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Video Games #3620
Video Games
Risk of Rain thread, hosting currently at:
Chocobos are cute!
PS4 games?
Witcher 3 keeps fucking crashing at random times
So Sup Forums, do you aim with your arm or just with your wrist?
Ys games
You hear it, you lose
"I'm Not Crying, Theres Something In My Eye" Award
Defend this
Why was he such a pissy little bitch? Without sherriff, he was nothing...
What's the End of Evangelion of vidya?
Street Fighter games will never have not-generic soundtrack ever again
New Sonic adventure
Filename thread
Rance VI finally out in English
Anons actually thinking Final Fantasy XV would be good if the story wasn't rushed and the characters fleshed out more
Overwatch: Worth the Sale Price?
There are no good comfy co-op games prove me wrong
Spend an hour shitting on Palmer Lucky for his lack of integrity and political leanings
A reminder there is a games voice acting strike going on RIGHT NOW #performancematters
Arizona is so shitty that some kind asteroid tried to wipe it off the face of the earth
Women are inferior to men
Do you think they're going to ruin Barret? It's the only thing I'm worried about...
I've never been into the horror genre of games and after reading lore about pic related i was super intrigued...
Switch third parties discussion
Where were you when Sony won?
People will still buy this
How did they made him work?
I can't beat gascoin. What am I doing wrong? Using 2h axe with +3
How do we do it?
Cops arrest Oculus executive in underage sex sting
Left or right, Sup Forums?
The entire first season is out
Yo user, get in. We're going to Evo
Is this a good DQ game to start with if I've never played the series before...
What was he doing up there?
Games of 2017
How the fuck do you stop Compile Heart?
So what makes turned based combat good gameplay...
Play game you enjoyed during your childhood
What games made you cry this year?
Literally fucking killing this game even more that it already was
Have a friend coming over in an hour has anyone played any good local coop games lately...
Which one?
Total War: Hammer
Subnautica Thread
What are some memorable character designs in video games?
XV thread
About that old Skullgirl panty shot removal drama
Is Diablo 3 + expansion worth $20?
Is WoW worth going back to? I remember enjoying my warlock in vanilla
Who's your favourite male vidya character?
Why are the alien designs in Xcom 2 oversexualized?
What would your reaction be if Nintendo charged $60 for Switch games?
Why do consoles make you pay to use your internet in order to play your games online?
Release date
No one talks about this anymore
What are some good obscure games?
Limbo 2 is the most unique looking game of the year
T-minus 3 days until the Sup Forumsgas nominations are over, be sure to nominate your favourites
ITT: shit games that Sup Forums meme'd you into buying
Would you Sup Forums?
Meanwhile in New Sup Forumsegas
Why does a game from 2007 look better than so much released today?
Why is modern Sup Forums so mad about anime games?
Someone that still play cod black ops on 360?
Only recently I've noticed how many amputees there are in Overwatch
Hey, user! Did you beat that Counter-Strike game I got you for christmas yet?
ITT: Enemies that scared/unnerved you
If you own one of these, please neck yourself
Has HTC won the VR race?
Let's find the keyblade we've lost, Sup Forums
Should I take the plunge?
What's your favourite class/character-archetype/build in RPGs?
Candlejack is a stupid me-
Name a worse fan base
What went wright?
Why did Overwatch die so quickly?
Steam sale thread
I see nothing here that makes her heavyweight. So what gives?
Perfect co-op games don't exi-
Why are racing games rarely talked about here? Do you faggots not like cars or what...
Give me a single reason why there's no PC port
Which game is better?
I think we can now safely say Switch will be a massive letdown
Why are sith only depicted as homicidal maniacs in games?
I'm calling it /v
Is there any vidya weapon with 1000 degrees?
Hate playing Lucio
Left or Right?
VR thread. Post if you've got a Vive or Rift. Hell, even GearVR fags can come
Name a flaw
10/10 game
Hello Sup Forums I am a Retro Studios employee and have been one for the past 8 years...
Dodging didn't work
Mouse for PC gaming
What are your favorite memories from this game Sup Forums? Come on user, let's take a trip down memory lane friend
What is your opinion on violence/gore in vidya and why is it becoming less common or almost absent in modern games?
