helpful.
Thanks in advance.


delete system 32

What game?


Where's that?
Neverwinter Nights 2 toolset.


Your computer is fucked.

How can I unfuck it? Without reinstalling OS.

Is this a PC """Gamer""" problem?

Have you tried turning it off and back on again?

You have the Alureon trojan. You need to take your computer to professional to get it removed.

It's not a "problem", it's called "nuisance".
Problem is when you associate with games.

Did it work?


Can't help you there. Sorry. :/

I'll PM you the fix :)

ctrl + C while the dialogue box is open

ctrl + v to google

Hey OP, if you're still here, make sure your .net is correct version. And run in compatibility mode win xp sp3.
Also put it in dep exception list

I wrote at the OP, I googled with no results.
Will try.

some function returns null when it shouldn't

.net version is 2.0 newer are not backwards compatible

stop pirating games

The PS4 Pro™ doesn't have this problem.

Nah man, the game just old. Plus he is trying to either make mods or make maps with the toolkit, which can be pain in the ass

Ps4, can't play the game either, it's old

Redownload or reinstall the toolset if you can; updating or installing new expansions can mess the files up sometimes. Otherwise, you could ask on the nwnvault or just wait for/make a nwn thread here, since you're more likely to get help in one of those than a generic thread like you posted.

Sorry I can't help more, user.

Works for me :D

Hey Im not OP, just to let you know

Oh, sorry. I was trying to link the most recent post he made and didn't put a lot of thought into it.
Please enjoy the free (you)s, user