Best game in the series

What are /v's thoughts on far cry 2? I think its the best game in the series. Sure 3 and 4 definately refined the mechanics and gunplay, but it lost a sense of survival and desperation along the way. gunjamming, respawning guard posts, and difficult stealth reinforced this idea of survival and isolation and never let you feel in control, a big plus to me.

Other urls found in this thread:

>every single npc on the map is hostile
>boring map
>boring story
>shit forced car breakdown shit
>repetitive as fuck gameplay

Far Cry 2 was by far the most unique one and actually had an interesting story, it also had some great environments. HOWEVER, it has some glaring problems, and I can't honestly call it a better game than Far Cry 3.

On release, it was good fucking awful. The premise was great, and so was the setting and the general commitment to beliveability, but my god was the actual gameplay poorly designed and the game flow was horrible.
Good idea, terrible execution: the absolute textbook example. I wanted to like it, but it was impossible.

I heard there were some mods that fixed most of the issues, but I could have not been bothered by then.
I personally liked Far Cry 3 the most of the series. Which isn't saying much, considering that I was never fond of the series, but I liked the villain, the story and the soundtrack in 3, it actually had an interesting atmosphere, if bogged down by really dull gameplay. I will admit that I never finished it though.

>driving along peacefully in my little roadster
>suddenly a jeep comes flying off a cliff, manned gun on top starts hitting the back of my roaster with sniper-rifle-like precision
>try to floor it to get away
>all vehicles have the same speed
>unloads into my car until it stalls and I hop out
>crashes into my car, killing me instantly
>this happened maybe 30 times during the game

Can we all just agree farcry is garbage compared to crysis?

The multiplayer was definitely the best and most fun in the series, if that means anything. Some of the maps some people put together were astounding. The guns in 2 are the best feeling in the series. I feel like the game needed like a week or two more of polish or even a patch to mow over some of the issues but it never game.

3 was pretty fun and I love the fucking colors in the game. Bright and lush like the island shows. However, I felt like this game was tailored to a quirky CoD audience rather than the people who stuck with the series. Lo and behold it sold the most and we're getting more lazy shit. Like Primal being a fucking copy of 4s map? Fucking shameful, it's another case of Ubisoft being themselves and running another franchise into the ground.

Not really. Crysis 1 was technically impressive and had a handful of actually really good moments neat little options, but the gameplay had some REALLY glarring issues (health regen and energy management was an ass, gunplay was terrible with a lot of the weapons being absurdly inaccurate for no reason, two-weapon limit being - as it always is - shit, and in general the game being more prohibitory than the suit-powers needed, also SHIT vehicle handing).
Crysis 2/3 were subpar and mediocre respectively. None of them was as good as Crysis 1 was, and Crysis 1 wasn't amazing to begin with.

So I'd say that at best, the series are about equal to each other.

Yeah i can get that, im in 4 hours into my second playthrough 6 years later and i remember the little ulcer inducing things, but that fucking concept tho almost makes it worth it to me, very upset it was abandoned.

This ruined tha game for me. Every single npc goes out of their way to kill your stupid ass

Vehicles were simulated, not generic battlefield bullshit.
Also 3 was better than 1.

2 is fucking shit and I instantly label anyone that claims it being the best in the series as a full-blown retard.
The game is riddled with atrocious game design and problems it takes someone mentally handicapped to be able to overlook all of it for some spread out "neat" elements.

>but the gameplay had some REALLY glarring issues (health regen and energy management was an ass, gunplay was terrible with a lot of the weapons being absurdly inaccurate for no reason
ALL wrong
fucking wew user, Crysis 1 had superb gameplay

>Far Cry 2 was by far the most unique one
Far Cry was actually pretty unique back when it was released. Graphics-wise, it competed with giants like HL2 and Doom 3, but it offered enormous open maps, something those two other games couldn't do.

well yeah, thats kinda the objective of the AI, to kill you. I liked how it forced you to adapt, or at least assess the risk. I think a game is doing something right when im forced to sit there and plan my route to the next mission. At one point I had to sneak along the private property area to get a boat cause I thought it was worth it to take the river and avoid the outposts. Very immersive IMO

>lot of the weapons being absurdly inaccurate for no reason
Like... which ones? Did you know that Crysis 1 has one of the best shotguns in an FPS ever?