Ace Attorney
Starting 2017 I will have to buy 3 versions of each multiplatform game
Was he a good villian?
What are some games set in the edo period?
The weebshit pantsu shot collectors this appeals to are literally worse than hitler
Why doesn't Sup Forums have its own vidya version of this? Is it because the upper half will only be JRPGs,VNs...
Is this thing still worth buying after the release of the switch?
Will Final Fantasy ever return to being just a fun series about weird and wacky stuff with serious moments scattered...
Game has achievements that are literally impossible to collect
Why do these characters exist?
About to start pic related for the first time
Next FromSoft game is in a cyberpunk setup
Antibirth is free
What went wrong?
Post some of the most picturesque screenshots and images you have Sup Forums
Mfw PCfags will never, EVER get Bloodborne
Top 50 RPGs
Who do you want in Marvel vs Capcom Infinite, famdongus? Anti Kamala fags are not welcome itt
66 gigabyte download
Why aren't you playing the CSGO killer Sup Forums?
How is this?
This bugs me out Sup Forums - why modern games require more and more of space on HDD?
What's your personal GOTY for 2016?
What are some games featuring permadeath?
Why do you support Nvidia's shitty business practices?
It's a ps vita exclusive
Odd request, but does anyone have the Spyro edit of this?
I can't get over how amazing most of Final Fantasy XII's soundtrack is. Way better than XIII's
This is Poison. Say something nice to her
Playing Bastion
Describe your perfect Metroid game
Senran Kagura
Windows 7 luddites BTFO. Enjoy your obsolete OS when you could've gotten the real PC gaming OS for free
Why won't Warner Bros. invest in video games for other DC heroes?
Why don't games let you just hop in the action without long ass cutscenes and forced introduction?
Who is this?
GOTY 2016 is a jap F2P PS4 exclusive souls clone
Was he mary sue?
PS Plus January
Fast pace
Zelda Timeline
So...ah...after you take me to my place, how bout we do some...hum...overtime?
Everybody is hyping up faggot redmage classes
ITT: Vidya Mandela effects
How the fuck is this good gameplay?
Games that you are looking forward to but nobody talks about them
Game starts out in the middle of a battle
High level shaman has nothing better to do and ganks low levels
The Sup Forums game, but let's switch it up a little
Is this game any good? How are the crafting, stealth, and exploration elements?
What's the point of discussing vidya if they got rid of (you)s?
Is pic related what ruined the RPG genre?
Combat like the original RO
Have you ever cheated at a game
Question about nep I guess
This is the power....of the PC...damn
Super Mario Maker 3DS
Name the best video game trilogy in the world
Can we agree this is GOTY?
Games that were dumbed down by the casual audience
What are some comfy games where I can explore the vastness of space in my ship?
Bro you sit at the back, i'll handle the driving
What went wrong?
Nintendo takes down FreeShop
Third worlder here
Why is the North American cover so hideous?
How am I supposed to make this much Pix?
Microsoft bringing new "Game Mode" to Windows 10 for an enhanced PC gaming experience
What went wrong?
The combat in the game is so fucking shit
The Witcher 3 Graphics
Why haven't SJW complained about nier:automata yet ?
Black people
Did Marie Rose save or kill DoA?
FFXV Ending
Ace Attorney
Early morning, you working on that game user? you are making a game right?
Dear Losers
Dawn of War III
Post charismatic characters
How badly would he curbstomp the Persona universe?
Does these neps look evil to you?
"Hideo Kojima the type of dude ____________"
Alright it's been 3 years since this box launched
Why do you not have a PC? The only worthwile PS4 game is still bloodborne
ITT: vidya characters that makes you question your sexuality
Looking back was it really that bad?
Nearly 90 hours on steam in the last 2 weeks
People claim that nostr is vanilla like
Just found this at a yard sale
Why didn't protect her smile, Sup Forums?
Is there any edgier weapon than scythe?
Okay so I have this weird OCD like annoyance where whenever I'm playing a video game and let's say a cutscene is...
Tell me about your first Dark Souls playthrough Sup Forums
JRPGs and overly complicated stories
Should I get a ps4 pro or upgrade my PC? I still cant decide...
What were they thinking?
Game starts before you get to change graphics options
Decide to try this because "hey, if that many people play it, it can't be all that bad"
Why haven't you beat witcher 1?
