Tfw you realize that intelligence is relative to height and that shorter people are smarter because their superior...

>tfw you realize that intelligence is relative to height and that shorter people are smarter because their superior blood circulation gives more oxygen to their brains

poor lanklets are probably scratching their heads right now, unable to understand.

Other urls found in this thread:

what good is being smart when you can't even smash pussy? how are you going to pass on your manlet genetics?

>when manlets from /fit/ need to go to other boards to shitpost

>being a manlet

>short people are smart
>filipinos exist

Our superior intellects are not boggled by such a primitive idea.

I will pass on my education and ideology though being a teacher or mentor


that's why you need to pass your memes till someone makes a good use of it

I think you mean "bogged down"

>lanklets are also dumb frogposters

Not surprising


keep telling yourself this retarded thought. Maybe you'll sleep better this year and stave off that depression a little longer

Their minds have a high intelligence ceiling but their lack of infrastructure lacks them the opportunity to higher education

Do you have a single fact to back that up?

Funny how you can't refute my point.

I'm still waiting for the pepe version of this brain meme. But instead of a brain, Pepe is sitting on a giant penis that like a majestic stallion.

>tfw you realize how easy it is to get women thanks to your big fat 9 inch dick

Have you even see a genius over 6 feet?

Get but I get mad pussy and respect simply because I'm over 6'.

>tfw two intelligent too be tall

Circulation is worse in taller people, they live shorter lives as a result. Poor circulation means you get less oxygen to each part of your body, which would include your brain. This therefore makes you less intelligent since your brain is starved, and to top it all off you guys are all at the higher points in the atmosphere because you're taller, where air is also thinner, meaning EVEN LESS oxygen.

I know you tallfags are all stupid but at least try.

What's the matter? Banned from fit?

Now we wait for retarded lankies to try and jumble up a counter argument

They'll either stop posting altogether or just reply with reaction images with a portion of the post in greentext.

If you're so smart, why did you fall for this bait

You're posting this stupid shit ''''theory''' you farted out your midget ass on a video game message board.

You're obviously mentally handicap, so, boom, there's my proof.

Prove me wrong. Pro tip, you cant. Check and mate, midget.

Quit dodging the other post I made, lanky

>tfw /fit/ but still no gf

if you're so smart why are you browsing Sup Forums

>tfw to intelligent for the solar system

source on that pic?


i know but it looks like shes naked and its a cropped pic because of that. was wondering if that was some artists drawing

nice blogpost fag

kill yourself
use your intellect

Lanklet here, its true, sometimes when i walk past a group of women they laugh at me and ask me hows the weather up there.

going to kill myself soon, fml

>you need le facts for everything xD
Libtards like you are seriously cancer.

Why haven't pygmies gone to the stars yet OP?

>tfw horribly unfit but still have my second hot gf
Fitness is a meme desu

didn't /fit/ said that lifting for the bitches is wrong?

Being tall is unironically really great

dumb enough to shitpost on Sup Forums

>tfw so intellegent you understand how meaningless your actions are so you respond to the bait anyway

>unironically being tall
for what purpose?

Empirically false
IQ and height are statistically correlated

Manlets BTFO

yea, wheres your einstein or isoceles or plato or Socrates or Nikola Tesla or William shakespear?

Baby brained lanklets probably wrote that article.

>raise blood pressure
>become smarter


You're too stupid to understand, don't bother.

>raise blood pressure
>become smarter
>realize you shouldn't have raised your blood pressure

>more gay Jimmy Hopkins than straight

the only way it should be. dude is so defensive all the time cause he's canonicaly gay.

wat the fuck is the right answer to this question ¿

This is true, they're also higher in the atmosphere which exposes their tiny brains to more harmful radiation from the sun.

Why is this thread still up?

>pump your body full with extra blood from blood bank
>become smarter

Because lankeys cant play games that require incredible brain power.

The only people who got stuck on the Skyrim puzzles were lanklets btw.

I think this is the epitome of the "tfw 2 smart" pictures.

>enter high pressure vacuum
>intellect achieved

not smart enough to post about video games though huh

The effect would be noticeable between a person who is 5'8 and someone who is, say, 10 feet tall.

The difference between someone who is 5'8 and someone 6'3? Negligible at best.

Don't act so smart when i put your books on top of the fridge you faggot

>lanklet intellectual
How tall was Jimmy again?

>invent a stepladder
>problem solved

fucking lanklets I swear

>manlets think outliers disprove trends

Manlets confirmed for brainlets

the shorter you are the closer you're brain is to the center of the earth meaning that time moves slower for you than those who are taller

How tall was the person who built Jenny?
How tall was the boy Jenny liked?

Its like you want to be made fun of mister dumb dumb, go back to the dumb dumb factory.

Opinion is the right answer, because even though you press it, it's still just his opinion, wrong or false.

well jenny herself is 6'6'' and judging by that Nora seems to be at least 6'1''

Taller people have larger lungs allowing for a higher oxygen concentration in the bloodstream. This nullifies any potential manlet advantage. Also not vidya.

>where's your Nikola Tesla

He was 6'2''. Leave this thread in embarrassment

It doesn't take a genius to fuck your mom

He was a big guy

>plato or Socrates

Those men would've been big for their times.


Shorter people have less risk of cancer too.

For fuck you