>thats kinda the objective of the AI, to kill yo
No it's not, otherwise the AI would have perfect aim and would know where you are at all times. Then they'd be perfect at killing, but also would completely fail at being fun to fight.

The map is massive, you can't sneak anywhere, you need to either fast travel or floor it there and ditch your car because the asshole chasing you for 30 km has been filling you with lead the entire time and you can't do shit about it.

It's not the franchises, as it's the ability to run REALLY INTERESTING SETTINGS into the ground that pisses me off.

If somebody told me we were getting an American Civil War, Pirates of Carribian, French Revolution, Himalaya and Cavemen-era set games six years ago, I would squeel with glee. It's unbelivable that one studio managed to absolutely run such incredibly interesting settings to the ground... Fuck the IP's, but doing such a disservice to such amazing settings should be a crime offense.

The concept was, I will admit, awesome. That made the poor execution even more painful to me. As you can guess if you read the lines above, I'm very much a person who likes interesting envionments and settings being explored in a way that actually compliments them. I think Far Cry 2 failed to do it, no matter how good were the intentions behind it.

>Vehicles were simulated, not generic battlefield bullshit.
Uh... not really. Not in the first game at least, and in the second vehicles were so laughably irrelevant it's not even worth mentioning.

>Also 3 was better than 1.
Half the size of the maps, three times as much of ten times worse narrative bullshit... yeah, no thanks.

Nope. Maybe for somebody raised with Halo standards it was, but for people who were used to games like fucking Vietcong or Hidden or Dangerous or ARMA or actually FUN shooters like SS or Painkiller, it was actually pretty woefully lacking.
It had SOME potential, but again: the individual elements did not compliment each other well.

All assault rifles. Shotguns were OK, but playing predator with cloack and shotgun got boring pretty fast.

>every random dude is trying to kill you
welcome to africa boooyss
i like the fire mechanics was pretty fun i wish other games did that

>All assault rifles
Uh, no? They're pretty precise. You can lie down and then you'll be putting entire sprays into a small target. SCAR is actually fucking ridiculous even when hipfiring, which is why you get so little ammo for that until endgame.

SMG, minigun and dual pistols are kind of inaccurate, but they're hardly the entire arsenal.

of course you can't do shit about it, hes in a fucking car with a turret, why do you think he'd give up? it took 5 minutes for me to sneak past private property don't exaggerate. Maybe if you didn't just do the same thing that got you killed 30 times you wouldn't bitch so much about the game. Ever thought of that?

>Uh... not really. Not in the first game at least,
Ok, then you're wrong.
>Half the size of the maps, three times as much of ten times worse narrative bullshit... yeah, no thanks.
Didn't matter, the maps in crysis 1 were half empty anyway, crysis 3 had better gunplay, level design, and objectives.

crysis was always a meme graphics game with trash gameplay, fuck off you underaged parroting faggot.

gunplay was ass, enemies were bullet sponges and the aliens were out of place and made the gunplay even more ass the monent they show up.
warhead somewhat fixed the bullet spoonge issue but the rest of the problems remained and warhead barely had human enemies to begin with.

>y-you d-didnt play it the right way..!
fuck off faggots, grabbing people and throwing them around didnt make the game fun, a shooting game where the shooting part sucks is a shit game.

>Primal being a fucking copy of 4s map

This is a misleading statement. Same rough base terrain =/= same map. FC Primal is actually good and introduces a lot of cool new shit. Any big FC4 fan can see the ways it's slightly derivative of FC4 but I'd argue that it's derivation done right and not negative in any way.

Maybe what confuses you is that, unlike Far Cry, Crysis actually does simulate bullet travel (but not bullet drop/windage, sadly). So you need to lead moving targets, like boats etc.

just playing with the scar or shotgun fixed the bullet sponge enemies
that's jus the Ak with the standard bullet that were shit

Warhead didn't touch Koreans HP, only their damage, by nerfing them. And they never were bullet sponges, you just probably put a silencer on AK clone, which is terrible because it makes the bullets lose damage way faster. Yeah, it's a shit mechanic, but here's that.

Except first Far Cry game was better than Crysis.