Indie games are the only real games left
Playing Elves in video games is the best
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2.0 is basically here, minus the anomalies/RPG mechanics
Trails of Cold Steel
Cast him in
What is the hentai game with the best character creator?
SC2 is dead
Wil Tekken 7 save the FGC?
What's more important for a game: story or gameplay?
Not maining a mace
ITT: Nostalgia triggers
So what rank are you Sup Forums?
Best USB hub for gaming?
Mom walks in
So what's the deal?
Will you buy remake on the switch?
Max Payne 1 is the best Max Payne
E.Y.E thread
Ask a GAME UK employee anything
What have you picked up during the Playstation Plus sale? This week I bought:
What are some things in video game industry that you'd like to erase forever?
Why does Sup Forums hate action rpg?
Childhood is when you idolize Megaman
More footage from Free Radical's cancelled Battlefront 3 finds its way on YouTube
Tfw the age of (you)s is over
What does your favorite vidya girl smell like?
Which Dragon would you Crown?
Why aren't people excited about this game?
Daily reminder
Should the MAGfest anti-thuggery rules be standard?
Three button layouts with a blue X
The only right way
Why are Japanese Game Developers so much better than American Game Developers?
Edgy characters that werent cringe worthy
Playing on italian server
Yakuza 0 - How Else Will SEGA Fuck Up?
How does Sega manage to continue to exist as a company with only Miku, Total War, and Sonic?
Whose idea was it to make your party members auto controlled by retard tier CPUs? The game is really fun otherwise
What are some good games for Android? This includes emulation
Filename Thread
What year did it become acceptable to ship unfinished buggy rubbish as a full price game?
When will gaming and nerd culture finally fucking die?
Sony fans, why did you let this fail?
Escape from Tarkov Developer's 2016 Report
We are allowed to have ONE (1) thread discussing board state
Can we please quit pretending pic related is any good...
Hey Sup Forums, I'm looking for a budget mechanical keyboard for my nephew (his birthday is in a few days)...
Childhood is when you idolize The Witcher 3
That gaming youtuber who has over 100 videos with an average viewcount of 2
How is anyone even able to play a shooter with pic related?
15 Days till the greatest event in Vidya history
Want to play game alone
Lets be real; nobody like the new look but it'll still be a decent game
Video game characters that are literally (you)
Barbie: Video Game Hero
What's next for megaman creator keiji inafune?
Steam Sale Thread
Skyrim doesn't look good on con-
What's the fastest you've dropped a game?
Night of Azure 2
Why aren't you playing Unreal Tournament 4?
Be honest, Sup Forums
Is Vanille quite possibly the best female character in video games?
How come Sup Forums never criticise the battle system in this game but shit all over FF12's?
Quick Sup Forums
Tfw (You)s are gone and the redditors are having melt downs and leaving the site
ITT: Red-pilled vidya characters
What will the next 3d yoshi game be like?
Fuck marry kill
Game has a non-white non-male protagonist
Evil route has the most content
Game is called Monster Hunter
Game has subtitles
What does Sup Forums thinks of Razorfist's opinions?
That genre of game you just can't get into
ITT: god tier flash games
Why is it that Cidney caused such a social media uproar when the game features far more sexualized male designs that...
I really like what I am seeing from this game. However I havnet played NeiR or any of the Darkengard games
COG are the bad guys now
Does Sup Forums like Wind Waker?
Holy fuck, what is this raised difficulty after Rom, the Vacuous Spider boss???
What is the most iconic menu/file select music in vidya?
Nostalrius is kill
As someone with absolutely zero experience in fighting games but wanting to start, is this worth picking up for 20$?
Do you think Overwatch will live as long Team Fortress 2?
Does Sup Forums like Phantom Hourglass?
Game features fake pixels
Emulating anything Sup Forums?
Wat do after getting the bananas, anons...
Combat robot
Why was Digimon forgotten in the West whereas Pokemon wasn't?
Almost at the end of my 3DS backlog
What are some game that features Pizza?
We are allowed to have ONE (1) thread discussing board state
ITT: Images that are no longer relevant
Cool asf NPC joins the party
Oh fuck, I think they know
Saint's Row, bitches
PC port is unplayable
Play rpg
What the fuck were they thinking?
