Okay so I have this weird OCD like annoyance where whenever I'm playing a video game and let's say a cutscene is...

Okay so I have this weird OCD like annoyance where whenever I'm playing a video game and let's say a cutscene is playing and I'm not paying enough attention, I restart from the last checkpoint/level (and even some cases the whole game) I generally don't know how to 'relax' myself and just sit and enjoy the game without stressing myself out over a cutscene. Has anyone else had this and if so, please tell me how you have gotten over it. Desperately want to know so I can go back to enjoying video games again.

You're autistic

Not an insult, what you've described sounds like autism.

Sounds to me like Freaking Out Over Meaningless Bullshit Syndrome

Maybe. I got tested for ADD one time and my doctors never found anything wrong with me.

Get better doctors then.

You clearly have a behaviour disorder.

Right? I realize it's meaningless, but my brain basically says, "You don't know anything. Now piss off and restart."

>game with dialogue choices
>have to play every quest four or five times to see all the different dialogue play out and then one more time to pick the choices i like best and save

send help

I actually have been doing this with FF15. The story has been so boring that I tab into Sup Forums while a cutscene or car section is going on and then I forget entirely that I was playing and miss the entire cutscene

I skip all cutscenes like a normal person.

>OCD fags
call me when you have a real illness

That's why I said OCD like. I don't even know if it is a type of OCD.

I wish my state had better doctors mate. I went to one the top 10 best psychologist in my state

OCD is a real illness, it's just people are retarded and don't actually know what it is.

You only have OCD if it's a serious issue to your health, sanity, and social life.
Otherwise you're just a neat freak.

>Playing Nier now
>sidequests with different endings
>have this same problem

I-I'm sure it's just curiosity right?

But it is a real illness when they feel compelled to wash their hands continously until their hands start to bleed. THEN STILL WASH THEM CAUSE THEY'RE BLOODY

what a misleading thumbnail

If I skip a cutscene then I will be full of regret and think about it all day.

>hate missables in RPGs
>really hate them
>can't play an RPG without looking at a guide every few minutes
>takes so much energy I get burned out from game
>eventually drop the game and never pick it up again

It's the reason I haven't finished FFX

You're a misleading thumbnail, user

whoever first thought of this should be shot, make your game worth replaying not deprive the players of content

Literally me.
I'm techincally not autistic by the way.
Also I can't play unanimously good games because I'm never in the perfect mood to fully enjoy the masterpiece.
This is also why I haven't watched Madoka or NGE yet.

That's not true. You don't know what you're talking about. I have CDO so bad that I have to spell it CDO so that the letters are in alphabetical order. It sucks m8.

Being tired is the worst for me when I'm playing games. I just finished Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon from beginning to end without restarting it once and I actually really enjoyed it.

Fuck this insecure bitch. This is what's wrong with society today. Everyone takes everything so personally. It's a joke. People like her need to get over themselves. No one's making fun of you. Calm the fuck down.

>I'm technically not autistic
What do you mean by this? Like you have symptoms that are common with autistic people but you're actually not?

If more RPGs had new game+ so the story could be breezed through picking up things you missed and keeping certain items/weapons, the world be a better place

I got tested and I'm not autistic.
I just posted it as precaution so the only reply I get wouldn't be "lmao ur autistic x D"

Kek. Got a chuckle from me

holy fuck took a good while to see what was that

I got over this shit.

Used to walk instead of run in Diablo games, too. I was fucking psycho.

Now I only restart once, after I've gotten gud.

Just gotta deal with being uncomfortable. Slowly loosen yourself up over time.

Don't stop working on it. You're ruining your favourite hobby.

You're right, user. This is my favorite hobby and I hate to ruin something that I honestly love so much. Just gotta keeping working, eh?

chill aspie

Yeah. Let yourself be uncomfortable. That feeling goes away.

Expect to bounce between being obsessive and being carefree.

You'll find the right balance.

Why aren't you spelling all of your words in alphabetical order?

autism as an insult on this site has nothing to do with the real meaning of autism.