Christmas is over so why arn't you working on your game, user?

Christmas is over so why arn't you working on your game, user?

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Because I actually want to make a webcomic
Also studying

Still working on basic gameplay and designs but I can't get shit done because I'm constantly interrupted which isn't great for learning

I'm hesitating on continuing because I can't work only one hour per day

I blew it off and modeled a bunch of pictures of a stereotypical Hillary supporter after she found out they lost. It was fun.

Because I'm currently learning Java. I want to get done with learning of Java so that I can get over to C# so that learn Unity 3D or maybe C++

Why not just learn C# now?

Spending free time recreating Robo from Bonanza Bros.

I don't even know how to respond to something like this.

pretty dope. i'd welcome a new bonaza bros. game. if done right, could be a fun ass time

I could make a fangame out of it.

Here's a small video of it so far

it's too hard

I might just change the character up and make a whole new game around this style of gameplay.

That is, if the fangame stuff doesnt work

Because I am a procrastinating faggot, that's why.

Also, shouldn't we all be working on mobile games since picrelated


/r9k/ is making a game called Wojak's Journey
Here's Wojak in his half-finished apartment

either or. i just want a fun game about heisting with friends.

I could but I think it is better that I understand the full basic of Java first before moving on.

And also it will become more easier for me to learn other coding languages if you master least one language.


C# and Java are basically identical.

but I am.

doing some small balancing and fixing stuff.

gonna release the game soon. hope I don't fuck up marketing it.

Given the rise of cover shooters you could argue it was ahead of its time!

Yeah I know, C# is pretty much MS-Java. Both Java and C# belong to C++ family. That is why I want to master Java first.

And also I want to try making games on Java for fun sake...

It's my birthday. Fuck you if I'm working on my birthday.

user you already did

>that violent vibrating and skeletor pose before being turned into a frog

No, mobile is a waste of time unless you're a larger company or have your game become a meme like flappy bird.

is that you ebin?

but how can I fail something I didn't even start?

filming for WEBMs is hard but it pays off.

>i didn't even start
Exactly your issue.
Here's what you do. Email your game to various let's players and youtubers to play. Get people to notice it.
Also, if you have a composer, have them do an overly kickass trailer theme. Better music is a plus.
Also, don't have a lot of story in your trailer. Go right for gameplay. Don't bore potential customers.
Good luck, user.

Working in the story. I fear that it'll just be fetching mcguffins: the game. How can avoid this?

thanks for the advice brother. I'm on it.

I plan on starting the marketing around january when I get a sick poster art from the artist. I also have a nicer selection of music for the next video.

Then, I'll post it everywhere, try to get some LPers to try it, and, of course, make a much better trailer than the one I posted.

Playing with the camera at the moment. Is this a good persective transition from a 2d game to 3d?

make each mcguffin have a very specific power that is relevant to how the story unfolds, then put some twists here and there like the villans growing a brain and either getting one of the guffins first or stealing them from you.

If my only computer is a year old laptop can I make a game?

also, another tip is to, as soon as you notice you're repeating yourself in the story, add a new twist there, as dumb as it may be, to keep it interesting.

What kind of retarded question is that?
You can make a game on a TI-84 calculator.

I use a macbook from late 2008 to develop on the go, so absolutely.

How do I get gud at making stories

Sounds good. Thanks. I'd like to make something like chronno trigger (I'm making an rpg). I mean, in CT the story develops in a very fluent and coherent way. There's no filler, no silly parts, it's just really good paced.

Think about your 3 favorite stories, whether in books, movies, or games.
Got them?
Now steal ideas from all 3 and put them into your story.

Read a lot of books, play a lot of games, watch a lot of movies. Know the patterns, know the tropes, etc.

that's good but don't do time travel, ever.

Also this
Take into account evangelion. Evangelion is a combination of the Ideon anime (overpowered mecha that can destroy the whole universe), the Childhood's end book (humans are destined to be assimilated by the overmind) and 2001 movie (with the help of aliens, humans can evolve beyond their comprehension)

Time travel stories are really really difficult. So, no. I was talking about how each part of the story is combinated with the next one.

trying to improve my death animation/death text.

I am. Just applied a new build with some new levels and already started on more.

A minor nitpick, but I think it would be better if the control prompts defaulted to the last used input device.

too hard to program for an amateur dev

I don't even understand what is happening in this webm

Not the dev but have you ever played a video game before with more than 2 objects moving? You can clearly see what looks like a playable main character falling off the stage and dying.

Why is Sup Forums is autistic they can't even understand things.

It's really just flipping a boolean variable based on last polled input.

>using any engine apart from unreal, unity and mayyyyyybe gamemaker

But I want to make my first game with my own engine that will get famous for how good it is..


What's wrong with Cryengine?
For FPS games and tps, very easy to use, documentation is décent, lot of assets.

And look excellent

I've been wanting to but I'm on vacation with family while my PC is at home

I feel like I should enjoy being here more, but I miss programming

>What's wrong with Cryengine?

Where to start?

I think it's best if you just try it out yourself. There's a reason why pretty much no devs use it.

But I'm using it, flowgraph is cool, 3d building, excellent free assets. It look better than unity/ue4.
For basic generic FPS it's good, you just can't use it for make other type of games.