Name a better shooter this gen
Casual reminder for Vvardencucks
Is there such a thing as a hard video game?
Is this the most underrated Zelda game Sup Forums?
What do you think of Genital Jousting
Vidya drinking games pt 2
Got this for Christmas
Unironically having furry and lolibait races in your party
Have the butthurt keyboard warriors finally lost enough power on Sup Forums that most posters finally realize anime...
Is it dead forever, Sup Forums?
Kojima lies about dozens of details, both in the game and outside of the game
Webm Thread
What's the right answer in this situation?
Game tries to be funny
Let's talk about this. Just beat it and I honestly think that it was great despite the filler being fucking tedious
I know Sup Forums has hates Call of Duty, but I always rent/buy each game, not because I like them...
Mother 3
Hideaki Itsuno removes DMC from his Twitter, changes BG to Dragon's Dogma image!!
Friday the 13th
Alan Wake Thread
22 years old
What is it with Nintendo and all of these blonde white fuckbitches in their games...
I've played Simcity (3000 and 4) my whole life and after getting back into it and hearing about how disappointing the...
What's your favorite roguelike, Sup Forums? Depending on my mood, I like Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup, Dwarf Fortress...
Has there ever been a worse year for vidya?
Bloodborne PC
What's next for this series?
Fighter, rogue, or Mage?
When did they become known as kiddy?
Onions the franchise? Worth the 12$
Why can't Revelator be this fun?
So, does Quiet actually like Venom Snake or something?
What game did you have the most fun playing this year? This was my personal favorite?
Just started this, what I am in for? I really like the game mechanics like slowing time and telekinesis...
You made sure to marry best girl, right user?
Comfy isometric games
ITT: LAN Party Stories
This is Samus
Is there a single video game character that can defeat Trip...
Oh Sup Forums, never change
Video games thread?
Why haven't you hacked your 3DS?
What made some anime tie in games better then others?
Boss is 1 HP away from death
I'm a gamer
Why hasn't this game been localized?
What are the best indie games of the year?
These GOTY podcasts make me really hate Jeff. The way he says his opinions so matter of factly. So unllikeable...
Post definitive versions of games
Examples where vidya gets it right when the original source material got it wrong
In-game collectibles actually improve your character instead of being just a useless chore
Really makes you think
Fallout 4
Sup Forumsidya draw thread
What's the best Hitman game Sup Forums?
If you could gain the powers/abilities of one video game character of your choosing, who would you choose and why?
FUCK, Sup Forums
Why is vidya so hard to adapt to the big screen?
What does Sup Forums think about the original Xbox?
What is the best Star Wars game and why is it Rogue Squadron 2?
The final boss from the third game is met in the first game as a minor, forgettable side character
Am I the only one that actually really fucking loves the demo and has really high hopes for this game
Ctrl + F no guilty gear thread. It's time for a guilty gear thread
Why didn't gears of war 4 go to complete shit like Halo 4 did?
What were video games like when you were a kid, Grandpa?
When companies pretend emulation doesn't exist
Confirmed male Ryder face model
Noire, Blanc and Vert's Chaos forms
5 games and we still dont know who the fuck she is
This is bullshit
What's the best FF?
I enjoyed the game's story
Grey Aliens
Are you ready for the RPG of the year?
Games where I can be a pretentious cunt?
Make a game driven by user generated content
Steam Winter Sale Recommendations Thread
ITT: Post your favorite mechanic in a game and other anons will recommend you a game with that mechanic, i'll start
Do you collect video games?
Resident Evil 4
Anotha one
Bought a 1070
Was this really the worst game of all time? Also what went so wrong that this was the final result produced?
SC2 is dead/dying
All this talk about Nier Automata has gotten me interested in Drakengard. What should I expect, and dub or undub?
Do you think the zero suit is comfortable for Sammy?
PSN Holiday Sale Thread
Will we ever see a new pikmin game
ITT: Masterpieces
If you could resurrect one IP what would it be?
Replayed Dead Space1 and 2 because they were sitting there and it was a good ride
You guys should buy this game it's pretty gud
Tell me Sup Forums. Why can't she wear her blouse properly?
Which of these three do you prefer?
What's Sup Forums's general sentiment on this game?