>Boring gunplay
>Shit stealth
>Complete non-story of a plot
>Boring map design
>Anti-fun open world
>No interesting characters
>Guns jamming all the time

The only thing this game had going for it was the variety of weapons avaliable.

the shotgun in crysis fucking sucks what the fuck is wrong with you
it has no range and can't even oneshot normal koreans at point blank.
idk how anyone says the weapons are inaccurate though the scar is almost too inaccurate

>welcome to africa boooyss
I forgot it was africa because everyone was white or hispanic.

shit i meant too accurate

Crysis shotgun has adjustable choke. Every Korean soldier has it set to wide spread. Set it to tight spread to become the slayer of men. Add a laser sight and you don't even need the iron sights (I usually put assault scope there in case I need to make a long shot and because it looks really damn cool).

that was because of foreign mercenaries, FC2 still had plenty of black people

>crysis was always a meme graphics game with trash gameplay,
Litterally garbage opinions from a child who never played it.
Why are you even talking when you're praising trash generic shooters like farcry 2 while bashing an original and creative fps like crysis, I don't understand how someone with such shit opinions can exist.

I kinda like it, but the game is far to focused on just "drive here for 20 minutes, do mission for 5 minutes, drive 10 minutes to pick up new quest, drive for 20 minutes to mission, repeat".

Like when you actually get to do something other than just driving through Africa it's great, but there's just so much of it.

Here's the problem

>want to go from point A to B
>almost no wide open areas, map mostly consist of narrow paths
>checkpoints everywhere
>you cannot drive around a checkpoint without aggroing enemies that jump into their cars, drive after you and shoot at you which forces you to either always jump out of the vehicle to kill them or jump out of the car beforehand at every checkpoint to kill them before they start chasing you
>enemies at checkpoints respawn very quickly
>weapons degrade quickly in quality and after a while they start to jamp frequently which makes them useless
>enemy weapons are of poor quality (if you use them) but the enemy never has their guns jam
>enemy AI has Predator vision and radar, they can see you in bushes (even when you have the camo suit) and they instantly know where you are, even if a grenade goes off at the other side of the camp
>enemies can snipe you while you crawl around in bushes from a mountain +1 mile away
>also malaria
>also tons of other trash

It's one of the most tedious and poorly designed games I've ever played.

Also, damage-wise it does more damage then a sniper rifle if all pellets connect. It one-shots pretty much everyone except for those really heavily armored dudes you meet later.

you can't play as a white dude
and this

>crysis was always a meme graphics game with trash gameplay
No, that is literally the meme that developed in 2007-2008 when people were mad salty about having to run the game on low settings

>enemy weapons don't break down
>enemies respawn too quickly
>enemies can spawn too close to your position
>no wildlife at all
>fellow bounty hunters and mercenaries

Except for Crysis is dead and Farcry is still alive

still, in my opinion, the best written and best voice acted villain in video games

seriously, he is so, so well done. spoilers ahead.

why on earth did they make him the secondary villain? I lost all interest after Vaas was killed. the other, more important guy was completely boring, such a shame

Farcry 2 was trash, whoever thought it was a good idea to only have 1 primary weapon needs to be shot in the head.

>no wildlife at all
Fairly certain you can run over zebras and shit like that.

>not fellow bounty hunters and mercenarian

>still, in my opinion, the best written and best voice acted villain in video games

Play more games.

I'd rather have a good dead franchise over a shitty one which gets a bi-yearly installment by a trash dev like ubisoft. Everything past fc blood dragon isn't even playable.

shit was fun
but the MC was real psycho
and you could sacrifice your friends for that brown qt

lmao faggot i was actually one of the people who could run this overrated meme game on release, keep parroting like the little faggot you are that this trash was even remotely decent.

>I didn't pay attention to anything

>boring gunplay
lol to each their own I guess
>shit stealth
nah the stealth was probably the best in any game I have ever played. You can't just hide in a bush with a suppressed pistol and shoot everybody to death while they remain oblivious
>Complete non-story of a plot
you have zero basis for this, the story was compelling and it posed some interesting philosophical questions.
>Boring map design
I disagree, the environments were varied and locations were all different from each other. Each area had multiple vectors of attack for guerrilla or full frontal assault playstyles
>Anti-fun open world
god forbid a hostile environment is hostile
>No interesting characters
The warlords were very interesting, imo. Especially for the first half.
>Guns jamming all the time
If you're a dipshit and don't grab fresh guns every now and then, perhaps.

