Skyrim doesn't look good on con-

>Skyrim doesn't look good on con-

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The last gen version does look quite bad

Still looks pretty bad

honestly, why even care about such a shit game in the first place


Looks OK but could look much better. Still, it's fucking SKYRIM. Doesn't matter how good it looks. The gameplay is still shit.

Oh shit, did OP got killed by that sniper I saw ov-

It still runs at 30fps and even if it didn't it would still be the shittiest elder scrolls game.

Nah, I think it's connected to Candleja-

Look at that grass. Some Crysis level shit.

>pic will never happen to you


Riverwood looks more vibrant

Well well well, looks like we got another one. You're coming with me, scum.

nice, skyrim finally looking on par with crysis (2007)

that's a fucking insult to crysis
skyrim doesnt even have advanced shaders, literally ps2 levels of lighting

Well the grass definitely looks better than The Witcher 3 (2015)

Crysis on max settings, which would still give the majority of PC's today a tough time

>tree sprites in the 'distance'

Skyrim will forever be shit, because Bethesda made it, and they used the Gaymebryo engine.

You're doing it wrong.

no it wouldnt

>tree sprites are Gamebryo fault
All games use sprites for distant trees, that's the only way you can optimize your game. Your job as a developer is to make them stand out as least as possible. Picrelated is another example of devs not giving a shit.

Gotta love when Sup Forums shows how little they know about how games actually work.

Looks better than tw3.

>looking good

>good =/= a technological marvel
why is 90% of Sup Forums illiterate


Should've gotten Expanded Towns And Cities instead, retard. 90% of town revamp mods are hot garbage.

99% of skyrim mods are hot garbage

You seem to forget most people have toasters just for Facebook, so yes, it would.

Looks pretty good on the Pro


>Console won't be able to use any good mods because it'll NEVER EVER get the script extender

the remaster looks pretty which makes me question what the fuck were they doing with fallout 4 that made it look so hideous

working with nvidia for VOLUMETRIC LIGHTING


>needing mods to make your game look good
Remaster has true volumetric lighting too and it looks great. FO4 suffered from shitty art direction in general, it was way too colorful and contrast.

>5 year old game looks decent on current gen consoles

Well took them a while eh? Pc could do that at release.


>Should've gotten Expanded Towns And Cities instead

not on ps4

Why the fuck would people who use their PCs just for Facebook bother trying to run Crysis?


Never said they would, but that user said "majority of PC's today", not "the PCs of people who play vidya".

That is just a shitty ripoff of Whiterun.

Skyrim looks pretty good in 4k with the appropriate texture mods. Poorfags shouldn't be playing games, desu.

Which is just a shitty ripoff of Minas Tirith, which is just a shitty ripoff of hillside castles, etc.

>Skyrim doesn't look good on consoles
Yes, you picture proves that alright.
The drawdistance on the grass, revealing the textures underneath, the lod on the trees a few rows back, the texture if t´he rocks to the right, the mountains, etc ...

And also unrealistic, because no hamlet will allow trees to grow like that right next to a house, because if they fall, the house is gone.

>implying it looks like that in game

What's up with these big flat platform rocks with grass on top? Do you get formations like that in that kind of forest?

Because not everyone tries to be a cool hipster video gamer by hating on good and popular games like an autistic retard

You know you're implying that Warframe is good, right?

How is TF2 still up there even with Overwatch out?

>[GPU shrieking and overheating in the distance]

pic unrelated

>people can't hate a popular game for a reasonable reason
>it must always be because their hipster and autistic
Try again.

It's F2P and OW isn't on steam

Can we get a modded Skyrim vs Crysis 2007 comparison pic?

It is good, user, your taste is just shit.

Why would i try again when i was right the first time?

>skyrim looks go-

this to be honest. the elders scrolls are supposed to be bright and have gigantic forests and mountains. the fallout series are supposed to be brown and look like a deserted wasteland only occupied by merchants and thieves. i also disliked how they put ''modern'' haircuts in the fallout series which kinda broke the whole 50's vibe fallout 3 and new vegas had i think.

fallout 1 > fallout 2 > fallout: new vegas > fallout 3 > fallout 4

except that minas tirith is build into a mountain/hill and whiterun stands on its own in the middle of a cliff.


witcher 3 looks ba-

i don't get how the wither 3 and skyrim are compared by everybody on Sup Forums. is it just some meme i'm not getting?

besides the games being vastly different in landscape, combat and quests, the games are also 4 (four) years apart from release. of course the witcher 3 is going to look better than skyrim because skyrim is four years older and released on an older system.

the next elder scrolls is going to look better than both of these games though.

Kek, subtle

>i don't get how the wither 3 and skyrim are compared by everybody on Sup Forums. is it just some meme i'm not getting?
It's just shitposters.

>muh 50s vibe
Hello, neo-Sup Forums

i'll fucking attack you. even fallout 1 and 2 had a 50's vibe, or at least a vibe from an alternate universe. people having undercuts in the fallout universe makes no sense.

>he thinks undercuts are a new thing



>vaseline AA
>those tree and rock models
nice try

you fucking tell me which looks better

What kind of shit country arrest people for owning digital file of a girl's drawing

Guess you never got around to actually playing that expansion?
That was a pretty early promotional screenshot of the expansion before it came out.
They ended up making distant foliage look pretty good.

I think that's fine for the part of the game after the bombs drop though. It just looks out of place for the first 10 minutes.


Fallout 4 is better in every way over Fallout 3 except main story. The world wouldn't be shitty colors of brown 200 years after the war.

your mom is a shitty color of brown

Two Worlds 3 got never announced... They did update tw2 not long time ago tho

Also because the hamlet would be made out of those trees in the first place, and any saplings would be burned long before they became trees.

And they also host insect pests that would drop to the houses infesting them too. And they would drop their leaves over the houses where they would decay reducing the lifespan of the building.
But what cna you expect from cityslickers making towns

Yeah, but Bethesda is one of the only devs that STILL use static LOD billboards instead of multiple ones so the transition from sprite to 3D model isnt so obvious


One less redditor halfway done posting a faggot OP.

f2p and people dont want to abandon the game theyve been playing for almost a decade

>the next elder scrolls is going to look better than both of these games though.

not likely

shit taste desu

it's better and free



>gta V doesn't look good on con-

this is not vanilla



I know that Sup Forums typically is extremely contrarian, but Skyrim is actually not too good of a game