Some Krogan believe that testicle transplants can increase there virility. Counteract the effects of the genophage
Are you ready for the JRPG of the year?
ITT: games literally only you played
Engaging combat+gunplay
I broke my hand by falling off a ladder while taking down Christmas lights
Rainy japanese neon city level at night
ITT: Games that only you like
Hi I just bought this game but it seems really hard and confusing. Can anyone help me out?
This is going to be really under whelming
$60 Game
What's the deal with this nep?
Is 1440p gaming worth it Sup Forums? Is the leap from 1080p to 1440p really drastic?
How was your 2016 for you, this year, Sup Forums?
He calls Hemorrhage Protection "aych pee"
What's your game of the year Sup Forums?
Delta did nothing wrong
ITT: Shameful Vidya Faps
Risk of Rain thread
Are the old AvP games fun?
What the fuck is wrong with Naughty Dog
Made one of the greatest games of all time
Is there any way to refund Roblox gamepasses?
49 of 50 collected
Nintendo will never officially confirm that Link tapped this
Was it good
Best chapter, worst chapter
What went so right?
Enemies can steal your money
The PS4 Pro equivalent graphics card costs almost as much as the entire ps4 pro itself
Bootleg thread
Why do you hate Bosmer (wood elves), Sup Forums?
Choose one to protect you, the other 3 try to kill you
Tell me I get to fuck her (male)
You can disarm the enemy if you shoot him in the arm/hand
Give me ONE reason why console is better than pc
Windows Store offers demos on games
How can e"""sports""" even compete ?
I just picked this up for $449 yesterday. What's the catch? Did I get scammed?
ITT games that desperately deserve a sequel but won't get one
Buy this fucking game already
Can anyone explain their complaints about this game so far?
Loathed Dark Souls 3
I own Splatoon. What is the must have title for the Wii U? I'm debating Mario 3D World and Mario Maker
Make character
Street Fighter thread
Post 10/10 vidya game girls
What about the Virtual Console makes it so shitty?
Keeping politics in games is more important than ever
Boss has an obvious weak spot
When does this get good?
Name a game with better characters
He doesn't have a gaming modem
I've been using this thing on my PS4 for a few weeks now and played some Advanced Warfare and Titanfall with a...
How many H games did you play?
Which version of Dark Souls 1 would you recommend to a first-timer?
Will this be like Rainbow 6 and be actually a good modern ubisoft game or just crash into the dust?
This shit again
User what visual novel are you reading?
Chad Warden was 10 (ten) years ago
ITT: characters who had the worst lives ever
Hey You!
ITT: Overrated "gems". I'll start
What the fuck was his problem?
Talk me into buying a PS Vita, Sup Forums
What's our name Sup Forums
Whats your biggest gaming buyers remorse/regret
Will you be buying it?
This is the face of Senran Kagura
Games you want to come to PC
Should I get Dragon's Dogma, or The Witcher 3? If you know a similar RPG then feel to free to recommend it...
People actually want Terry Crews Old Spice memes in Overwatch
Why are they so happy?
ITT: Post video game characters with the most edge.I'll start
Buyer's Remorse Thread: Winter Sale Edition
Give me your honest opinion of this game
Enables mic
What ps2 game has the best graphics?
>so easy to hack your vita they said
Anyone else agree?
[Spoiler]this is actually a really good game[/spoiler]
What was your favorite UMS map?
Edmund is desperately trying to keep people excited for his shit expansion compared to Antibirth
Do you still enjoy video games or has it just become escapism
Male name
Someone silently deletes you on Steam
Best girl coming through
Who are the best detective/police girls in video games
PC gamer until this happened. Other than Bloodborne, Trico and Persona 5, what are some exclusives to grab?
Do you know of any vidya ruined by idiots who dont understand the value of a work?
Not idling all your games for that sweet extra $4.82
What game did you play most recently, and would you recommend it to other people?
Not a one 3ds hacking thread after 33c3
Fallout 3
Software programmer AMA
Was he really that bad?
What games besides bloodborne justify buying this?
Will these games get a PC port?
How is the game coming along - you ARE working on your game right? Give it EVERYTHING you have for the next few days...
What's that one game you keep coming back to even after so many years?
Dota is dying
We are LITERALLY 4 days away from 2017
When is this coming to PC?
