So after all these Cold Steel 3 threads I finally caved in and started playing Cold Steel. You guys weren't fucking with me, this game is amazing. I just finished the second field study and I love it so much. The characters are interesting, and it's very nice how you slowly get to learn more about them. The combat is great as well, unique in its genre I think. The linking reminded me of Tales of Xillia, but the Quartz system is very unique and works very nice. I'm also a sucker for side quests and completing everything so the character profiles, cooking, fishing stuff is great for someone like me.
I can't wait to beat this and move on to CS2. How far into the game am I, after completing the second field study? Also, any idea when CS3 will get released in the west?
You're going to need this. NPC dialogue can unlock missions that normal people would never find. Also certain actions can determine if you unlock certain missions later on. It becomes Hell.
As far as the third game. Even the Japanese don't know when it will actually be released. Falcom is a slow company to begin with. So when you combine them with a slow localization company like XSeed, releases take years.
Isaac Cruz
So do you need to play Trails in the Sky before this one? I'm really interested in this one.
Jack Jones
This. The guide above is just great, and you will seriously feel attached to all the classmates NPC by the end of the game.
Also, the game is kinda long so the second field study is 1/4 of the game is my memory serves me right.
Is not needed, but there's a character who was a party member in TiTS who makes an appearance in the game.
Jordan Martin
You can play them in any order. They're related but you don't need to play Sky first to understand the story since it's from a completely different perspective. You're bound to find out some things and references about Sky if you play Cold Steel first but nothing that will ruin the experience. Purists like to say you absolutely need to play the games in this order or that order while keeping your eyes closed when the openings play but just do what seems the most enjoyable to you.
Lincoln Long
Calvard when?
Luis Watson
After the short sidetrack arc that comes after Erebonia.
Joshua Hughes
So after CS3?
Matthew Anderson
>post yfw you're literally ashly burch
Parker Hughes
After CS4 and the game that comes after CS4
Christian Gray
Cold Steel is enjoyable, but there's so much going on with so many characters that it gets a little hard to care about the story, especially by II. By this token, Trails in the Sky is better.
Carson Hill
She was Millium? I actually kinda liked her voice
James Walker
>the game that comes after CS4 as in the game-game or the mobile spinoff featuring an all-female cast and virtually no plot relevance/progression compared to the rest of the series? and let's not forget how they dumb down the quartz system even more to where they remove everything unique about it and it becomes a generic 90s-era JRPG system where you learn arts through levelling up i've been planning ways to be angry about that in the future when it happens
death tolls in the thousands
Jackson Brown
>tfw bought the coldsteel LE like a year ago >kept falling asleep during the plains chapter >keep trying to push forward but continue falling asleep >months later >still in the plains >lend my brother my vita >his children break the charger >no local stores sell vita chargers
I'll get through it someday, I guess.
Jaxon Phillips
>tfw finished CS2 >tfw can't find motivation to play anything else on my Vita because of the hole in my heart it left
Luis Sanchez
>as in the game-game or the mobile spinoff Nah, something similar to Crossbell, like Zero and Ao that were supposed to be one game between Liberl and Erebonian arc.
Gavin Russell
shitty sonic OC game
Grayson Rogers
>and let's not forget how they dumb down the quartz system even more to where they remove everything unique about it and it becomes a generic 90s-era JRPG system where you learn arts through levelling up >i've been planning ways to be angry about that in the future when it happens M-maybe they'll got back to the more sophisticated system after Erebonia?
Ethan Kelly
Liam Phillips
>2027 >Trails of starlight 3 >The protag and his 22 harem party members face the Grandmaster of Ouroboros >After the usual "we can't do it guys" while kneeling cut-scene, the "grandmaster" is sliced in half by a bo staff. >Estelle appear with an evil smile. >"It was me, they all thought they were good at holding back....I was holding back for 14 games ! I'm not the Grandmaster for nothing".
Carter Adams
It's possible, I guess, with how every game wants to introduce its own new style of orbment.
Connor Rivera
Jayden Martinez
So Akatsuki?
Akatsuki actually did do this which is reassuring, but despite being decent and playable it's still borderline mobage trash which isn't quite as reassuring
Worse still, it's all but guaranteed that CS3 will still use ARCUS and keep the garbage new quartz system, so we have a long wait ahead before the actual games do it right again if they even do
Aaron Brooks
CS3 better come out alongside the jap version.
Adam Davis
>Zero and Ao were supposed to be one game >FC and SC were supposed to be one game When is Falcom going to start second-guessing their scope management? I bet Cold Steel was supposed to be one game too.
James Hughes
>It take 15 episodes of the most famous JRPG to have a worldwide release.
Humm, I think you can wait till late 2018 for CS3.
Xavier Sanders
We had what, two Epstein and one Reinford orbment models, right? Maybe we'll get a new model by that one big Calvard company which's name I cannot for the life of me remember.
They live in a time where mechs exist and you can literally buy superpowers from your local store and these people choose to live in fucking tents in the middle of nowhere?
Adrian Ortiz
Does that mean we'll get evo voice mods for FC, SC and 3rd?
Josiah Wood
Did CS2 ever fix magic so the high level spells weren't strictly inferior to the low level ones outside of AoE? That's my big pet peeve about CS1.
Grayson Wilson
I thought CS arts were far more useful than, say, Sky arts that weren't Earth Wall.