I still don't understand how Sup Forums runs into this problem, there are a lot of visual cues that your gun is breaking down and it straight up tells you that enemy weapons aren't worth shit in reliability.

>it takes someone mentally handicapped
If you stay in the thread a bit longer you'll witness some exceptional mental gymnastics by resident fc2 phunboiis first hand.


>mediocre game gets shit on release
>decade later

>Best game in the series
That's not Far Cry 1

Far Cry 2 was amazing, FC3 and FC4 were trash in comparison.

Blood Dragon is like the worst Far Cry game to date.

It also has the best soundtrack of them all by far, but it completely fails as a game.

>i was actually one of the people who could run this overrated meme game on release
Most people could. Low settings were extremely friendly to weak systems even in 2007.
Fucking memelord

but ironic 80s campiness memes xDDD

>boring gunplay
What do you even mean by this
>shit stealth
get the stealth suit, aim for the head.
>complete non-story of a plot
If you weren't paying attention than sure.
>no interesting characters
A decent amount of the buddies have their own background you can learn from, there's the reporter that assists you as he tries to publish his book on the conflict, the faction leaders of the UFL and APR, they exist.
>guns jamming
You can clearly see the quality of the gun you're using as it gets rusty overtime. All you need to do is resupply at a trader to get them nice and shiny. Only a couple of weapons in the game, like the MGL, have shit reliability, while there exist weapons like the RPK and AK that degrade slowly and almost never jam even at its worse.

>i disagree

>still, in my opinion, the best written and best voice acted villain in video games

Haha shit i forgot that you could change the spread, I was replaying it recently due to the gog release and totally disregarded shotguns due to how useless they are on wide.

What if somebody took the wildlife system and animals from far cry 3 and pushed it into far cry 2???

3 and 4 were so much better than 2, but 2 gets all the love because it was the old game when Sup Forums entered it's contrarian phase.

3 gets constantly shit on for it's overly simplistic and easymode stealth, but you weren't supposed to be solid snake, You were the predator and jason rolled into one in 3 and 4. In 2, if you sniped someone from a ridge a mile away, which was a pretty rare event seeing as most of the map was mountain walled jungle corridor sections, every enemy in the sector was instantly alerted to your presence. And you could never lose them. If you lost line of sight, they would hunt around for you, but their atention would instantly snap back if you stepped out from behind a hangar or something. It was like an awful game of redlight greenlight.

The story was kinda shitty, but it's constantly compared to 3 and 4's stories, and honestly, is it really any worse? Only blood dragon had a good story, and that's because blooddragon was a comedy.

In both 2 and 4, you work with some tl;dr rebels/mercs and go here, kill dude/interact with radio tower/plant bomb on bridge. Neither game was particularly strong storywise.

There was still enjoyment to be had in 2, but my point is 3 is so vastly better than 2

>Blood Dragon is like the worst Far Cry game to date.

It's like a non-shit FC3 because it doesn't overstay its welcome and the story and characters isn't megashit.

Also FC2 is the worst FarCry, no contest.

Why push elements of a better game into a worse one?

I didn't mind memes. I didn't mind campiness. I did mind having 3 enemy types and the more common two of them becoming non-threat after like the second outpost you clear since you leveled up automatically, gaining more HP than necessary. I did mind bizarre weapon balance, where I had to go for headshots with the minigun, but the assault rifle after some upgrades killed every non-dragon enemy in 1-3 body shots, and yes that included heavy troopers. I cleared the last two outposts by running at enemies and jumping at their heads, and I don't think I lost a single HP bar out of like twelve I had.

What were they thinking?

Interestingly, it actually does more damage per pellet on wide, but yeah, it's really more of a room clearing gun on wide and there are not much rooms in Crysis.

>play video games, dont read reviews because im not a colossal faggot
>enjoy far cry 2 close to its release
>on Sup Forums about a decade later

Malaria came up every hour to two hours of gameplay and missions to get more meds took like 5 minutes at the most. You suck donkey dick at video games and should probably kys if it was that much of an issue with you.

>fc2 haters can't even fathom the idea of subjective discussion
so are all of you autistic and lack the rudimentary foundations of discourse?

>defending a overrated shit game and im the memelord

Then you have a shitty game with yet another fairly mediocre mechanic?

I'm still confused about why they didn't call it something else.



