When did they become known as kiddy?

When did they become known as kiddy?

gamecube. not even resident evil 4 could reverse that kiddy image

PS1 era.

Mario goes to jail on Gamecube. That's as non-kiddy as it gets.

When they didn't focus on call of duty and battlefield only

Sentiments were starting gen 5
Gen 6 solidified it

Since Day 1 when they didn't even advertise the NES as a console but as a toy or entertainment system.

>day 1

Somewhere around 93. Only got worse with time. Briefly wasn't kiddy around gamecube but everyone saw it as kiddy anyway.


It was a family thing more than a normal toy. Most family's had 1 tv so the nes was in the living room. Thats why you got duck hunt and Mario brothers packaged . Duckhunt was for dad and older brother while Mario was ment for little ones and mom. My mom loved duck hunt though so it's subjective if the plan worked but that was the marketing.

N64 era.

when consoles started to act as if they were not games for manchildren and kids. so around end of PS2.

Nintendo never became "Kiddy", everyone else started to act as if they were not (HJA)

Children don't remember, but it was early on
when Sega marketed that they were more adult with Mortal Combat blood and then it became a true meme when Sony also marketed this shit

Are they still regarded as kiddy now? I mean Nintendo has made some major headway in the normie crowd ever since Pokémon Go and shit.

Everyone knows you need drugs, swearing, blood, guns and Sex to be adult so literally no Nintendo game has every not been kiddy.

PS1. Sony pushed into markets targeting teens, and because Nintendo did not market to teens, teens called Nintendo "Kiddy".

I didn't see the "kiddy" Nintendo image noted with that language until the GameCube, however. Lots of magazines, before then, would recommend the N64 to kids over teens, however, in general tech magazines and store fliers especially, since video games were mainly seen as toys for kids. Especially console games.

fuck off black yoshi you stupid retard

Really far back. As far back as the cartoons for Mario and Zelda. Before that there was a brief time when the NES was considered something adults would sit around and play together.

When I was very young, around 4 years old in 1988 my parents would go over to some of their friends house and play Super Mario Bros. together.

Just a couple of years later those days were over, and I think it is because the culture shifted towards Nintendo becoming a thing for kids.

Looking back it's strange to think I was raised for a little while by parents who were obsessed with Star Trek (it was going through a cultural renaissance at the time) and would let me stay up til 3 am while they played video games and board games with each other.

My parents were "reddit" before any concept was dreamed. Many people's parents were.


calm your mind. but, yes, mario has always meant to be seen as cool.

Nintendo has ALWAYS been focused on children.


not on the gamecube

This is what cemented it.


Mortal Kombat II was a much more popular game and had all the fatalities intact.

the clean is better than dirty ad really screwed things up for Nintendo. one of the worst ads ever for a game that is based off the coolest place in the world: Jamaica.

Maybe so, but the first censorship alone was enough for people to see Nintendo as the kiddy console and Sega as the mature console

Sega Genesis. Before Sega, everyone assumed all games were kiddy. Nintendo dug in their heels and insisted that games were a toy for kids while Sega wanted to prove games could be a new pillar of the entertainment industry.

Ultimately, even though Sega went under, their approach towards gaming for all ages proved to be the correct one and Nintendo has been struggling to adapt for 2 decades.


Toon Link did nothing wrong.

But they made Twilight Princess after.

After third parties abandoned them and all they had were their "family-friendly" first party titles. Combine that with their competitors' comparatively "edgy" marketing and you get a dichotomy where it looks like Nintendo is for kiddies and Sony/MS are for everyone else.

This dichotomy is further enforced by their largely segregated libraries.

There's also the fact that Nintendo consoles now actually ARE more popular among kids (and parents buying for kids). It was a self-fulfilling prophecy - as people started to perceive Nintendo as kiddy shit, it became more popular among parents looking for kiddy shit, and Nintendo started pandering to the parents looking for kiddy shit, and thus it was seen as kiddy shit, and the cycle fed into itself.

nes started as the "family console"
snes is when they went kiddie to be the opposite of genesis

personally i didn't really feel nintendo being kiddie until n64 era


he was fine in WW but has way overstated his welcome

doesn't matter, the image was shattered

> When did they become known as kiddy?

How do you not know?

when sega needed to market their genesis console to the teenagers
before that console games were inherently kiddy

I blame 14 year olds. It's no secret that 14 year old games want to play "mature" and "Realsitic" games like Call of Duty and want to distance themselves from games they loved like Mario in an effort to grow up quickly.