Evan Murphy
They have a truck, I guess. And they're chill with the soldiers at the gate and the watchtower, so they're at least not completely cut off.
Zachary Young
>how far am I I just got to the final chapter last night, exactly 100 hours in, but that's because I take my time and talk to every NPC and try to collect as much as I can. If you liked Trails of Cold Steel, you really should play Trails in the Sky, it's older but it's arguably better.
World building in Trails is always phenomenal.
Juan Torres
I'm talking about how anything past like the t2 spells are bad because after a while, you can spam the t1 spells with 0 delay
Joseph Harris
You can get an accessory pretty early on that cuts down cast time, plus there a lost arts that are way too OP.
Zachary Martin
They do, technically, have access to superpowers in a store. They have an orbal factory. Man this is odd, I thought I was going at a slow pace and I'm almost certain I talked to every single NPC but I only clocked 80 and something hours. Well, Pandora no longer gives you -50% delay to Mirage arts so at least the Luminous Ray spam is nerfed. Delay spam in CS2 is stronger than ever though. Fucking Black Virtue.
Jeremiah Davis
I feel weird about this fan translation. On the one hand, I'm happy to be able to play the game. On the other hand, my autism requires an Xseed translation for consistency's sake.
It's hard to get excited for this with the possibility that Xseed will pick it up later and do a better job. I also kind of wonder if this version will put Xseed off releasing their own because a big chunk of their potential audience has already gone and played a pirated copy.
Caleb Anderson
Is there any way to make all characters eligible for dancing at the end of CS1 so I can import as complete as possible a file into CS2, without needing to use the "infinite bond points" NG+ option?
I'm on my first NG+ run of CS1, but I didn't pick the infinite bond points, in favor of preserving inventory and stats. And now I'm really wanting to just move straight on to CS2 after this instead of playing NG+ yet another time.
David Sanders
Bought the game just last night. I wasn't gonna mute the voices but now I am.
Levi Collins
PC ports when?
Tyler Reed
Will Estelle ever get a real weapon?
Levi Harris
In CS1 I thought Millium's voice was okay about 30-40% of the time actually, particularly in the late game. Haven't played CS2 yet though.
Christian Martinez
I'd replay FC & SC with the evo voices.
Jackson Sullivan
>Man this is odd, I thought I was going at a slow pace and I'm almost certain I talked to every single NPC but I only clocked 80 and something hours I took my time for literally everything, after any story related event I went around talking to every NPC in town twice, didn't use the sprint/run option and didn't use fast travel at the academy. Collected every book so far too, just need the last one.
Jacob King
Her voice is 100% more bearable in CS2
Jonathan King
How do you guys deal with the mind numbingly bad writing in this game?
Bentley Edwards
>didn't use the sprint/run option and didn't use fast travel at the academy Oh, that explains it. Fully breathing the atmosphere in then. I restricted myself to no running several times in CS2 for emotional reasons.
Matthew Hill
we hold back while playing it
Logan Powell
By pretending im watching your typical anime
James Cook
t; xseed shill It's literally weebshit
Angel Jones
>fire boss >turns up the heat
Benjamin Bell
By remembering that it's still better than 90% of videogame writing and also knowing Falcom can deliver amazing writing, they're just holding back.
Aiden Adams
>turns up the heat >turns down the FPS
Ethan Long
>CS3 >PS4 only >McBurn fight >fps drops Thanks Falcom.
Owen Brown
McBurn is so powerful it transcends the limits of hardware
Joseph Jackson
That's the real reason why everyone is holding back. Vita couldn't handle it.
Noah Price
To be honest I'd take it if it was intentional like Tarou bullshit.
John Martinez
Yeah, there was plenty of times I'd stop for 10 minutes and take in the music or scenery too.
Joshua Nguyen
What if the Vita hardware is holding back?
Mason Butler
When I entered Nord Highlands for the first time I just put my Vita down, it was fucking breathtaking. The fact CS2 doesn't have Land of the Blue Skies is a damn crime.
Oliver Watson
From what's happened with it recently, it's shaping up pretty well. The lead who that stirred up trouble bailed on everyone, so more competent people picked up the project about a week ago to finish editing while adding stuff like the voices:
Jace Cook
>Be mixed >ALL OF ME. he's the only one I can bear with the "holding back" thing. He just don't stop powering up >I can conjure flames from thin air >Look, I can transform >Wait, wait I have this sword from outside reason >without even swinging it once* transform the sword to an even higher level.
Jeremiah Watson
>ywn be mcburn
Jack Ross
RIP irritable illusions
Mason Taylor
What the hell was the original text?
Xavier Ward
pretty sure it was a reference to the song a light illuminating from the depths, but too lazy to check it myself.
>Cold Steel was supposed to be one game too. Well, 1 and 2 were. This is a known fact. They just suck at estimating I guess.
Michael Fisher
Laura ass reduction hopefully
Christian Flores
Fuck off Ireland
Adam Fisher
>ass reduction hopefully
Adam Wilson
Jusis x Machias confirmed hopefully.
Landon Gomez
stupid fujoshi
Samuel Torres
So pirated the gog version of Trails in the sky and was wondering, how do i save on this shit?
Nathan Sanders
Could we please not tie Jusis to Machias the cunt piece of cardboard? If you're a fujo, the only other male party member who matters is Rean anyway, better push to unseat Alicia