The MMO/MMORPG genre is dying, this is obvious
ITT: We judge you based on your Overwatch mains
Is god eater 2 worth $19.99?
Destiny Collection
Asian girl with frost traps that immobilize the enemy
Darkest Dungeon thread?
Steam Winter Sale Recommendations Thread
Alright, so I installed 3.60 and HENkaku on my Vita
Does your online gaming persona differ from your real self?
With only 4 days left of the year, what was your personal GOTY?
How did we go from this
Whats the deal with wired controllers. Why is hipster shit invading my hobby?
What the fuck were the Persona 5 devs thinking with all these middle aged women Social links...
Worked at Nintendo from 2009 - 2015
What were your thoughts on dog simulator 2016
RIP Naughty Dog
VTMB Thread
Who's the edgiest game protagonist of all time?
Steam Gifting/Begging Thread
Supposedly the fair, but ruthless leader of a town filled with criminals and other lowlifes
FFXV OST.. how would you rank it?
What are the best Star Wars games?
I want to play a Hatsune Miku game and the PS3/4 ones are on sale in Yurop (I don't own a Vita)...
Why aren't you playing the definitive Yugioh vidya experience? LITERALLY NO EXCUSE
Should I get an Xbone controller or DS4 for my PC?
Is it worth the $41 on sale? I pretty much love all the FFs, up to and arguably 13 and 15...
"hey Kenny how's that eye lol"
What was your favorite lego game Sup Forums...
Are there any mods that expand this game? It's not very big
Who was the best girl?
How good of a deal is this laptop?
Do video games based around failure ultimately make the player more feel more confident?
Good Games That Will Never Have A Sequel
Sup Forums plays Fire Emblem 8
So why are the PS4 servers such garbage...
Games of 2017
Post overrated shitty games
Do the Zelda games deserve their metacritic scores?
An rpg from 2010 with a small budget...
Sup Forumsidya draw thread
Finally got to play the game for myself, and honestly its a 6/10
ITT the worst controller ever made
Buy a $100 skin off of the market for CS:GO
Tfw to intelligent too play anything but CK2
ITT: Post vidya songs that sound like other non-vidya songs
Final Fantasy X
Does it bother anyone else that the Aperture Science in this game is obviously nothing like the original one...
Good Tacked On Multiplayer
Thank you China for doing what NINTENDONT
Just bought this game from the humble monthly, what am I in for?
Best girl?
Design video game character as a powerful, big, imposing woman
Pic unrelated
Would you play an open world shooter where you clean up the streets of the Philippines as Rodrigo Duterte?
Guys, I never-ever played any President Evil game before, and there are a lot of them on PSN now as we speak...
Why do people pretend to like KoTR when commando (and practically every other star wars game) was better by MILES?
New e.y.e. thread, i'm making up a server
Why are there no good porn games? Why are there no good business simulations about running a porno studio or a brothel...
Did you feed you pocket rat today?
I'm an indie developer working on a Nintendo Switch title with my small studio crew
Why aren't these games on PC already?
How do the battlestations of Sup Forums look like?
All this extra bandwidth to play Mario Kart and receive StreetPass data. Woah
Post games that graphically blew your mind
This is Clementine
Japanese Games
Where should I start the Shin Megami Tensei series?
Mahjong sucks
Can i play this without playing the other two?
What went so wrong?
Larry > Roy > Morton > Ludwig > Wendy > Lemmy > Iggy
ITT: Games only you have played
Sup Forums says game is shit
Meanwhile, in the "News a blind guy could see coming a mile away" department
What continue on a downwards trend?
Do you think REmake 2 will have Crimson Heads?
Previous games in the series features various colorful locations all around the world
Let's make the dream game Sup Forums
Is Nintendo even trying?
What went wrong?
Good platforming is impossible with modern graphi-
Still no news about the new ES game
Post obscure games
NieR: Automata
This is Tracer. Say something nice to her!
What went wrong? Why was Sonic CD bad?
Just bought a GameBoy Advance SP, give me some good cartridges to go buy Sup Forums!
What's your favourite ASSFAGGOTS hero and why?
Is Minecraft frowned upon on Sup Forums? I still enjoy building stuff from time to time
What a fun game (not)
Best tank thread post your favorite vidya tanks
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...