I can fathom an idea of your subjective opinion being objectively shit tho.

You mean, a system where every single animal is unrealistically aggressive but you can easily overcome any of them in melee by mashing a button really fast?

I enjoyed FC2 for like 5-10 hours before I realized that that's it, that's the whole game. That's more than I can say about BD.


oh shit nigga

>implying far cry 2's stealth wasnt GOAT
god forbid you have to actually employ hit and run tactics while the enemy remains oblivious to the loud as fuck suppressed guns going off and people screaming as they get hacked apart by machetes.

It is the best - but only with Dylan's Far Cry 2 Realism Mod

>god forbid a hostile environment is hostile

I can never understand when people get mad everyone is hunting you down. I thought that was the point of furst pirsin shootan.

Dylan's is outdated.

Infamous Fusion is superior.

I've played Far Cry 1 to 3 and I did not like them all. They start out good but then around 1/4th of the way through it just gets boring as fuck.

There are plenty of alt routes to take if you want to avoid the checkpoints for some reason and also i remember the stealth was piss easy, like simple crouch walking. I think you were just bad.

>I enjoyed FC2 for like 5-10 hours before I realized that that's it, that's the whole game. That's more than I can say about BD.

If you prefer FC2 over BD you're legit brain damaged.

FC2 has almost 0 redeeming qualities while a mountain full of shit.

Did the Jackal do anything wrong?

FC2's stealth was garbage.

The respawns and constantly going back and forth was horrible.

>Go to this place
>You have to drive through 3 different checkpoints to get there
>clear them out
>do mission and return
>have to go through the checkpoints again and all the enemies respawned
>hand in mission and get another
>go here
>have to go all the way back to the other end of the map and clear out the checkpoints on the way there again

Repeat for the entire game.

If you sniped someone in 2, enemies got an idea of your general position because none of the sniper rifles in 2 are silenced. The only place that gets alerted is the camp you just shot at. Enemies will then jump into cover to look for you, but if you break line of sight the AI will only search where they thought you were last and then spread out from there.

I don't like FC2 much but it's better than BD in every single way except for the soundtrack.

Yeah, beiang a pretentious badly voiced wanker.

>I think you were just bad.

Ah yes, the classic defence people use for shit games.

Far cry im guessing because it's an open world exotic location and thats the main tie of all the titles, unless you believe the jackal theory. And the super apes were a mistake.

Anyone play the xbox version where you turned into the animal man, and tracked people via scent, and mauled people?

Shit was awesome

They need to remake the game with a couple of fc3 and 4 mechanics like weapon add-ons, random enemy spawn, couple of those rambo skills, and animal hunting

>I don't like FC2 much but it's better than BD in every single way except for the soundtrack.

As I said, you're brain damaged. Nothing more needs to be said.
People have to jump through hoops and perform elaborate mental gymnastics every single time FC2's problems (of which there are a metric fuckton) is brought up.
That not only says everything anyone needs to know of how bad the game is, but how delusional the handful of fans the game has actually are.

It's never about saying how the problems are actually good game design, but how these problems can be "ignored".
At the end of the day, what genuine positives are you left with? Pretty much none.

> a meme graphics game with trash gameplay
>he literally just described far cry

Or simply take the only good thing in it - THE SETTING - and make the new game out of it.

What were some of the problems blooddragon had?

Nope. It's not a stealth game, it's a first person shooter. The stealth reflects that and trying to play it like a stealth game is gonna get you killed.

It's really fucking easy. Suppressed weapons and hearing death throes put enemies on alert, but wont give away your position. Move from cover to cover or through foliage killing enemies with suppressed weapons or your machete and there isn't a problem.

Fight like a guerrilla, not solid snake dipshit.

Most def. far cry 3 is mechanically and visually superior but I felt way too overpowered. no fighting for a faction either like 3 and 4. Just you and your guns.

>What were some of the problems blooddragon had?

The problems BD had were present in FC3. Several of them however don't become a problem because of the game being shorter, so it doesn't overstay its welcome.

>I don't like FC2 much
>hurr you like FC2
I'll try explaining it in very simple terms: yes, Far Cry 2 is bad, it has a lot of problems. It has some positives, but they don't ultimately outcome the problems. Blood Dragon has one positive thing: soundtrack, and you can listen to it on youtube.

See my autistic rant here: