Be honest, Sup Forums

Be honest, Sup Forums

Is it worth it?

Not really

yes and it's just $30 now


Only $30? Why not. Game's ok. Just don't be me and spend over $200 on it. Bought the pc version then later the collectors edition on ps4, wew. :^)

its good fun for some hours until you start playing ranked and notice that only tanks are viable choices thus removing any fun from game. nerfing ana character dont fix it since lucio still exists and when they add more tanks to game it makes game even worse.

Are you ready for your waifus to become gay?
Don't worry the dev team will have mentioned that they designed the character to be so in a one sentence statement at a con 5 years ago!

Do you like arena shooters?

It's a fun arena shooter. My advice is stick to quickplay, that's where people go to have fun and comp is a cesspool of MOBA shitters perpetually stuck in >muh elo hell squawling about the meta

If you like TF2 or CS you'll enjoy it.


B-but my waifu man! why! I had a body pillow and everything!

And a new tank is the next character to be revealed, oh joy.

Sombra shits all over rein and dva turning them into ult batteries, reaper never stopped 4 shotting tanks and the tracer and zarya combo will still nuke teams regardless of their health.

Although you do have a point about ana. They silently buffed her ammo from 6 to 8, as well as an attack speed increase, and then to 10 without any kind of acknowledgment. Ana's initial design was fine, like Zen with a twist. She would damage the enemies primarily but could choose to burst heal with her six shots and grenade and her original ultimate would be justified because she would get it much much slower with 4 less shots and a lower attack speed. But then they changed her so that she could kill most of the cast in around 2 seconds while missing 7 of her shots

>having a video game waifu

Im trying to sell my 100lvl account for over a month now.
I regret buying this game because of cancerous / low skilled community on ranked.
Matchmaking makes you stop on certain point and you just cant advance further in solo queue just like doto.

I've played over 100 hours of it so I'd say so, it's a fun casual shooter to play with friends. I accidentally got the origins edition because that was the default when I went to buy it and I was drunk, I thought it'd be the standard, so I paid an extra $20 for some diablo 3 wings and skins in Overwatch I never use.. oh well, still under a $1 an hour of play I can do worse.

>I regret buying this game because of cancerous / low skilled community on ranked.
we need less tryhards like you


As long as you have some good friends playing it, that is.


ironically enough it's not worth it


waste of money , gets boring quick, no content, not challenging, retards play it

>Wait for the enemy to walk into the point slightly
>Gun down the back liners in two or three hits
>Shift behind my reins shield if they turn around, continue raping them if they don't.

>Die die die

exactly how i feel

Well if you have some friends playing it you will get 30 to 50 hours out of it.

Longevity isnt really there since its very casual and there isnt much to learn.

Yes its fun to play. and less toxic than LOL and CSGO

Its less toxic yeah, but at the cost of complexity.

Also its less toxic because they literally hide the all stats except your own from you.

I dont like it, because it makes analyzing games way harder.
But thats exactly what blizzard wants, they dont want anyone to know who the weak part of the chain is.


nice pic too bad it has nothing to do with the actual comment

you wont spend more than 10 hours in that crap

it's a good shooter but suffers from wildly fluctuating balance that they still haven't figured out so it's hard to take it seriously, and of course the turbo cancerous playerbase who cry about literally anything and will report you for not picking the hero they want you to pick

>play a teamgame
>lel fuck my team i do only what i want xDD how dare they criticize me for refusing to be a teamplayer


if you want a healer, pick a fucking healer

>be vital hero pick X
>no one wants to be the healer even if i ask
>switch to healer
>the vital role i had before is now not filled
>ask if someone can pick what i had before

This never works out.

what hero pick X is so vital that you absolutely cannot fathom winning without that pick?

>What is Bastion


Reinhardt actually is

To add to that, if you start arguing that way, you could also say you dont need a healer to win.

It all depends on your skill bracket. But i would say you absolutely need certain picks in higher ranks. No other tank has as much utility as reinhardt on most maps and he is just as vital as having a healer.

no, because I stopped playing TF2 years ago so why would I play its shitty clone?

It was worth 40€ at release to tease Sup Forumsbros.

Now I wouldn't say it is worth 30€.

I bought it because my friends said they'd play everyday with me, now they play league without me because i don't play it, haven't played it in weeks.