Cryengine for his specific use, aka open World FPS photorealistic games is perfection.

>For basic generic FPS it's good, you just can't use it for make other type of games.

Bingo. Why would you want to learn and get good at such a narrow engine?
If you ever plan to go pro knowing Unreal will be far more useful to you than knowing Cryengine.

Yeah I agree, UE4 give more possibilites.
I just want to make a miscreated bis, if you know what it is. Big map, cities/nature, some survival (no craft) maybe with zombies.

this looks like an enjoyable flash game, but it looks original at least considering flash is dead

It's almost universally accepted among devs that UE4 is the superior engine.

I might get some better grafixs for it later.

>make some flowchart and scribble ideas

not starting from the left made it fucky.

just mirror the stage man.

but what is it?

Have you ever played a game with 2 or less moving objects? Even pong has 3.

Well, it's a puzzle game, kinda like arkanoid, except you don't have a "paddle". You rotate walls instead.
And it's in a cube (actually, a number of other shapes too) instead of a flat surface.

So, you rotate the shape on all three axis, bouncing the ball towards dots in the middle, trying to hit them all.

I've gathered enough confidence to put it on steam a while back, but it's not doing so hot. May be due to it being early access, or it just doesn't look very fun to people...

both angles need to be a bit higher

yeah, non-meme puzzle games tend to be hard to sell.

try to make it more artsy somehow.

also, isn't it hard to tell where the ball is and will hit?

I'm working on non-visual things now (game structure, location loading etc.), so here's the new juice I added to the enemy hp bar

>isn't it hard to tell where the ball is and will hit?
On a screenshot - definitely.
But in-game there's a number of measures against that problem.
Depending on how much you zoom in, the closer wall of the shape will fade, so that they don't block your view, and the background will darken for more contrast. (on that screenshot the camera is actually pulled as far back as the game allows).
Also, there's a guiding line "predicting" your trajectory. And a slow-mo button. And the ball glows.

Basically, I did realise it's an issue and done my best to fix it.

Looks nice. I don't mean just the HP bar, the whole thing does.
The UI kinda reminds me of Bloodborne, actually.

it sound like an original concept but puzzle games without stupid memes are really, really hard to market.

ah yes, what kind of music does it have?

I'm only going through the tutorials for UE4 right now if I'm honest with you my friend.

But I am Op
Started scanning selfmade skultpures for ingame models today. Does someone have any pro tips on how to add a wind wakeresque cel shading look to games in unreal engine 4?

dis is gunna b so effin amazeballs and epic

Well, some tracks from a friend, some royalty-free, nothing spectacular.
But they do the job decently well.
Unfortunately, I can't write music for shit myself.

Can someone pitch me a scenario of an FPS THAT DOESN'T involve much talking?
Like minimal scénario/interaction/speaking.

You go to hell and shoot Satan.
Although that's been done before.
You go to the ocean's deeps and shoot old gods.

hmm, I'd recommend, if you don't want to sell out to shit youtube culture, to ramp up the JUICE factor to be off the charts and make a good video of it.

if you have a good writer friend, you could also spice up the game by adding short "cutscenes" telling some deep story inbetween stages.

what engine

Make a new Bonanza Bros.

user thats a photo

The new robocop/ The raid.
You vs a building full of thugs

dude with guns vs. slav lich with undead army

That game look so unrealistic and unfunny.


>not making your game in helm with haskell

I'm writing my own engine, on top of another self made, more abstract engine wrote on top of LLVM to provide C++ scripting and native-tier performance, easy integration of external libraries, maximum code re-usability and fast prototype development times.
Depending on how you use the engine, you may have no requirement to embed the whole LLVM infrastructure in the resulting binary, meaning less dependencies and more portable.

A problem I have with today's engines is that they all feel isolated in their own ecosystem, for exemple when you use Unity, you're stuck with a certain aspect of its implementation that may conflict with how you want to make your game, and you'll either have to rewrite that, and take the risk it might cause further conflicts making you rewrite just about everything in a less efficient way.

I address this problem by shifting as many things as possible on the developer while providing a bare minimum, efficient implementation that should suffice to everyone's use cases.

I want to make some fan games with it once it's finished, already got some ideas.

>for exemple when you use Unity, you're stuck with a certain aspect of its implementation that may conflict with how you want to make your game
Like what?

Collision handling, rendering, animations...
It's true for anything else, really.

Having to use the entity-component model everywhere is one good example

But how this affects the game you want to make? If you use Unity, you learn its specifics and use it. And you will make a game, not an engine, where you made everything by yourself but can't make a game in it.

I would, but I'd much rather spend my time on something original. something that could make money

I am, Santa. I am.

Because your game may have gameplay elements not possible to represent with your game engine of choice without spending a ton of time figuring out how this will play out with all of the other specifics.

I don't have a real exemple because it would be really niche, but maybe something like masking a mesh, or something involving hardware capabilities, like texture painting combined with performance queries, as used in mario sunshine for example.

Is that a shot of all the bosses in the game? Did you really put ¾ of the content in a demo?

>masking a mesh, or something involving hardware capabilities, like texture painting combined with performance queries, as used in mario sunshine for example
I believe it is possible in Unity

Goal is 12 bosses for the game. So, no.