Its a Yahtzee bypasses the video game criticism in favor of mocking America episode

>its a Yahtzee bypasses the video game criticism in favor of mocking America episode

America is pretty shit in a lot of ways I mean I live here.

I only really have a problem when the libcucks start advocating white genocide, same when the publicucks start advocating black genocide.

If he hates america so much, why did he move there?

>falling for the middle ground is best ground maymay

He thought Trump would lose and we'd turn into Australia

He lives in Austrailia

desu, there's a lot of annoying shit about Americans

t. Murrican

>thinking genocide is bad is a middleground opinion
holy shit, dude

>He thought Trump would lose
Ah, there's the problem, he's an idiot.

The lowest common denominator sucks no matter where you go on this earth. Every nation is filled to the brim with reactionary ignorant fucks. There are also people who aren't retarded assholes but there's fewer of them.

people are annoying.

No longer. Somehow all these horrible fucking e-celebs end up moving to America. Yahtzee, Tubbabiscuits, the greasy red glassed cuckold, etc.

Fortunately once Trump is sworn in he'll take care of them for us. Was probably part of his 4D chess game getting them all within our borders for easy access.

He moved to America

that's why he stopped his Let's Drown Out series

Good. LDO was cancer.

What, he couldn't afford Straya? I think a couple years ago he was in my state for an Escapist convention or something, but I fell off the Yahtzee bandwagon years ago

He moved to SanFran, so he must have had a rich uncle or two die.

lol wut
Yahtzee probably moved to America to get closer to other content creators and because Australia's stance of video games is probably appalling to the man who hates basically everybody.

but Yahtzee's accent and aloofness appeals to my delicate brain

Yeesh, that's expensive as fuck. Well, hope he does well regardless, he was a funny guy

Many A True Nerd is better on accent, I Hate Everything better on aloof.

He probably moved there for his job, both for better vidya release schedules and easier contact with other industry people/e-celebs.

Plus a girl left him and he always throws a tantrum when that happens

>Plus a girl left him and he always throws a tantrum when that happens
Wasn't the reason he moved to Murrika because of a girl?

Why would he move because of ecelebs? He doesn't interact with them.

By that i mean that he moved because of his girlfriend was in the USA.

I stopped watching this numale Eurokuk when he literally spent half his review of Black Ops 2 crying about the fact you murder minorities in the game's first mission.

I doubt much has changed.

he's a libcuck

spent half of his recent videos moaning about BRexit, and spent quite some time proclaiming how Trump winning would be the end of times

Choke on it, fedora wearing libtard

In his Half Life playthrough he seemed okay with Trump, and said he understands people liking someone who speaks his mind.

What'd he say about Trump being terrible?

Alot of ZP videos have non subtle jabs at him

I lean left but I feel the same. Don't like being told I'm evil because I'm a male, or that I have to hate niggers because they're niggers.

I don't get why anyone lives there.
>because everyone else live there!
and why are they living there in the first place?

It's ridiculous. And it's especially ridiculous to hear people from there discuss the price points on anything. No wonder they eat up paying for online play among other awful crap you shouldn't be charged for. They're already proven to have no sense of money considering where they live to begin with.
And then it's equally amusing to see them complain about certain consoles/PCs being too expensive, when they waste such ridiculous amounts of money on everything else.

Middle Ground is objectively the second best ground to be on.

The first best is Full Blown Communism

Hope you've got the money you'll need to pay to visit Marx's grave.

I want all video game playing Limey cucks living in America out

wasn't Totalfaggot supposed to die from ass cancer already?

Can I be the jee-another-thinly-veiled-pol-thread-that-imma-point-out-anyway fag?

We don't want them back. Ask Canada to take them

Did Marx specifically ask to have his grave monetized? Or is this just another case of soviet style corruption?

>content creators

It sounds more like a post mortem piss on the grave

>wasn't Totalfaggot supposed to die from ass cancer already?
He made too many allusions to hating America, we were afraid he'd come back, so actions were taken.

Unfortunately the polonium 210 dosage didn't take into account how fucking fat he was, so it'll take a while before he dies.

he was supposed to die this month I thought.


>america is going to get donald trump as president, like what the fuck
>western europe suffering from identity crisis and rising nationalism
>eastern europe is.... eastern europe
>russia is financially collapsed but want to be a big boy again
>china is going to implode in every way possible

What a fucking mess. What a goddamn mess.

>There is one Supreme Court Justice dead, another one near death and two near retirement
>yfw its entirely possible for Trump to appoint 4 Justices to the Supreme Court

and thats without taking into account that both the Senate and the House of Reps is majority Republican now

Truly we live in the best timeline

>Everyone with a "middle ground" opinion only holds it because they think middle ground opinions must always be the best opinions
Well meme'd friend

It's almost like importing a bunch of useless refugees was a bad idea

To be fair when you put it like that, Trump seems like the best. Even though he's going to take my obamacar and I'll be dead before the first 4 years are over.

Trump's just a power-hungry mongrel.
Shame the alternative was a corrupt war-monger

Rather than best, I'd say the lesser evil won, but evil nonetheless.

It's sad that our savoir was defeated by the Anti-Christ and his Orange Minion, truly Jeb! is the Ron Paul of the 2016 election.

>Trump's just a power-hungry mongrel.
You say that as if political positions attract any other types of humans. Even the ones that convince the world they're doing it for the betterment of people need that power hungry nature to get in the running to begin with.

He's still a cunt, power hunger isn't a fault unique to him or all that rare.

Not so fast!

>we'd turn into Australia

its already shitposterland though

Hey man, Inauguration Day isn't here yet... who knows what the faithless electors voted for, slow and steady


But we do know, user. Hillary had even more faithless electors than Trump. She won the popular vote but got a second beating from the electoral college.

>implying it's all because of refugees

The refugee crisis isn't the cause, it's a symptom. Nations and people have never ever been this connected before, and our societies are evolving in a ever faster pace. You get groups of people who feel alienated and don't recognise their country since everything is constantly changing from the way we do our job to the way we handle our social lives.

The answer isn't to isolate yourself, but to rather accept that this is going to be the future. People can take a flight to anywhere in the world within hours, anyone no matter where they are from can become a citizen in any country. You can't fight globalism.

>You can't fight globalism.
Thats where you're wrong, kid!

>You can't fight globalism.

Nice fucking try, reptilians. Trump is going to stop the NWO.

>I cant read: the post

How's the Euro doing, Merkal?

>let day of the rope maymay
>lynch the blacks and the leftists
You realize if there was a purging it would be worthless NEETs like you, right user?

>All these "dude, America IS shitty though" unironically thinking theres a better place to live
>unironically think their country is better


Trump isn't going to do shit, his cabinet choices already have made that way too clear.
Daily reminder that Britain will keep freedom of movement and schengen area agreements in place to avoid becoming economically fucked.

>You get groups of people who feel alienated and don't recognise their country since everything is constantly changing from the way we do our job to the way we handle our social lives.
This is not the reason for the mass refugee wave you shitposting faggot.

>anyone no matter where they are from can become a citizen in any country!

what kind of dumbass shit am I reading


That's probably because Trump is a good target for jokes. Everybody knows him, and he's pretty easy to make fun of, regardless of your political beliefs.